Chapter 618 Exposure

“Dage, you are back.”

Qian Duoduo has been waiting here, seeing Ye Xiu coming back from the sixth floor and directly greeted him, and said with anxious expression on his face.

“what’s going on?”

Ye Xiu’s heart trembled. He guessed that the Crazy Corpse Sect might know that something was going on here, but he didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

“The group of people who have just sent in are all pretending to be disciples of the Mad Corpse Sect. Soon after you left, they shot directly. Fortunately, you taught them the battle before, which suppressed them.”

With a lot of money, not long after Ye Xiu left, those who were rescued by them started to take action, wanting to occupy the exit.

The result was suppressed by their use of the three-talent battle formation.

Now, these people have been imprisoned in Cultivation Base, waiting for Ye Xiu’s release.

“It seems that we have been discovered, this is just their temptation.”

Ye Xiu frowned.

“Then what should we do now?”

Qian Duoduo is very important in business, but it is slightly insufficient in this kind of thing, and I don’t know what to do.

After all, although commercial competition is also fierce, it rarely involves fighting, and even if it is lost, it will be bankrupt at best.

But if this kind of thing loses, it will kill a lot of people.

“Don’t worry, now they are just testing and don’t know the specific situation here. In this way, you will kill them all to frighten the people outside. I will adjust the rules of entering here.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while. He had already thought of this method a long time ago, but he was worried that the Crazy Corpse Sect had discovered the changes here, so he didn’t make any adjustments.

Now that it has been exposed, then he has nothing to say.

Unless they break the entrance here forcibly, otherwise, they won’t want to enter here, but it will take some time to destroy the entrance.


Qian Duoduo responded and went to handle it immediately.

“What about this old boy? Do you want to kill it together?”

Long Aotian lifted King Elder up and asked.

“No, don’t kill me, I don’t want to die, and I am also instructed by others to do this, and it has nothing to do with me. Do you think this will work, as long as you don’t kill me, I can do things for you.”

Wang Elder was startled, and hurriedly begged for mercy.


Ye Xiu remained unmoved. What he hated the most in his life was this kind of wall grass. At this time, he could betray Sect to survive, and he would definitely betray himself in the future.

So this kind of person is still killed clean.

Moreover, this guy is a master of the Seventh Stage of his life. Killing him will have a greater deterrent to outsiders. Not only him, but Wu Elder also has to die.


Long Aotian replied, with a strong right hand, directly ignoring the bitter pleading of the king Elder, and twisted his head off.

It is not a pity for such a person to do things for the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

Ye Xiu didn’t stay here, but came to the entrance of the first floor.

According to his previous thoughts, it took him an hour to adjust the exit here. As a result, it would be impossible for them to enter in a short time.

After that, Ye Xiu came to several other entrances and adjusted them one by one.

If the first layer is breached, then they can move to the second and third layers, which can create more time for them.

“Ye Xiu, are we trapped here?”

Everyone was also taken aback by this situation, and suddenly felt that the possibility of going out was even slimmer.


Ye Xiu couldn’t help it.

This place was completely closed and was blocked by a large formation, even Long Aotian couldn’t open a way to escape in a short time.

Therefore, all they can do is to wait and wait for the major forces to take action to encircle the mad corpse sect. Only in this way can they have a ray of life.

He also believed that it shouldn’t be too long.

Everyone was silent this time, but no one blamed Ye Xiu this time, because they all knew that Ye Xiu’s credit for their survival.

And with the strength of his Cave Sky Realm, he can leave here by himself, there is no need to stay and bear these with them.

So besides being grateful, they were grateful to Ye Xiu.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the entire first floor was shaken.

“They started offensive, and everyone went to the second floor.”

Ye Xiu immediately ordered that after a few days of getting along with each other and the previous small knife test, they also realized Ye Xiu’s greatness.

So as soon as Ye Xiu’s words fell, everyone moved. In a blink of an eye, everyone followed Ye Xiu to the second floor.

After more than half an hour, the entrance suddenly exploded, and several people walked in. The leader turned out to be Li Qianshan, the Sect Leader of the Crazy Corpse Sect.

At this time, Li Qianshan had already cultivated the body of a war corpse, so his face was pale and he couldn’t see his anger at all, but his eyes were filled with worry and rage.

What he is worried about is that things here will be destroyed. You must know that this matter is about the next thing. Once it is destroyed by people, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Angrily, someone could get in here without knowing it, it was like a slap in his face, making his old face hot.

If he didn’t kill this person, he couldn’t calm the anger in his heart at all.

“Sect Leader, what should I do now?”

Asked an Elder next to him.

“What else can be done, of course, continue until they are found.”

Li Qianshan said angrily.

“But if you do this, this place will be exposed!”

The Elder frowned. This matter is of great importance. If people from other powerful forces find out that not only the Crazy Corpse Sect is over, they might also have to follow along.

“This is the end of the matter. What is the difference between exposure and non-exposure, let’s do it.”

Li Qianshan was not angry, now they have no other choice, they must find these people as soon as possible to kill them, and then launch the plan in advance.

Only in this way can they have a chance of winning.


Everyone looked at each other, and just as they were about to say something, they heard Li Qianshan’s voice: “Why, do you want me to do it myself?”

“No, no, we just do it.”

The Elders were helpless, they all understood the temper of this Li Qianshan, if they dare to refuse, then The next moment themselves would become a cold corpse.

After speaking, they immediately came to the entrance of the second floor and shot at the same time.

All of a sudden the flames flew, the stone chips flew up, and for more than half an hour, this entrance was also destroyed, and they entered the second floor in this way.

There is also no one here, which makes them frowned.

After that is the third and fourth floor.

“Sect Leader, the big thing is not good.”

Just as they were about to break through the entrance of the fifth floor, someone outside suddenly ran in in a hurry and shouted eagerly.

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