Chapter 463 What did you just say?

“I have to say that your performance greatly exceeded my expectations, but it’s a pity that you are too naive.”

As soon as Zhao Yanhu’s voice fell, the surrounding space was trembling, and then a huge formation was formed in an instant, covering the area of ​​one thousand meters.

The reason why he decided to compete with Ye Xiu was because he knew very well that Ye Xiu could not go to Jindingzong with himself.

Ye Xiu killed Bai Longfei, the son of Jindingzong Sect Leader.

Once he enters the Jindingzong, his life and death are really beyond his control.

If you were yourself, you wouldn’t want to be caught by them even if you died outside, so at least you could choose the way of death.

So his main purpose is to delay time.

Of course, if he could win better, he would save a lot of trouble, but unfortunately he underestimated Ye Xiu, so now he can only rely on formation.

Now that the formation has been opened to completely isolate the world, Ye Xiu, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, can’t escape from his hands.

“It turns out that your back hand is this formation.”

Ye Xiu had already discovered that the other party was doing small movements, but he didn’t know what the specific small movements were, and everything was clear at this time.

And he also has a certain understanding of formation, which can be regarded as an introduction, and he knows at a glance that this is a fairly powerful formation.

Under normal circumstances, it is enough to trap yourself.

“Yes, this formation is called the Lock Domain Formation, which can seal off one side of the world. Here, even the masters of the cave world can never want to go out in a short time, so you…fuck!”

Zhao Yanhu stood in place and talked. In order to prevent Ye Xiu from escaping, he took great pains and paid a lot of price to set up the formation.

As he said, once this formation is formed, even if it is a master of the Heavenly Caverns, it is impossible to escape from it in a short time.

But before he finished speaking, he found that Ye Xiu had disappeared. After looking around, he found that Ye Xiu appeared outside the formation.

This made him stand up on the spot.

What a damn it is.

“What did you just say, I didn’t catch it.”

Ye Xiu asked aloud while studying this formation.

You Longbu can ignore all obstacles. The big formation that sealed Qi Tian at the beginning does not know how many times stronger than this lock field formation, and it still can’t stop You Longbu.

This formation is even worse.

But he didn’t leave in a hurry. On the one hand, he felt that Qi Tian hadn’t finished his work, and on the other hand, he had just come into contact with formation, so he was very interested in this aspect.

This was the first formation he saw after studying formation, and he was naturally full of curiosity.

So I didn’t hear what Zhao Yanhu said clearly.

“You, how did you get out?”

Not only Zhao Yanhu, but others were also blinded, especially those who set up the formation.

“Just walked out like this.”

Ye Xiu said, “It’s not that your formation level is really not very good. The connection between the various Restrictions is not close enough, and the formation is weakened out of thin air by 30%, and it fails; there is no tacit understanding between the people who set up the formation. , Resulting in the failure to synchronize the various links of the formation, and weakening the power by 10%, or failing.”

Ye Xiu continued: “The most outrageous thing is that you didn’t even get to the base of the formation, so you started to set up the formation. Who gave you the courage to come out and be embarrassed?”

Although the basics of formation are all basics, it records the fat Elder’s many experiences and understanding of formation, which invisibly improved his vision.

Although Ye Xiu couldn’t set up such a big formation right now, he could still understand it.

It can be said that this lock field formation is full of loopholes in his eyes, even if he does not need to swim the dragon step, he can easily get out of it.


The few people in the formation were directly affected by Ye Xiu’s facelessness, and they all bowed their heads.

Because what Ye Xiu said were the shortcomings of this formation, they knew it themselves, but due to the tight time, they could only make do with it.

Ye Xiu could tell whoever wanted to.

This shows that Ye Xiu is also very proficient in formations, and Realm is only higher than them.

This discovery immediately gave them a sense of being an axe, wishing they could find a place to sew in, which was so embarrassing.

As for the others, they had no idea for a while and subconsciously turned to Zhao Yanhu.

“What do you guys look at me doing, don’t leave the formation, grab him.”

The anger in Zhao Yanhu’s heart, when is this, you see that I can solve the problem, it’s really a bunch of waste.

“Yes Yes Yes……”

At this time, all the talents woke up like a dream.

But those who were in the formation had an urge to cry.

This formation has just been built, but it hasn’t worked. First it was sprayed wildly by Ye Xiu, and now it has to be demolished directly. Isn’t this torturing people to play.

But since Zhao Yanhu should speak, they couldn’t help but follow suit.

Soon this formation was completely demolished, and with Zhao Yanhu as the leader, everyone chased Ye Xiu again.

“I won’t play with you anymore.”

Ye Xiu counted the time, and it felt like it was about time. Qi Tian’s side should have been done, and it was time for them to taste the feeling of being trapped.

So directly took the You Long Step and ran towards Qi Tian’s direction.

“Hurry up.”

Zhao Yanhu frowned and frowned. Now this situation was completely beyond his expectations. Not only did his own method fail to catch Ye Xiu, but instead created a chance for him to escape.

In addition, he was completely defeated by him, it can be said that he lost his wife and broke down.

But he also knew that the top priority was to find a way to catch Ye Xiu as soon as possible. If he let him run away, he might not end well.

“Incompetent bungler.”

Sang Yuchun couldn’t help but cursed, what a good opportunity at the beginning, if he did what he said and attacked them in groups, no matter how powerful Ye Xiu was, he would not be able to escape.

Now not only did the cooked duck fly, but if they couldn’t catch Ye Xiu, they would also have to be punished.

How could he be happy.

“What did you say?”

Zhao Yanhu paused, looking at Sang Yunchun with a cold expression.

“I mean chase him, don’t let him run away, or we will all have to follow him and be punished.”

Sang Yunchun’s eyes shrank. Although he was angry, he didn’t dare to speak out in front of Zhao Yanhu, unless he didn’t want to live anymore.


Of course Zhao Yanhu heard his words and felt a little wronged in his heart. He didn’t know that Ye Xiu was still proficient in formation and could escape from it so easily.

But the matter has become a foregone conclusion, no matter how wronged he is, he can only accept this fact.

And I’m afraid I don’t know him who has this kind of thought, but other people dare not say anything. Can I kill them all?

If he really did that, then he might not be far from death.

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