The 475th chapter is small without phase formation

“Before entering the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, everyone must cultivate Xiao Wuxiang Formation. I will give you one day. Those who cannot master Xiao Wuxiang Formation will leave consciously.”

A thin old man in a plain robe gave a low voice, but the voice rang directly in everyone’s mind.

Then I saw him wave his hand, and hundreds of Jade Slips fell into everyone’s hands accurately.

Ye Xiu and Lin Qingcheng took this Jade Slip, and the power of soul was injected into it, and then a formation called Xiao Wuxiang Array appeared in their minds.

After reading it briefly, Ye Xiu understood its specific function.

It is based on its own vitality, condensing a formation in the body, and then building a huge formation on the basis of people.

The formation formed by this method is different from the ordinary formation. It has no fixed form. As long as the gratifying range is within a certain range, the formation in their bodies will induce each other to form a formation.

It is precisely for this reason that this formation is called an invisible array, which means invisible and intangible.

The biggest feature of this formation is that it can bring together the power of the people who make up the formation, and thus exert a very terrifying power.

Before, he was wondering why he had to bring so many people to explore the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery.

After all, this exploration of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery is not to play. Although there are masters of the fate to lead the team, the safety factor is greatly improved, but they can’t cover everything.

Seeing the small Wuxiang formation, Ye Xiu realized that there was a reason for all this.

“Why is it a small non-phased array, why not a big non-phased array?”

Qi Tian asked inexplicably.

“There is still no phase formation?”

Ye Xiu asked curiously, the formations he knows are all basic formations, and he doesn’t know much about advanced products such as large and small phaseless arrays.

“Of course, this big phaseless formation is the truly powerful formation, which is suitable for use now, and I don’t know what they are doing.”

Qi Tian nodded and said, in his memory, Xiao Wuxiang Formation is a formation used only by the third-class sects, because it will cause a lot of power loss, and at most it can extract 50% of everyone’s power.

But the Big Wuxiang Array is different, it can extract 100% of everyone’s power.

In other words, the use of a large phaseless array can gather all the strength of the people in the array without loss, and it will be able to exert a very terrible power.

You know, the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery that they entered this time, even if it is a large-scale formation, may not be able to keep them safe.

As for the small phaseless array, not to mention it.

“It should be lost.”

Ye Xiu guessed that even though he didn’t quite understand the difference between the small non-phased array and the big non-phased array, it was not difficult to see from Qi Tian’s meaning that the big non-phased array was obviously stronger.

Under this circumstance, they still choose the small non-phased array, which can only show that the big non-phased array has been lost.

After all, what they are going to is the cemetery of ten thousand bones, who dares to underestimate it.

“It shouldn’t be, other schools may not have it, but there must be some in the Lingwu family.”

Qi Tian shook his head and said, this Lingwu family has been inherited for thousands of years, longer than the existence of Wuliangzong, and there must be a big Wuxiang formation in the Lingwu family.

How can you take the next step and use this little phaseless array?

“It’s hard to say. Three thousand years is a long period of time. Who knows what happened later, in my opinion, the Great Wuxiang Formation must have been lost.”

Ye Xiu said that a thousand years in the wasteland is a hurdle, and few sects can survive for a thousand years.

Over the past three thousand years, the power of the wasteland has undergone several changes, and the loss of some Cultivation Techniques is naturally reasonable, not to mention such a formation.

“That’s true.”

Qi Tian nodded, suddenly as if thinking of something, and said: “You will show me the contents of Jade Slip.”


Ye Xiu passed the contents of Jade Slip directly.

“You don’t need to learn this. This is a sub-array. To put it bluntly, it can only provide strength. I will teach you the method of forming a large formation without phase formation. In this way, you can mobilize the power of the phaseless formation against the enemy. .”

Qi Heavenly Dao.

Regardless of whether it is a big non-phased array or a big non-phased array, it is the matching method of the sub-array and the mother array.

The mother formation is the main one, which can mobilize the power of the big formation to fight the enemy, while the sub-array is auxiliary, and its role is to provide power for the mother formation. Other than that, it is useless.

The difference between the small non-phased array and the large non-phased array lies in the way the mother array forms, but the sub-arrays are the same.

In other words, if Ye Xiu mastered the mother formation of the Great Wuxiang Formation, then he could not only mobilize the power of others, but also be able to exert the effect of the Great Wuxiang Formation.

And the most important point is that the range of the main induction sub-array of the large non-phased array is a hundred times that of the small non-phased array, and no one else can see it.

In other words, as long as Ye Xiu mastered this formation, even if he left the crowd, no matter where he went, he could mobilize their power from a distance.

In this way, Ye Xiu could turn passive into active.

If someone wants to trouble him, it is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

As he spoke, Qi Tian had already passed on the mother formation method.

“It’s a complicated method of formation.”

Ye Xiu frowned after seeing this method.

He had seen the formation method of the small phaseless array before. It was just a few simple structures. Compared with the method Qi Tian gave, the degree of complexity was directly ascending more than a hundred times.

“This is the formation method of the Great Phaseless Formation. It is naturally complicated, but with your soul strength and understanding of formation, formation within a day is not a problem at all.”

Qi Tian is still very confident about this.

“Okay, I will try.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He wasn’t used to relying on others for his own life and death. With a matrix of no phases, he could control his own destiny.

Although it is more complicated, it is not impossible.

With a movement in his heart, he immediately mobilized the true essence in his body, and began to condense formation in his own body according to the formation method of the big non-phase matrix matrix.

One day was fleeting, Ye Xiu only felt his body shook, and the mother formation successfully condensed. The next moment, with the mother formation, he could clearly feel the breath of the people who formed the formation.

At this time, he felt angry in his heart. As long as he owns a thought, he can mobilize all their power for battle.

Even those masters of this fate are no exception.

“What a magical feeling.”

Ye Xiu couldn’t help saying.

“Little Ye Zi, there is one more thing I have to remind you. Although the mother formation of the big non-phase formation is strong, it is best not to use power beyond your own control, otherwise, this is not a good thing for you, and It’s a disaster.”

Qi Tian reminded that if there is no matching control power, the more power mobilized, the greater the possibility of backlash.

It’s like letting a three or four-year-old kid dance with a big sword. It’s a complete act of death.

However, with the strength of Ye Xiu’s soul, with the help of the Big Wuxiang Formation, Ascension is a big Realm without much problem.

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