Chapter 357 Dage, I’m Sorry


This person opened his mouth wide and identified Mu Changsheng. Isn’t this going to send him to death? You know, this Mu Changsheng is a named disciple of Di Yang Elder.

Although Di Yang has now left the Bailao group, he has become the top ten Elder of the entire Lingwu family, assisting Sect Leader in handling various matters.

Its status and power have not been reduced, but have become greater.

And this Mu Changsheng himself is Inner Sect Elders, with a lofty status.

If they want to kill themselves, they can just find a reason to put themselves to death, even ten Ye Xiu can’t stop it.

“You have no other choice. If you want to survive, you can only do what I say, otherwise, I will make you worse off than death.”

Ye Xiu said with a cold face, he didn’t discuss it with him again, and couldn’t tolerate him to refuse.


The person sighed, and he really had no other choice at this point.

Now he can only hope that Ye Xiu can block the pressure exerted by Di Yang Elder.

Ye Xiu ignored him, but came to Mu Tianye’s side, released own Divine Sense to check Mu Tianye’s situation, and frowned immediately.

“Dage, I’m sorry, I didn’t protect my sister-in-law.”

Mu Tianye blamed himself very much. If his own strength was not too weak, then none of this would happen, and it would be impossible for the little fox to be taken away by the old woman.

“Amano, don’t talk first, I won’t let you have anything to do.”

Although Ye Xiu wanted to know the situation of Little Fox, Mu Tianye’s current situation was very unstable.

Even with the Nine Cycles Gold Core hanging, his situation is not optimistic. Not only is there no sign of improvement, but it is getting worse.

He said that he wouldn’t let Mu Tianye have something to do, but he didn’t think of a way to save him.

Because after his previous inspection, it was found that Mu Tianye’s heart was damaged, which was a fatal injury.

It is like a domino, once it starts, it will continue to deteriorate, until the heart pulse is completely broken, and the ordinary Medicine Pill cannot be cured at all.

Although there is no life worry, but it can only last for three months at most.

Once the heart vein is completely broken, even if the god of Daluo descends, he will still be unable to return to heaven.

“No, Dage, I want to say, because I know the own situation, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to say it again if I don’t say it.”

Mu Tianye understands Own’s situation very well, his heart is damaged, there is no cure, and the reason why he can persist until now is to tell Ye Xiu the whole story.

So that he knows who took the sister-in-law away.

In this way, even if he is dead, he can look down.

“Amano, what silly thing you said, trust me, I won’t let you do anything.”

Ye Xiu was also a little panicked, he naturally didn’t want Mu Tianye to have an accident, but now he racked his brains and didn’t think of a way to save Mu Tianye.

But even so, I will not give up.

“Dage, you first listen to me to finish.”

It’s not that Mu Tianye didn’t believe in Ye Xiu, but that his injury was too serious, directly hurting his own heart, and now he is almost unable to stay awake.

After a while, he might fall into a deep sleep. If he can’t tell this matter, he will probably never have a chance to say it again.

“Well, you say, I will listen.”

Ye Xiu didn’t stop Mu Tianye anymore, because he could see that this was a knot of his current heart, and if he didn’t say it, it would be harmful and useless to his injury.

“Dage, the sister-in-law was taken away by an old woman. At that time, six of them besieged us. I tried my best to bring the sister-in-law out. But the good times didn’t last long, and they soon caught up with them. Fortunately This old woman appeared in time, shocked a few of them and rescued the sister-in-law, otherwise, you would not see me.”

Mu Tianye continued: “Also, that old woman’s strength is very strong, but her aura makes those few people dare not even fart, she is considered the strongest of the people I have ever seen, and I don’t think so. Without telling her depth, I guess, she must at least be a master of the Heavenly Cavern Realm.”

“But you don’t have to worry too much. I can see that the old woman seems to respect her sister-in-law, so I don’t think she will hurt her sister-in-law. But where they went, I don’t know.”

“Also, I seem to have seen this old woman somewhere before, but I have been thinking about it for a long time these days. I just can’t remember where I saw her. If you give me a period of time, I will definitely be able to remember it, but unfortunately My time is running out.”

“Amano, don’t talk anymore, I know it, don’t worry, I will find the little fox, you have a good rest now, I will definitely find a way to heal you.”

Ye Xiu listened to Mu Tianye’s words, every word was like a sharp blade pierced into his chest, making him unhappy.

Even now, Mu Tianye was still thinking about his own affairs, which moved him and blamed himself even more.

If he had come one day early, Mu Tianye would not have suffered such a severe injury.

Moreover, this matter was caused entirely by themselves, and they just suffered it for themselves.

If something happened to Zhenmu Amano, he would never forgive own.

“Dage, I know my situation very well myself. You don’t want to waste time on me, and I can recognize you as Dage in my life. It’s no regrets. It’s a pity that I can’t accompany you to the end of the sword.”

Mu Tianye took a breath, slowly, and then said, “Dage, if there is an afterlife, we will still be brothers.”

“Shut up, I don’t allow you to say such things, I say that if you can be cured, you will be cured.”

Ye Xiu almost roared out. In just over a month, his two brothers had said similar things, how could this make him bear it.

And he will never give up.

The Lingwu family has been passed down for thousands of years, and he doesn’t believe that he can’t find a way to heal him. Even if he pays a high price, he will save Mu Tianye back.

“By the way, Dage, apologize for me and my third brother. I was really too harsh on him before, but I did it for his own good. I hope he won’t blame me…”

Mu Tianye’s voice became smaller and smaller, and at the end, he passed out directly.

“Don’t sleep in Amano, I will take you back to the clan immediately, I believe the master must be able to save you, did you hear that!”

Ye Xiu hurriedly shook Mu Tianye’s body, trying to wake him up, but no matter how he shook, Mu Tianye didn’t move.

“Little Ye Zi, this kid’s heart is damaged. Although I don’t know how to treat it, I have a way to extend the time his heart is broken.”

Qi Tian knew that it was time for him to come forward.

“any solution?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up, how did he forget this old monster to him.

He has lived for such a long time, and his experience and knowledge are not comparable to him. Although this method can only extend Mu Tianye’s life, it is better than nothing.

And the longer it was delayed, the greater his hope of saving Mu Tianye back.

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