Chapter 204 Sudden Attack

Early the next morning, a Daoist shadow walked out of the cabin and wandered aimlessly on the deck.

Slow action and expressionless face.

It looks like a marionette.

But since most people are cultivating, they didn’t notice the strangeness of this person.

Slowly, he came to the vicinity of Ye Xiu and others.

Knowing that Xiao Can wanted to deal with himself, and now that he was in the same boat with him, Ye Xiu remained vigilant at all times, and beware of his insidious tricks.

After all, the guy’s personality has been distorted, and he cannot be seen from the perspective of ordinary people.

So Ye Xiu noticed the person as soon as he approached, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing that the person here was not Xiao Can, and he didn’t feel the slightest murderous aura, and he quickly walked to other places, Ye Xiu’s heart was relieved.

Then he closed his eyes again and continued cultivation.


Ye Xiu frowned, recalling the strange behavior and state of this person. He didn’t look like a normal person at all, but rather like a licking puppet.

He immediately realized that this person had a problem.

When he opened his eyes again, this person also changed his previous slow Tuntun appearance, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the little fox.

“not good.”

Ye Xiu was shocked and rushed towards this person, but he was still a step late.

This person first came to Xiaohu’s side and slapped her on the body.

The little fox who was in cultivation also noticed the crisis and suddenly opened his eyes, but it was too late.

I only felt a huge force coming. Before the whole person could react, he was shot and flew out, fell directly from the boat, and disappeared.

At this moment Ye Xiu also arrived, with a palm printed on his chest, but after seeing the little fox being knocked off the spaceship, Ye Xiu didn’t have time to think about it, and one of them jumped off the ship.

All of this happened between the light of calcium carbide and fire. When Mu Tianye and the others recovered, Xiaohu and Ye Xiu had already jumped off the boat, while the man was lying on the ground knowing whether he was alive or dead.


After a while, Mu Tianye reacted, and when he thought of his own Dage sister-in-law being killed by this guy, his eyes suddenly turned red, and the whole person fell into madness.

With a flick of his right hand, a bright knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed frantically at the person’s body.

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew freely, and blood was wanton.

Others were also awakened by this scene. Seeing Mu Tianye’s cruel behavior, some people vomited directly.

In a short period of time, he chopped this man into meat sauce.

Too cruel.

“Amano, stop now.”

Feng Baizhan and others also rushed over at this time, seeing Mu Tianye at this time, his heart trembled suddenly.

Thinking that he was affected by the Heavenly Demon body again, he immediately shot and suppressed him with the powerful Cultivation Base.

“Let go of me, I will smash him into pieces.”

Mu Tianye roared, this spacecraft was flying high in the sky, and it was extremely fast.

Ye Xiu and Xiaohu fell from the boat, and there was absolutely no possibility of surviving. The anger in his heart couldn’t be suppressed when he thought of this.

“What exactly is going on?”

Feng Baizhan suppressed Mu Tianye while looking at Zhang Ming and Qian Duoduo. He didn’t understand why this guy suddenly became so angry.

“Patriarch, he is damned, Hugh Young Master and Xiaohu were both killed by him.”

Zhang Ming also has a sad look on his face, why, why do everyone have to be enemies with Hugh Young Master? If he provokes you, he still harms you.

“What did you say!”

Feng Baizhan’s face became stiff, how could it be possible, who would dare to do this kind of thing on this.

And there doesn’t seem to be any deep hatred between this person and Ye Xiu.

Wait, Xiao Can did it again.

“what happened.”

Xiao Can also walked out of the cabin at this time, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and now I see how you can survive.

He had seen everything that had just happened through this person’s eyes.

His method of controlling this person is his Xiao family’s inheritance technique, which is very cruel, directly obliterating the opponent’s consciousness, and then practicing it into an own puppet.

He only needs to separate a ray of soul power to control it, and no one can detect it at all.

Now Mu Tianye regarded him as meat sauce again, and even no evidence was found.

Speaking of which, he was really grateful to Mu Tianye, which saved him a lot of trouble.

He knew very well that it was not worth the loss to take action against Ye Xiu in this situation, so he used this method and picked himself up directly.

No one wants to make own trouble.

Now Ye Xiu jumped off the boat, at such a height, he would definitely die with his Cultivation Base.

“Xiao Can, you didn’t do this thing yet.”

Feng Baizhan grabbed him by the neck and was extremely angry. He used Lei Jinlong to almost kill Ye Xiu before, but now he dares to do so.

Do you really dare not kill you?

“Patriarch Feng, what do you mean, I have always been in the room, and the fierce beasts have been killed by you. What does it have to do with me?”

Xiao Can’s expression remained unchanged.

“In my opinion, you did it. I want you to pay for Xiu’er.”

Feng Baizhan was already outraged at this time, Ye Xiu actually died in this situation, no matter what, he would avenge Ye Xiu.

Otherwise, not only will he not be able to pass this level, but also the Wu Santong level.

“Feng Elder, what do you want to do.”

At this moment, a man in his thirties appeared in front of Feng Baizhan and grabbed his arm.

This person is nine feet tall, has a national character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and squinted eyes. There is a sense of murderous intent in it, and his Cultivation Base has reached the seventh stage of Ningyuan.

He was named Lu Hongwei, and he was the named disciple of Elder who the Chief Sect had liked Xiao Can, and he was also one of the masters sent by the headquarters to pick up Ye Xiu and the others.

But he was only the named disciple of Elder, and he was far behind the true disciple Xiao Can.

The reason why he came here was deliberately arranged by his master to prevent any problems on the way.

It can be seen that the master attaches great importance to him.

Therefore, Lu Hongwei couldn’t let Feng Baizhan do anything to Xiao Can.

“He killed my nephew and killed his fellow disciple according to the clan rules. What do you think I want to do.”

Feng Baizhan’s face was gloomy and authentic.

“You said that my junior brother killed your nephew, but there is evidence, if not, then please let him go, otherwise, you can’t blame me.”

Lu Hongwei questioned, with a strong right hand, he directly squeezed Feng Baizhan’s right hand.

Although Feng Baizhan will enter the Elder group after entering the main sect, his status is insignificant compared to Master Own.

So he doesn’t give up Face.


Feng Baizhan’s face was gloomy, and after taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down the anger in his heart and said to Xiao Can: “Xiao Can, you’d better pray in your heart that Xiu’er is fine, otherwise, I will never let you go. ”

Feng Baizhan knew that he was not Lu Hongwei’s opponent at all at this time.

He was actually not afraid of death, but he was afraid that if he died, no one would avenge Ye Xiu.

So he chose forbearance.

And he felt that Ye Xiu would be fine, or he didn’t want Ye Xiu to be okay.

As he said, he forcefully broke away from Lu Hongwei’s palm and took out the token to send a message to Fangcunzhiyu.

It took a few minutes to get a reply. After hearing that the souls of Ye Xiu and Xiaohu Jade Slip were not broken, his heart was loose.

The soul Jade Slip is not broken, which means they are still alive.

“How can this be!”

Xiao Can shouted in his heart, it is hard to believe this fact.

If he fell from such a high place, even a master of the Profound Realm would be killed. Ye Xiu was only Ningyuan Second Stage Cultivation Base, how could he survive.

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