Chapter One Hundred and Sixty

“Yes, Patriarch Feng, please calm down first. It is still unclear what the truth of the matter is. Since he has a way to prove it, why not let him prove it later. If this matter is true, I believe the headquarters will give you a satisfaction. Confessed.”

Zhao Qiankun also persuaded that both of them are masters of Ninth Stage.

When it really started fighting, Lingwu City was about to be demolished by them.

“Okay, Wang Sheng, hand over that person’s body.”

Feng Baizhan stopped, and he really didn’t have any reason to take the shot at this time. Since Ye Xiu had a way to prove it, let him prove it.

As long as the evidence is found, I won’t take your skin off.

“I have sent someone to send the body of that disciple back to Wuyu. I will chase them. I will definitely bring his body to you in half a day.”

A sharp light flashed in Wang Sheng’s eyes, don’t you want a corpse, I will give you one.

Although it was cruel to do so, it was nothing to sacrifice a disciple for the sake of Wuyu.

“Wait a moment.”

Ye Xiu said immediately: “I don’t believe you, Master, please go there in person. If I expected it to be true, this person should still be in the city by now and has not been sent out of the city.”

Ye Xiu knew that Wang Sheng was going to take risks, so how could he let him succeed.

Moreover, Wang Sheng said that he had already sent this person back to Wuyu, just to delay time, which only means that the other party did not leave Lingwu City.

This is simply three hundred taels without silver here.


Wang Sheng’s eyes were round, as if he had seen a ghost.

How does this kid know everything? Did he see this with his own eyes?

In this regard, Ye Xiu didn’t realize that there was anything. This kind of method was completely pediatric in Daliang, and he had seen many more insidious tricks than this.

Of course, he was also thankful that Wang Sheng was not as harsh as he had imagined.

If he kills people directly, then there is really no solution.

“I’ll come as soon as I go.”

When Feng Baizhan was reminded by Ye Xiu, he also understood, and his figure flashed directly towards the place where the Wuyu disciple lived.

“This is over.”

Wang Sheng yelled in his heart, looking disappointed.

Before, he thought he had no flaws in everything he had done, and even if it was a storm, he couldn’t find any problems, but he didn’t expect to be exposed by Ye Xiu in a few words.

I really don’t know how this kid’s head grows so that he can see through his strategy in such a short time.

It didn’t take long for him to bring the so-called corpse over.

At this moment, this person’s face was pale and bloodless, and his body was already stiff, and he looked like he was really dead.

Ye Xiu walked in front of this person, released the power of the soul to check it, and as expected, caught a wisp of desperate aura in his blood.

Then he took out a detoxification pill and fed it to him.

Although Dijue Grass has a great tonic effect, it can strengthen the body in a state of suspended animation, but its essence is a kind of poison.

It’s just that its toxicity is to make people better absorb the medicine.

Therefore, a detoxification pill can remove its toxicity and wake up people who take Dijiecao.

Soon, this person’s body color returned to blood, and the heart began to beat again, the original vitality that had disappeared resurfaced, and the whole person seemed to be resurrected.


This person stretched out under the gaze of everyone, unspeakably comfortable.

But then he realized that he was being watched by a group of people like pandas, and his movements were so frightened.

“Good boy, you dare to design and frame your fellow disciple. Damn it to the extreme. I will punish you to return to Sect immediately and face the wall for three years.

Wang Sheng shouted immediately, the matter was over, he could only pretend that he didn’t know anything.

Otherwise, not just him, they will be severely punished, and they may even be disqualified from participating in the martial arts directly.

After all, this matter was too big, and it was even more stolen by Ye Xiu.

And what Lingwu family looks down on most is this kind of thing.

Sacrificing him alone and preserving the entire Martial Domain was also the best way he could think of.

“Wang Sheng, you…”

Feng Baizhan didn’t expect this old thing to be so not wanting face, and even to push the responsibility on a disciple.

In this way, he couldn’t get revenge.

“This old thing is really sinister.”

Ye Xiu also frowned. Although he knew this was the old man’s plan to abandon his car to protect his handsomeness, he could only prove that the kid was suspended for death, but he could not prove that all of this was instigated by Wang Sheng.

Unless this kid can stand up to help testify, but it’s impossible.

“My son, Xiaohu has a way to tell him the truth.”

The little fox on the side spoke.

“Do you have a way? What way?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. He knew that Little Fox had inherited his blood. Since she said that, she would definitely not be lying to own.

“My son, there is a secret technique in the blood inheritance that the little fox has obtained, called the mind-confuse technique. Using this method can confuse others and make them obey me.”

Little Fox Road.

“Mind-confuse, yes, your fox clan already has a powerful charm ability. If that’s the case, you can try it. Of course, don’t force yourself to know it.”

Ye Xiu reminded.

The fox race itself has a powerful charm ability, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is natural to be charming, and it has a fatal attraction to men.

This is what Fox Spirit said.

Little Fox was able to obtain similar means from the inheritance of blood, which was nothing.

This is really too many mountains and rivers to be suspicious, and there is another village in the dark.


Little Fox nodded and walked in front of this person.

Originally, the little fox was the color of Tianxiang country, and immediately attracted everyone’s attention as soon as he walked in front of people.

Then her eyes changed, turning into a weird pink color, and an unprecedented flattery appeared on her body.

The original little fox was already overwhelming. As a result, she became more beautiful, and even Zhao Qiankun and others were deeply attracted by her at this moment.

But Tong Xuan was Tong Xuan after all, and soon calmed down, and he dared not look at Xiaohu’s eyes again.

As for the Wuyu disciple who just woke up, his saliva flowed out.

“I ask you, who made you fake death?”

Little Fox spoke slowly.

“It’s the patriarch. He found me in the morning and gave me a deadly grass, let us frame Mu Tianye, so that he would lose his qualifications to participate in the Six Meridians.”

This person spoke out without reservation.

“Asshole, how dare you frame me.”

At this time, Wang Sheng also woke up, and when he heard this person’s answer, his whole body went into anger.

After speaking, he rushed directly in front of this person, lifting his palm to kill him on the spot.

“Wang Sheng, what else do you have to say now.”

Just when he was about to succeed, a hand appeared out of thin air and directly grabbed his palm.

“This kid is obviously bewitched by that woman, how can I believe what I said in this situation.”

Wang Sheng is still quibbling.

“Patriarch, you actually want to kill me, Patriarch Wind, he really asked me to do this thing. I haven’t used up the earth and grass. I still have half of it, you see.”

Wang Sheng’s behavior completely chilled this person’s heart. If you want to kill me, then I won’t make you feel better.

He said that he took out the remaining half of the land and used it as evidence.


Wang Sheng almost vomited blood out of anger. Daddy was blinded to pick you.

Even if you choose a dog, it is a hundred times better than choosing you.

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