Chapter 619: Siege of Crazy Corpse Sect

“Something big is not good, please tell me clearly.”

Li Qianshan furrowed his brows, and for some reason, he also had a hunch in his heart that it had been summed up.

“People from all major sects suddenly appeared, they have surrounded us in groups, and asked us to go out and throw in immediately, otherwise, they will do it.”

The man said with a look of horror.

“What did you say?”

Li Qianshan frowned, and the anxiety in his heart finally understood where it came from.

“Now there are a lot of people gathered outside. To be less, there are 300,000 giants. Not only have the Sect Leaders of all the big sects arrived, but also the masters of the Human King Realm. Sect Leader, you must think of a solution, otherwise, we will be finished.”

This humane.

“How is it possible? Are the secret whistles around and the spies planted in the major Sects eating dry food? How can these people appear by our side without knowing it?”

Li Qianshan was puzzled.

Three hundred thousand people is not a small number, three times more than all the people of the Crazy Corpse Sect combined, even if you count the war corpses they refine.

What’s more, the heads of the various martial arts and the masters of the human king realm have all arrived.

What makes him most puzzled is that so many people leave the major Sects, the spies they have planted in the major Sects should send back news as soon as possible.

Even if these people have a problem, there are hundreds of secret whistles around, and they can also be noticed.

No matter how bad it is, there are still the masters of the human king realm constantly scanning, how could it be possible that they hadn’t seen any news in advance.

“Not sure.”

This person shook his head, he was also very strange, but they appeared, just like falling from the sky, directly surrounding the crazy corpse sect.

“I don’t know, then what do I want you to do.”

Li Qianshan shouted angrily, and directly slapped him on his forehead to kill him on the spot.

“Sect Leader, what should we do now?”

The Elders panicked directly, the mad corpse sect is very strong, but it is still impossible to compete with the seven main sects.

For a time, they were also ashamed, and they were even more out of ideas.

“What to do, what to do, you won’t say anything else.”

Li Qianshan calmed down for a while, and said, “I don’t believe they dare to do anything to us. If you stay here, you will definitely catch them to me. I will go out and negotiate with Xiao Tianxing and the others.”

He felt that the matter had not reached the point of being irreversible, so he went out after speaking.


The remaining Elder looked at each other, and now they still have the mind to take care of things here, just want to know how far the outside has developed.

“Go on, as long as the matter here is resolved, other Sects will not dare to embarrass us easily even if they attack.”

One humane.


Speaking of the group, they continued to attack the fifth floor, but at this moment, a Daoist shadow suddenly walked out of a stone gate, it was Long Aotian.

“kill him!”

When everyone saw Long Aotian’s appearance, their eyes lit up, and they immediately shot at him.

But they were no more than masters of the realm of life, and they were almost like paper in front of Long Aotian, and he suppressed them all after three times.

“Why are you just a few of you, the king of the wild corpse sect?”

Long Aotian asked, these people weren’t his opponents at all, and if it were the King of Humans, it would still make him interesting.

“You, who are you, my mad corpse sect has no grievances and no grudges against you, why do you want to be nosy.”

An Elder asked, he didn’t remember that the Crazy Corpse Zong ever offended such a master.


Long Aotian didn’t like them at all, so he killed the person directly, then looked at the person next to him and asked, “For you.”

“I, I don’t know, the ancestor of the King of Human Realm is not something we can reach.”

Elder, who was named by Long Aotian, shivered and said hurriedly.

He felt that Long Aotian’s strength was very strong, and his Cultivation Base should have reached the human king stage, otherwise, he would not be able to overturn them all by himself.

In this situation, he couldn’t let this person know about the outside, otherwise they would definitely die.

“Are you hiding something from me?”

Long Aotian saw their eyes dodging a little, and immediately asked.

“No, no.”

Everyone shook their heads hurriedly.


Long Aotian waved his hand and killed another person again. He looked at the person next to him and asked, “Is there any?”

“Yes, yes, we Sect Leader came before, but now the Mad Corpse Sect has been surrounded by major forces, so we left again.”

The Elder said quickly, his voice trembling.

“Very well, then it’s time for us to play.”

Seeing that Long Aotian had been out for a long time, Ye Xiu didn’t come back, so he came out to see the situation. He just happened to hear this, and his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

Although they came later than he expected, they couldn’t be better.

“Then they?”

Long Aotian asked expectantly.

“All killed.”

Ye Xiu said coldly, for the people of the Crazy Corpse Sect, no matter how much he killed, he didn’t feel any guilt. Each of these guys was stained with countless blood.

If you kill them, many fewer people will die.


Long Aotian responded with a wave of his hand, killing them all, leaving nothing alive.

After that, Ye Xiu returned to the fifth floor and called out everyone else, and directly returned to the first floor, but they did not go out, but waited here quietly.

“Ye Xiu, shall we go out?”

Some people can’t wait, they don’t want to stay here for a moment, it’s too depressing.

“Wait, there is no war outside at this time. We will definitely be besieged by the Mad Corpse Sect when we go out now. Going out with our strength is tantamount to looking for death.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said, the best time to take action was after the war, they rushed out and they would be caught off guard by the mad corpse sect.

When the time comes, he will bring someone to help them open the guardian formation of the mad corpse sect from the inside, and the mad corpse sect will not be long.

“Ye Xiu, we might as well just hide here, I believe they have no time to take care of us.”

Another humanity, he didn’t dare to go to war with the mad corpse sect, this is the mad corpse sect, one of the top forces in the wasteland, how could it be possible to fight against them based on these people.

“Yes, Ye Xiu.”

Others responded, and they didn’t want to die.

“You have underestimated the role of this place in the heart of the mad corpse sect. There are their big secrets hidden here. If they are really going to lose, then at the last moment, they will definitely try their best to attack here. By then, you think you can How long will it last?”

Ye Xiu asked, although the bone warriors on the sixth floor were all burned by him, the people of the mad corpse sect did not know that they would definitely try their best to enter here.

Therefore, this battle is inevitable.

“All right.”

Everyone didn’t expect this, so they closed their mouths one after another, and some took a few deep breaths before they gradually calmed down their irritability.

After all, this battle was against the mad corpse sect, which was something they didn’t even dare to think about before.

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