The 476th chapter goes deep into it

“The time has come, and those who didn’t form a formation left quickly.”

The thin old man slowly opened his eyes and said inconclusively.

Entering the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery this time is very dangerous, even with the news provided by Ye Xiu, it can only be better and nothing more.

There are still many uncontrollable factors in the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, and even they dare not say that they can retreat.

The reason for leading disciples below one’s fate is to increase their horizons on the one hand, and to provide some help to themselves and others on the other.

In this way, they are more likely to find the spring of life and leave the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bone alive.

As for the small Wuxiang formation, it is not only to draw their strength, but also to establish a position on them. If there is a problem, they can help in time.

If people who have not formed a formation enter it, the danger will be greatly increased, so it is better not to enter.


Suddenly dozens of people retreated from the crowd, and many of them were because of fear after they came here, and they didn’t even try to condense the formation.

For this kind of person, they will never stay, otherwise, not only will they die, but other people may also be implicated.

This is not worth the gain.

“Set off!”

Several destiny masters stood up one after another, and upon an order, everyone plunged into the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bones.

When viewed from the outside, the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bones was covered by a layer of black fog. Entering into it, the black fog is not very obvious, and you can even see the clouds in the sky when you look up.

The light here is slightly gloomy, and at the same time there is a decayed breath rushing over his face.

It seems that no one has been in this place for a long time, and there are weeds everywhere, apart from that, there is nothing unusual.

Ye Xiu released his spiritual thoughts, but found that there seemed to be an invisible force around him, which blocked the exploration of his spiritual thoughts, and in the end it only covered a radius of one thousand meters.

The farther the distance, the more blurred the perception.

Regardless of his divine consciousness can cover a radius of kilometers, but the range that can be seen is only a distance of 100 meters, which is not clear with the naked eye.

So he took the divine mind back.

As for the others, not to mention, even the masters of the Celestial Sky Realm can see the range of 200 meters at most, and the farther away is a blur.

“It’s not as terrible as the legend says.”

It was an Eighth Stage master from Yujian Villa who was talking, and he walked at the end of the crowd.

Before coming, he thought there were crises everywhere, but now it seems that this is not the same as the cemetery of ten thousand bones in his imagination.

To put it bluntly, it’s just an ancient forest.


However, before he finished his words, he felt his own foot had been pierced by something, and a severe pain came over, and under the pain, he just wanted to scream.

But when he picked it up, he found that own body seemed to have been held by a body curse, directly frozen in place, unable to move.

You can’t even open your mouth and make a sound.

This was not over yet, he also found that own blood was pouring under Own’s feet at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a moment, his blood was drawn by half.

The whole person was dizzy because of the loss of blood.

At this moment, his eyes were full of fear, but he could not ask for help from the person in front of him at all.


At this time, Ye Xiu noticed something strange.

He sensed that a person’s breath was weakening rapidly through the matrix of the big unphased matrix.

Turning his head to look, only one of them froze in place, his eyes were turning quickly, and his appearance was very strange.

“what happened to you?”

Ye Xiu walked to him and asked.

When this person saw Ye Xiu coming, he was about to cry with excitement, but he couldn’t speak at all, so he could only look down with his own eyes and give Ye Xiu instructions.

Ye Xiu looked in the direction of his eyes.

An emerald green grass grew on the back of this person’s instep, swaying with the wind, and after a closer look, the whole person took a breath of air-conditioning.

This grass looked very ordinary, but it directly pierced the body of a Tongxuan Eighth Stage Tian, ​​which was incredible.

With a move in his heart, it was directly thrown over by a large group of golden flames.

The moment the green grass touched the golden flames of the sun, it quickly withered, and this person finally regained control of own body and let out a scream.

“what happened?”

This scream immediately shocked the other people, one by one, like a frightened bird, they put on a fighting posture, and their faces also showed horror.

This is the cemetery of ten thousand bones, and there is no trivial matter here.

But when they turned their heads, they only saw a person lying on the ground, but there was no shadow of a fierce beast around them. They couldn’t help but relax, but then they became strange again.

What happened just now?

Ye Xiu squatted down and pulled out the green grass from his feet. The start was no different from ordinary green grass, and the texture was also very soft.

It is hard to imagine how such a green grass could pierce the body of a Tong Xuan realm.

“Qi Tian, ​​do you know what kind of grass this is?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Let me see.”

Qi Tian had been working on Insight Xiao Yin & Yang before, trying to catch up with Ye Xiu, so he didn’t pay attention to what happened here.

Now that Ye Xiu said this, he released his soul power to perceive it, and immediately exclaimed: “Fuck, this is not grass at all, but the root of the bloodthirsty vine. Quick, let them stop. Stay where you are.”

“Stop quickly, stay where you are, it’s dangerous.”

Although Ye Xiu didn’t know what this bloodthirsty vine was, but it made Qi Tian so nervous, he didn’t need to think about it and knew how terrible it was, and immediately shouted.

Everyone is a little baffling. Since there is danger, don’t you stop and wait for death.

So they didn’t listen to Ye Xiu’s meaning at all, and instead of stopping, they panicked.

Puff puff……

Immediately afterwards, they heard a soft noise, and thousands of grasses were suddenly drilled out of the ground.

Some people’s bodies were directly pierced by the green grass, and it was only a moment’s effort that these people were drained of blood and turned into corpses.

“Fuck, what the hell is this.”

Everyone was shocked and immediately retreated a step subconsciously, and at the same time took out the long sword and slashed it.

“Didn’t you hear anything special? Stand still and don’t move.”

Ye Xiu shouted loudly under Qi Tian’s reminder, but it turned out to be a step too late. Faced with spirit weapons of varying grades, these grasses couldn’t resist, and Qi Gen cut him off instantly.

But a terrible scene appeared.

The cut grass did not die directly, but took root. In an instant, within a range of hundreds of meters was occupied by the grass.

And the taller the grass grows, the longer and thicker it is, and the color changes from green to red.

In just a few breaths, it has grown into a cane with thin arms, with countless barbs growing on it, which looks like the fangs of a beast, and it is extremely cruel.

After that, the countless vines twitched and rushed towards them, and the place they passed was a mess.

Within a short period of time, several more people were buried here, and all their blood was drained.

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