Chapter 203: Going to the Wasteland

“Xuan Tier is inferior!”

Ye Xiu, Mu Tianye and the others were all shocked. The strongest soldiers they had ever seen were only mid-level spirit ranks, and there were only two in the entire square inch.

Profound rank low-grade, that is something they can’t even think of now.

“Don’t be so surprised. Battle soldiers are different from spaceships. Although there are not many mysterious soldiers in the wasteland, they are not many. As long as your Cultivation Base Ascension goes up, the family will also provide you with materials for you to refine one. It’s a mysterious soldier.”

Windy wars.

“Master, how long do you think it will take me to meet the requirements.”

Mu Tianye asked expectantly, but he desperately needed a soldier to come to Ascension own strength, the previous battle knife was only inferior in spirit level.

For myself at this time, it is no longer enough.

“As for you, ten years should be okay, but for you now, a medium-level spiritual soldier is enough for you.”

Feng Bai Zhan Dao, in the Lingwu family, only after reaching the cave world can they be eligible to apply for materials to refine the mysterious soldiers, of course, the Lingwu family will not approve it.

Only some geniuses with great potential can be cultivated by the family.

Mu Tianye certainly met this qualification, but even if he was extremely talented, it would take at least ten years to break through the Heaven Realm.

“ten years!”

Mu Tianye frowned for a long time.

If Feng Baizhan knew Mu Tianye’s thoughts, he would definitely kick him to death.

You must know that it took him 29 years to reach this point, and it took at least 50 years for other people to do it. Ten years is already very short.

“Let’s go, board the ship.”

Feng Baizhadao, now that the spacecraft has stopped and descended the spiral staircase, so he led a kind of people up.

The space above is bigger than what you see below, and it is easy to accommodate thousands of people at the same time.

Feng Baizhan had other things to deal with, so he arranged a few places for them and left.

It was the first time for Ye Xiu and others to enjoy this kind of treatment, so after boarding the ship, they couldn’t stay there. They ran directly to the deck and looked down, just to have a panoramic view of the entire Lingwu City.

“It would be great if I had such a spaceship.”

Qian Duoduo is full of expectations. With such a spacecraft, his dream will be easier to realize.

After all, as a chamber of commerce, they often need to walk around and transport all kinds of goods. The ordinary mode of transportation is to use the flying Demonic Beasts such as the wind-riding condor to transport.

But their efficiency is not high, how can it be compared with such a spacecraft.

Moreover, with the strong face of this spacecraft, he will be looked up at wherever he goes, which is also of great help to his business.

“You work hard to make money, and then find someone to refine one.”

Zhang Mingdao.

“If this can be solved with money, it will be easier.”

Qian Duoduo shook his head. With the financial resources of their Qian family at this time, even if they took out all of them, I am afraid that they would not be able to refine a Spirit Rank spaceship.

Of course, he is also confident that he can make such a sum of money in a few decades, but refining a flying ship is a long way from the past, but it can’t be done. Someone has to help refining it.

Although the Chamber of Commerce has a certain status above the Eastern Wasteland, it cannot be compared with a top power such as the Lingwu Family.

So even if he makes enough money, I’m afraid he won’t be able to ask a face tool expert to help.

Because the powerful refining master is as noble as the pill refining master, all eyes are above the top, and if you look for it yourself, people might not even look at him.

He often said that the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. This is also a true portrayal of his heart.

Because really difficult things cannot be solved with money.

“Have a chance.”

Ye Xiu patted a lot of money on the shoulder and said, even though he doesn’t know how to refining weapons, after his own pill refining technique Ascension reaches a certain level, it is still very easy to find someone to help him refine the spaceship.

Even if you can’t find it, you can use the high rank Medicine Pill to replace it.

There will always be a chance.


Qian Duoduo’s eyes lit up. Yes, he couldn’t find someone by himself. His two Big Brothers could do it.

With their talents, the Eastern Wasteland will have a place for them in the future, and it will be easy to find a few people for themselves at that time.


At this moment, Lingwu suddenly shook, an invisible energy shield covered the entire ship, and then slowly rose.

Then everyone just felt that there was a flower in front of them, and the spacecraft had already rushed out of the Lingwu clan, and everyone was shocked when they looked at the rapidly retreating scene.

too fast.

Although they were mentally prepared before, they were still surprised by the terrifying speed.

Moreover, the speed of the spacecraft is still constantly Ascension. At the beginning, they could still vaguely see the receding scenery, but as time passed, these scenery also became blurred.

In the end, they seemed to have entered a bizarre passage, and they couldn’t see anything with their eyesight.

This speed is countless times faster than the wind chasing golden eagle.

But as time goes by, everyone who has passed the freshness feels dull.

They did not enter the cabin, but sat directly on the deck and began to cultivate.

Anyway, there is an energy shield to protect them, and the concentration of heaven and earth vitality here is also very strong, cultivation here is also a good choice.

Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye were no exception, they all cultivated on the deck.

Looking at Xiao Can who was cultivating Ye Xiu and others from a distance, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he had made some decision, he turned and entered the cabin.

Before long, a master of Ningyuan Fifth Stage entered his room.

“Little Junior Brother, do you call me?”

The visitor looked at the small meal with a flattering look. Although his Cultivation Base was much higher than Xiao Can, Xiao Can was favored by the senior management of the headquarters. After entering the headquarters, he would surely be able to fly into the sky.

If you can befriend him, you can also get his care.

“I want to borrow something like Brother.”

Xiao Can said lightly.

“Junior brother, what else do we have to say about the relationship between us, what do you want, just say it straight.”

This person patted his chest and said, it was his dream to help Xiao Can.

“Your life.”

After Xiao Can finished speaking, his figure flashed directly in front of him, a cold devilish energy engulfed in a ray of cyan flame, and it pierced his eyes directly.

This person’s body was trembling violently, as if suffering great pain, and a fear from the depths of the soul struck his heart.

“Why, why!”

The person asked weakly. He didn’t understand why Xiao Can treated himself like this. He asked himself what he had never sinned against Xiao Can before.

“you do not need to know.”

Xiao Can’s face was gloomy, and the movements on his hands did not stop. After a few minutes, the billowing devilish energy and flames all invaded his mind, directly obliterating his consciousness.

Feeling completely in control of this person’s body, Xiao Can stopped.

The man stood in place with a dull expression, his eyes were hollow, like an unconscious puppet.

“Ye Xiu, are you ready to accept my revenge?”

Xiao Can licked his lips, his face grim and authentic.

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