Chapter 358 Return to the Lingwu Family

“I don’t know if you have heard of the method of sealing the apertures?”

Qi Tian asked.

“You don’t want to sell it, just tell me how to do it.”

Ye Xiu is already burning his eyebrows anxiously now, this guy still has some spare time to sell it, it’s really Damn it.

“The method of sealing the orifice is to seal a person’s 108 acupuncture points with golden needles, thereby causing them to enter a state of suspended animation. Therefore, this method is also called Jinzhen Du acupoints. In this way, the speed at which his heart is broken It will slow down drastically, so you have more time to find a way to treat him.”

Qi Tian continued: “However, this method can only last for one year. If you still can’t find a way to cure him within a year, then he will never wake up.”

“I can’t manage so much now, let me know how to seal the orifice.”

Ye Xiu said immediately, although this method could not heal Mu Tianye’s injury, it could create enough time for him to find a cure.

If not, Mu Tianye would have only three months of life left.

But three months is too short, and he can’t guarantee that he will find a way.


Qi Tian nodded, and immediately passed the method of sealing the aperture to Ye Xiu.

After Ye Xiu got the method, he immediately took out a piece of gold and refined one hundred and eight gold needles. According to the method of sealing the orifice, he pierced the one hundred and eight gold needles into Mu Tianye’s acupoint.

After that, he released Divine Sense to check Mu Tianye’s situation, and found that the speed of the heart vein rupture had indeed slowed down, which also made him breathe a sigh of relief.

“Little Ye Zi, from now on, the golden needle on his body cannot be pulled off, otherwise, the method of sealing the orifice will fail, and it will let his vitality leak out. That way, his injury will deteriorate more rapidly. ”

Qi Tian reminded him that he didn’t want to be jealous of Ye Xiu because of the Xiaohu incident.

So it’s better to make it clear in advance.

“I see.”

Ye Xiu naturally understood this. He had already seen the method of sealing the orifice, which was to use the golden needle to cut off Mu Tianye’s connection with the outside world and seal the vitality in his body, so that he could prolong his life.

This is like a balloon, it leaks all the time, but the number is very small.

But once he breaks a hole, he will only die faster.

“Now you can’t relax your vigilance. You must rush back to the Lingwu family as soon as possible. I think that the Lingwu family has been passed down for thousands of years and there should be relevant records.”

Qi Tian continued.

“I think so too, no matter what, I can’t let Amano die.”

Ye Xiu’s thoughts coincided with Qi Tian, ​​so he didn’t delay anymore and directly summoned the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.

Holding Mu Tianye in one hand, and holding the man’s neck in the other, he jumped directly onto the grief of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, and hurried back to the Lingwu Family.

At the speed of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, they only took one hour to reach the Lingwu Family.

The disciples who guarded the gate knew Ye Xiu. He had made a big fuss here before, and even Elder of Inner Sect was shocked by the movement.

So here, Ye Xiu’s reputation is very big, with lessons learned, who would dare to stop him.

So after Ye Xiu arrived at the door, he didn’t even stop, and directly rode the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon into the Lingwu Family.

“Brother, who is this man, he is so arrogant that he can’t even mount his mount.”

It was a disciple who was new to the Lingwu family. Although he also knew about Ye Xiu’s trouble with the Lingwu family, he had never seen Ye Xiu personally.

So I was a little surprised to see that the other seniors didn’t even dare to say anything, and just let them go.

Even Elder doesn’t have such a big style.

“He is Ye Xiu.”

The brother replied.

“Ah, he is Ye Xiu!”

This person was surprised, but he had always regarded Ye Xiu as his own idol before.

You know, this Lingwu family’s door isn’t something everyone dared to break through, but not only did he break through, he also injured a lot of people.

In the end, he has nothing to do.

So Ye Xiu had already become the idol of these new disciples, but he didn’t expect that the first time I saw him would be on this occasion.

The most ridiculous thing is that I haven’t recognized it yet.

“Don’t you guys notice that the giant eagle that Ye Xiu rides is a bit weird.”

Someone next to him asked.

“Of course I noticed, but I haven’t seen this eagle. It should be a new breed, right?”

The person next to him should be reconciled.

“Eagle? Which one of your eyes looks like an eagle. It is a falcon. If I am not mistaken, it should be the legendary Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. It is a very terrifying flying Demonic Beasts, the overlord of the sky, even lightning. The golden eagle has nothing but to be slaughtered in front of it.”

Someone recognized the origin of the Silver Emperor.

“Impossible, I have never heard of anyone who can surrender the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.”

“Never heard of it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. You know, this Ye Xiu is not an ordinary person. Even if something bizarre happens to him, I think it’s normal.”

“That’s what I said, but I’m still a little unbelievable. This is the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. It would be nice if it were given to me.”

“Here, you can manage it? Go to sleep.”

Although Ye Xiu had been away for a long time, the discussion about him at the entrance did not stop. Coupled with the discovery of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, they admired Ye Xiu even more.

But Ye Xiu didn’t stop at all, and soon came to the top of Wu Santong’s hill.

At this time, Wu Santong seemed to have noticed Ye Xiu’s arrival, and immediately walked out of the bamboo building to greet him.

“Fuck, Silver Emperor Falcon, Xiu’er, how did you surrender it?”

Wu Santong recognized the origin of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon at a glance, and was shocked in place. This thing has never been surrendered, it is incredible.

“Master, now is not the time to talk about this, come and take a look at Amano.”

Ye Xiu didn’t waste time on this matter, he directly hugged Mu Tianye down and placed it in front of Wu Santong.

“What’s wrong with Amano?”

Wu Santong was immediately confused by this situation. Didn’t he go out to practice with Xiaohu, how come he was brought back by Ye Xiu in a blink of an eye.

It seems that he has suffered serious injuries.

And he’s back, where’s the little fox?

“This matter is a long story, first see if there is any way to save him.”

Ye Xiu said.


Wu Santong resisted the curiosity in his heart and immediately released his own soul power to check Mu Tianye’s situation.

But when he learned about Mu Tianye’s situation, his brows frowned directly.

“Xiuer, what the hell is going on? How could Amano suffer such a serious injury? Who did it?”

Wu Santong asked, a broken heart pulse is a fatal injury, which is even more dangerous than Dantian being broken.

After all, Dantian was broken just because he couldn’t continue his cultivation. People can still continue to live, but if the heart pulse is completely broken, then even if the god of Da Luo descended, it would be impossible to return to the sky.

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