Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Seven

“Go, take me to the law enforcement hall.”

Ye Xiu felt that there was a problem in this. Mu Tianye was not the kind of person who didn’t know the importance. He knew that this was the Lingwu family, so he would certainly have reservations about the action.

Moreover, the opponent is also a master of Ning Yuan realm, how could it be killed so easily.


Zhang Ming responded, and the three of them rushed to the Law Enforcement Hall.

When they arrived at the Law Enforcement Hall, it was already night. They wanted to go in, but they were stopped by a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall.

“The law enforcement hall is an important place, and the idlers and others are not allowed to approach it.”

The disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall sternly scolded.

“Two brothers, we are disciples of Fangcun’s line. My brother was arrested. I want to go in and see them.”

Ye Xiu immediately gave a salute. The Law Enforcement Hall is the law enforcement agency of the Lingwu family, and it is also a practitioner of clan regulations. It not only has a powerful master, but also holds the power of life and death.

Anyone here must abide by the rules, otherwise, the end will not be much better.

“No, the evidence for this matter is solid. He has violated the clan rules of the Lingwu family. Even if you see him, it won’t help. Go back.”

As soon as they heard that they were from Fang Cunzhi’s domain, several law enforcement disciples immediately understood why they had come.

After all, their law enforcement hall had only caught a disciple who violated the rules of the door, and there was no need to guess at all.

“According to the family rules, I have the right to see them.”

Ye Xiu said again, of course he wouldn’t just leave like this. Since he has determined that there is a problem, it is naturally impossible for Mu Tianye and the others to suffer injustice.


The person frowned.

“He wants to see, so let him see.”

There was a human being next to him. He didn’t believe that anyone would dare to rob prison in the law enforcement hall.

Moreover, according to the rules, as long as they are disciples of the Lingwu family, they have the right to visit those who violate the rules.

Even as long as Ye Xiu can investigate the truth of the matter before Mu Tianye is punished, and Mu Tianye is innocent, he can directly reverse the case for him.

Because the Lingwu family has zero tolerance for unjust, false and wrongful cases, it is even more unwilling to suffer injustice from their disciples.

However, they are not optimistic about this, because this matter is so hard-wired that it is impossible to reverse the case.

“Thank you.”

Ye Xiu bowed to the man, and then under the guidance of a special person, he came to the cell of the law enforcement hall.

There were not many prisoners inside, so it was easy to find Mu Tianye and Qian Duoduo.

“Dage, here you are.”

Mu Tianye stood up and looked at Ye Xiu with some embarrassment.

“Dage, this matter happened because of me, and it has nothing to do with the second brother. If the Lingwu family wants to punish me, just punish me. You must save the second brother.”

Qian Duoduo also got up, he knew that this matter was caused by him, and Mu Tianye also killed that person for his sake.

He can’t let Mu Tianye be implicated.

“Don’t worry, I will find out about this matter.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he looked at Mu Tianye and said, “Tianye, please tell me the whole story in detail.”

He didn’t believe that Mu Tianye would kill on that occasion, so he didn’t even mention Mu Tianye’s murder.

“Dage, I did kill that person by mistake. I was really angry at the time, but I didn’t expect that guy was so crisp that I couldn’t stand a punch.”

Mu Tianye said, to be honest, he was also quite depressed.

At that time, he also only used seven points of strength. Normally, he could only be injured, and it was impossible to kill him.

He also personally inspected the body of the person after the incident, and he was indeed dead, which he couldn’t deny.

“If I let you say, just say, if you killed it, I will investigate it.”

Ye Xiu glared at him.

“Well, when we were drinking, a group of Wuyu disciples came and bullied a lot. I couldn’t bear it, so I clashed with them…”

Mu Tianye could only tell the story of the matter and the strength he used when he shot it in detail.

After making sure that no details were missed, Mu Tianye stopped.

“You said that the other party is from Wuyu? How did you know?”

Ye Xiu frowned. He knew that Wuyu’s situation, like Fangcunzhi’s, was the most likely to be eliminated.

But Fangcunzhi domain had himself and Mu Tianye, so his Martial Domain was most likely to be eliminated.

Originally, he suspected that there was something tricky in it, but now that he heard that the other party was a person from the Martial Domain, this feeling became even stronger.

“Before we entered the city, didn’t we meet the people from Wuyu, they were there at the time, of course I recognize them.”

Mu Tianye Road.

“I think I know.”

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes, and then he asked, “By the way, where is that person’s corpse?”

“I was picked up by the people from the Martial Domain at the time…Wait, Dage, you mean, they did it deliberately, they just wanted to use this matter to prevent me from participating in the Six Meridian Martial Arts?”

Mu Tianye is not stupid, but extremely clever.

He hadn’t thought of this link before, but now that Ye Xiu said so, he understood the twists and turns in it.

“This possibility is not ruled out, but everything will be confirmed after I see the corpse.”

Ye Xiu felt that in all likelihood, this incident was caused by the martial arts side, in order to hold Mu Tianye, so that he would not have the chance to participate in the Six Meridian Martial Arts.

In this way, even if he could win the first place in this martial arts meeting, the Lingwu family of Fangcunzhi could not escape the fate of being eliminated.

But now he has no evidence, only the body of that person can be found to prove all this.

“This is not easy. If all of this is really a bureau set by Wu Yu, then they will definitely not let us see that person’s corpse easily.”

Mu Tianye said, since the people of Wuyu have set up such a game, they must have figured out the corresponding method.

If it were him, Ye Xiu would definitely not let Ye Xiu see the corpse easily.

Moreover, they don’t need to drag it for too long, they only need to drag it until the Six Meridians meet the martial arts, even if Ye Xiu can clear their charges, it will be of no avail.

At that time, Wu Yu was punished at best, and Fang Cun Zhi Yu was really unable to keep it.

This method is really insidious.

“That’s all about them.”

A cold light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes. If they defeated him openly, even if Fangcunzhi was eliminated in the end, they would have nothing to say.

But they used such insidious methods, how could he let them get what they wanted.

What’s more, this is also related to his two brothers.

“Dage, don’t do anything stupid, you should still go to my Master, he will definitely give us a fair deal.”

Mu Tianye was worried about Ye Xiu doing stupid things. After all, the strength of Wuyu was still very strong, especially the patriarch of the Wuyu family, and even the master of Ninth Stage.

If Ye Xiu broke into the territory of the Martial Domain, they would most likely be spotted by them.

And he was worried that Wu Yu was using a serial calculation. After calculating himself, he would use himself to calculate Ye Xiu.

If this is the case, then they will have no chance at all.

“Don’t worry, I will not only prove your innocence, but also expose the conspiracy of Wuyu.”

A light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes. This method seemed incomprehensible, but in fact it couldn’t stand scrutiny at all.

As long as the so-called ‘corpse’ is found, all problems will be solved.

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