Chapter 462: Are you still fighting?

“Boy, you succeeded in angering me.”

Zhao Yanhu breathed fire in his eyes, and he hadn’t tasted a defeat since cultivation, but now he suffered a big loss under Ye Xiu’s hands, especially in front of so many disciples of the same class.

Those words of them, like slaps one by one, slapped his face hard, making him lose face.

And all this was caused by Ye Xiu.

If Ye Xiu knew what he thought, he would definitely sneer. Did Daddy ask you to trouble me?


A huge breath burst out from his body, and the aura of the whole body reached its peak.

Obviously he is no longer ready to continue to suppress Cultivation Base and fight Ye Xiu, because he now understands that this kid’s strength is not something he can contend with suppressing Cultivation Base.

Although doing so will make him wear a hat that is fatal to his words, it is better than being rubbed back and forth by Ye Xiu on the ground.

“Hit if you want, there is so much nonsense.”

Ye Xiu is impatient and authentic, you think you are afraid of you if you don’t suppress Cultivation Base daddy, daddy is too scared.

Besides, this is your own wishful thinking, not what I asked for.

“Very good, Dayan Thunder Fire Seal.”

Zhao Yanhu is not wasting time either. He must lock the battle as quickly as possible and defeat Ye Xiu with thunder. Only in this way can he save his own face as much as possible.

If he recovers, Cultivation Base will fight Ye Xiu for hundreds of rounds.

Even if he wins Ye Xiu in the end, there is nothing to be happy about, and others will only think that he is bullying the small.

So his shot is the strongest trick.

As soon as the voice fell, his hands immediately formed two different handprints, and the vitality in his body vibrated, blowing the clothes into a hunting noise.

Then, a crimson flame mark appeared on his right hand, and thunder lights flashed on his left hand.

These thunder lights gradually converged into a Thunder Rune.

The hands quickly folded, and the two forces quickly merged under Zhao Yanhu’s control.

In an instant, fire and thunder light spread on his hands, and there was a crackling sound in his ears, and a terrifying aura burst out.


Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up, the fusion of the two powers was very difficult.

Especially the two attributes of thunder and fire are known for their rage, and it is very difficult to merge them together.

It’s like letting two fierce tigers live in peace, it’s impossible.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a mountain but no two tigers.

If he hadn’t used the Nine Transformation Tianxin, I am afraid that he would not be able to easily integrate multiple powers together.

With this alone, Zhao Yanhu is already ahead of many people.


Zhao Yanhu yelled violently, his hands suddenly pushed out, the two forces of thunder and fire quickly entangled together, forming a red and white big seal, and bombarded Ye Xiu.

This red and white seal is not big, only ten feet in size, but the power contained in it is extremely terrifying, and the world has changed color because of its appearance.

The people of Jin Dingzong seemed to know the power of Zhao Yanhu’s move, and they backed away for fear of being implicated.

“Ray, I also have the power of fire.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hands, the two powers of thunder and fire converged in his palm, gradually forming a football-sized red and white energy ball.

The flames are surging, and the thunder is overflowing, like thousands of fire snakes and thunder snakes are wriggling.

Compared with Zhao Yanhu, the speed at which Ye Xiu merged the two forces was simply staggering.

After that, Ye Xiu threw the energy ball directly, and a terrible energy was released when the two forces collided, and the space could not be resisted, and it was directly torn apart.

At the same time, a powerful suction force was generated from the crack, and this terrible energy was immediately incorporated into it and disappeared.

However, the fluctuations caused by the collision did not disappear, spreading around like a violent wind sweeping fallen leaves, and the barren mountains underneath were the first to bear the brunt and were directly shattered.

The mountain stone was instantly wiped out by this force.

After all the dust settled, a huge pit appeared on the scene, and the barren mountain no longer existed.

Zhao Yanhu stood on the side of the deep pit, his clothes in rags, and his hair messed up. There was blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth and eyes.

It looked like it was coming off the battlefield.

At this moment, he frowned and looked not far away, lying on the ground, Ye Xiu, whose whole body was cracked, didn’t have the slightest joy on his face.

Although he had won this battle, it was a tragic victory. Even though his power was consumed half, his internal organs were also severely injured by this terrifying force.

He was able to stand up, mainly because of the powerful Cultivation Base, the body protector Yuan Gang resisted most of the power.

The master of the Seventh Stage with his own dignity, he is even a genius who pretends to be superior to the eight masters of the wasteland, but he was forced to this level by a kid with the Third Stage of the Xuan.

There is nothing to be happy about winning, but I feel a deep humiliation.

Moreover, he can win because of the advantage of Cultivation Base. If Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base is the same as himself, then he will not only be injured, but he may be directly beheaded on the spot.

The strength and potential of this kid are too terrifying. Compared with him, the eight masters of the wasteland are simply the difference between the clouds and the mud, and he dare not say genius in front of him.


There was a rush of coughing, and then Zhao Yanhu’s eyes suddenly became round.

Because he saw Ye Xiu, who was still lying on the ground before, venting more and less, actually sat up slowly and looked at himself with a playful look.

And his whole body is filled with a light blue power.

If you look closely, this power is like an Azure Dragon entwining him.

Under the influence of this force, his injury was also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wound on his body was completely healed in a moment.

“How can it be!”

Zhao Yanhu looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

He knows that the power of wood attributes has a strong resilience, and at this moment, he is also recovering from his injuries with the power of wood attributes.

But Own’s recovery speed is not fast, and it takes at least a week to fully recover. This is still the case when he does nothing.

But Ye Xiu’s injury has been restored to the same level after only a moment of effort from healing to the present.

If it weren’t for his paleness, he wouldn’t believe that Ye Xiu had been injured before.

The same is the power of the wood attribute, the gap is too big.

“Do you still fight?”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

He was very aware of the gap between himself and Zhao Yanhu, even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to win, but the existence of Yimu Longqi gave him a chance to win.

Although this Yimu Dragon Qi cannot enhance his combat power like Da Ri Jin Yan and Zi Xiao Shen Lei or Shura True Qi, it can give him a nearly immortal body.

As long as he still has a breath, he can quickly recover. This is also the confidence he dares to fight Zhao Yanhu.

Of course, if the poison of the bone-eroding clam is used, then Zhao Yanhu may have turned into a pool of blood at this time.

But it was a fair and honest test between them. Although this test is not fair at all, as long as you don’t play yin, I don’t bother to use it.

That’s how he does things. How you treat me, I will return it to you hundreds of times, no matter how good or bad.

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