Chapter 159 Confrontation

“Boy, what’s wrong with you, come quickly.”

It was the patriarch of Fengyu, Zhao Qiankun, who was the master of Tongxuan Third Stage Heaven.

This incident happened here, and the patriarch of the Lingwu family of the Wind Region would naturally come forward to resolve this matter.

“The patriarch of Hui, I’m calling for grievances for my second and third brothers, and I also ask the patriarch to decide.”

Ye Xiu bowed to Zhao Qiankun.

“Your second and third brother?”

Zhao Qiankun glanced at an Elder next to him and asked, “Li Elder, what’s going on?”

“Patriarch, his second and third brothers accomplices in killing fellow disciples in the family. They have violated the rules, and there is hard evidence. Therefore, he is despising the authority of provoking the law enforcement hall. Please make the decision by the patriarch.”

Lee Elder is in a bad mood at the moment. He is the Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, the real principal.

On weekdays, he is also strict in self-discipline, and he hates those who violate the family rules.

And there is something that can’t be said carefully, and if you have to sound the drum of redressing the grievances, isn’t this openly embarrassing him.

“Have you heard? There is no evidence of this, what else do you have to say.”

Zhao Qiankun still knows well about Li Elder’s character and the way of doing things by the law enforcement hall, and it is impossible to frame others.

So he felt that Ye Xiu was making trouble unreasonably.

“Iron proof?”

Ye Xiu looked at Li Elder and said, “Excuse me, Elder, where is the evidence?”

“Are you questioning me?”

Li Elder was in a bad mood, and his face became even more ugly when Ye Xiu said that.

A little Ningyuan First Stage guy, dare to question himself, who gave you the courage.

“Please Elder answer me.”

Ye Xiu ignored Li Elder’s threat and said loudly.

“Everyone is dead, and I personally inspected it, there is nothing wrong, so I asked the people in Wuyu to take the body back.”

A disciple from the Law Enforcement Hall could not understand Ye Xiu’s attitude, and stood up directly, with a bad tone.

“Take it back?”

Ye Xiu’s mouth curled up, and he said again, “Brother, are you sure that the person was dead at that time?”

“Of course, don’t you think I can’t be sure if a person is dead or not?”

The disciple’s face turned gloomy, Ye Xiu’s words clearly questioned his own judgment.

But judging whether a person is dead or not is a simple matter. If he can’t tell this, he will live in vain these years.

It was like hitting his face naked, how could he have a good face.

“As far as I know, there are many ways in this world to temporarily enter a state of suspended animation. In this state, the heart stops beating and there is no breathing. It is no different from a dead person, but after a while, he will wake up. , Presumably brother knows it too, right?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Of course I know, but I checked this person’s body, and there is no vitality left in the body. None of the methods you mentioned can achieve this level.”

The disciple replied.

“Not necessarily.”

Ye Xiu continued: “As far as I know, there is a medical pill called Huasheng Pill, which is called Huasheng Pill. The medicines of, can also make people enter the state of suspended animation. In addition, Fulongxiang, Agave vine, and Saussurea vulgaris all have this effect. The difference lies in the length of suspended animation.”

“Now I ask brother again, can you be sure that the person really died at that time?”


This disciple was directly questioned, but he didn’t know this.

Leaving aside the medicinal materials Ye Xiu said, he hadn’t even heard of the Huasheng Pill.

That’s the Medicine Pill of Xuanjie’s low-grade medicine. He is a little person who condensed the origin of the Third Stage, how can he come into contact with such a high-level Medicine Pill.

Are you bullying?

“Hugh Young Master is mighty.”

Zhang Ming secretly praised Ye Xiu, why didn’t I expect it at the time.

He knows the medicinal materials Ye Xiu said and Medicine Pill, and they do have the effect of making people suspended animation. If you don’t understand the pharmacology, it is easy to make a mistake.

Of course, many of these medicines exist and are in the classics, but there is one strain of Agave Vine and Takeshi Santong.

And Wu Santong personally told him before that Agave has the effect of making people suspended animation.

One year, a disciple was accidentally stabbed by the thorns while helping to take care of the agave vine. After returning home, he entered a state of suspended animation.

It was later buried by the unsuspecting brother.

But three days later, he miraculously resurrected, almost scaring the person who buried him to death.

This also proves this point.

Ye Xiu brought out these things, it was a magical touch.

Even Elder of the law enforcement hall didn’t dare to pack a ticket and say that the man must be dead.

“What do you mean, are you saying that people in my Wuyu region deliberately used fake death to frame you? What good is this for us?”

Wang Sheng finally couldn’t sit still.

This incident was indeed planned by him alone, because the scene at the gate of the city before made him feel a strong sense of crisis, so he made the next move.

But he didn’t really want to deal with Mu Tianye, he just wanted to drag him for half a month to lose his qualifications to participate in the Six Meridians.

After this matter, I will give him Zhaoxue again.

Before doing this, he had calculated Ye Xiu together. As long as he dared to find his own theory, he would be confident that he would be sent to the law enforcement hall.

As a result, Fangcunzhi’s domain could no longer be turned over.

But who ever thought, why this kid didn’t play the cards according to common sense, and it didn’t matter if he didn’t go to him, he actually sounded the drum of redressing the grievances.

These are still within his tolerance, but how did this kid know so much about these drugs? Like a few Jiazhen, he said five kinds of them, four of which he hadn’t even heard of.

This is too abnormal.

Let him continue, then the case will be solved.

“That’s what I meant. As for the benefits you said, isn’t it obvious? Without Mu Tianye, your Martial Domain would not be eliminated.”

Ye Xiu glanced at Wang Sheng.

He was just guessing before, but seeing Wang Sheng’s performance at this time, he was even more sure of what he was thinking.

“Okay, you Wang Sheng, I just counted you and my younger brother before, but now I dare to count my apprentice, and I will never finish with you today.”

Feng Baizhan also understood at this time that all of this was planned by this old thing.

It was this guy who used the tricks that year and made his junior brother depressed, but he had no evidence, so he forbeared it.

Now he actually wants to use such a trick to harm his apprentice, which is simply frantic.

This time, he must pay the price for this old thing.

With that, he killed him directly.

“Old madman, don’t mess around. All this is this kid’s guess. He has no evidence to prove it. If you dare to move a piece of my hair, don’t blame me for complaining to the headquarters.”

Wang Sheng was taken aback. Feng Baizhan was a ruthless character. If he really started his hands, he would have to tear down his old bones.

“If you want proof, it’s very simple. Hand over that guy’s body, I have my own way to prove it.”

Ye Xiu was waiting for his words.

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