Chapter 156: Mu Tianye Causes Trouble

“It’s not impossible for me not to appear in Allure.”

Ye Xiu put away the Pluto sword and pulled the little fox around the crowd. When he walked to Lin Tianxiang’s side, he slowly said, “Let Qingcheng tell me personally.”


Lin Tianxiang’s face turned cold, and said, “Ye Xiu, this is not just what I meant, but also what the Lin family meant. You’d better do what I said, otherwise, you will regret it.”

If she can tell Qingcheng, she still needs to come and find Ye Xiu in person.

Do you really think you have nothing to do when you are idle?

“What does the Lin family mean to me.”

Ye Xiu said this indifferently, and took the little fox towards the distance without being affected at all.


Lin Tian was so fragrant that he stomped his feet. In Eastern Wasteland, no one dared to ignore her Lin family, even the Lingwu family had to give the Lin family something to face.

Ye Xiu was just a guy who had just entered Ningyuan, where did his courage dare to challenge the Lin family.

“Xiang’er, do you want to kill him for your teacher?”

An old woman behind Lin Tianxiang asked indifferently, as if she was talking about something that could no longer be ordinary.

This person has gray hair, short stature, and slightly rickets. His face is covered with wrinkles, and he looks like a very ordinary old lady.

Standing there, there is no way for people to connect her with the master.

This person was brought back by Lin Tianxiang after going out once. Because he was grateful to Lin Tianxiang for his life-saving grace, he stayed in the Lin family and put away as a disciple. His status in the Lin family was higher than that of the head of the Lin family.

As for the origin of this person, no one knows.

Her Cultivation Base is very high, but no one knows what kind of Cultivation Base she has, only that the three major consecrations of the Lin family can’t stop her from joining forces.

You know, the three major devotions of the Lin Family are all masters of the Third Stage Heaven, and they can be regarded as top masters in the wasteland.

Therefore, she is the most mysterious being in the Lin family.

“No need, Master, I don’t want Qingcheng to hate me, and, I believe, he will agree.”

Lin Tianxiang shook his head. Now Lin Qingcheng has fallen in love with Ye Xiu. If he kills him by himself, with that girl’s temperament, he still doesn’t know what he will do.

Of course, there is a more important reason is that she did not want to use the last chance.

The origin of her Master is very secret, even she doesn’t know where she comes from, or even her name.

When she accidentally rescued her, she promised to do three things for herself, and then she would leave.

The first thing, she asked the old woman to accept herself as a disciple.

Although I didn’t teach myself any Cultivation Technique and combat skills, but he gave me a great help in cultivation, and I was able to have the Cultivation Base nowadays, all thanks to her.

The second thing was that three years ago, she asked the old woman to help conquer the Profound Sky Purple Fire and saved Own’s father’s life.

Therefore, now there was only one last thing left, and she was naturally reluctant to use it on Ye Xiu.

After all, Ye Xiu is just a small person in the First Stage of Ning Yuan, and it is easy for him to kill him. There is no need for the old woman to take action.


The old woman nodded, closed her fierce eyes, and returned to her previous lazy appearance.

However, her eyes stopped for a while on the little fox beside Ye Xiu, and a gleam of light flickered in it.

“Let’s go.”

Lin Tianxiang’s expression was not very good. She thought that she would be able to take Ye Xiu directly, but she was disappointed in the end.

But she will not give up, let alone own Little Sister to follow such an extremely dangerous person.

So she must think of a way to keep him away from Lin Qingcheng.

On the other side, Ye Xiu followed Xiaohu, walking around in the street.

“My son, this is so cute.”

“My son, if you smell it, it doesn’t smell, it’s even more fragrant than Daliang’s powder.”

“Wow, this jade pendant is so beautiful, son, can you give me a little fox?”

This girl was like a cat and puppy who had been kept at home for a long time, and she immediately spread her joy as soon as she let it out.

Look at it, look at it, the joy on his face is beyond words.

But Ye Xiu always had only one word, and that was buy.

Anyway, these things don’t know what the money is. Of course, Ye Xiu doesn’t care about how much money is. As long as it can make her happy, as long as it can satisfy him, he will never hesitate.

This can be painful to the people around.

Little Fox was originally beautiful, but at the moment he was not wearing a veil. The whole thing was like a blooming flower. No one could resist her beauty.

Even some women are attracted by Xiaohu’s beautiful face.

As a result, only the laughter of the little fox was left on the whole street, and the others stood blankly on the spot like wooden stakes.

“Ah, son, I forgot to wear the veil.”

Gradually, Xiaohu also noticed those people’s gazes, and for fear of causing trouble to Ye Xiu, he immediately began to search for him.

“Don’t look for it, don’t bring it if you forget.”

Ye Xiu scratched her little nose, this girl really never forgets to think for herself.

It’s just that she has forgotten that she is already a master of Ning Yuan realm, most people don’t even need him to take action, this girl can solve it by herself.


Little Fox nodded, and was quickly attracted by the dazzling array of top grades.

They wandered around for a whole afternoon. Little Fox didn’t feel tired at all. On the contrary, Ye Xiu was so tired that he couldn’t help it.

I don’t know where the little fox got so much interest.

They did not return to their residence until evening.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Xiu saw Zhang Ming pacing back and forth in the yard, seemingly anxious.

“Hugh, Young Master, you are back. Come with me. The Shepherd got into trouble, and now only you can save them.”

Zhang Ming greeted him immediately, his eyes full of anxiety.

“what’s going on?”

Ye Xiu was a little strange. He understood Mu Tianye’s character. Although he was aloof, he never took the initiative to cause trouble.

Moreover, his strength is there, even Ningyuan Third Stage masters can hardly pose a threat to him.

But from Zhang Ming’s look, he could see that this matter might not be so simple.

“That’s it…”

Zhang Ming immediately recounted what had happened before.

It turned out that after he left with Mu Tianye and Qian Duoduo, they went to a nearby restaurant to drink.

It was good, but suddenly a group of people came.

They ran on a lot of money, Mu Tianye’s violent temper, and drank some wine, how could the brother Own be insulted by others, and there was a conflict with the group of people on the spot.

Mu Tianye was really good, fighting alone with ten masters of Ningyuan Second Stage Heaven, and eventually knocked them all to the ground.

But there was one person who didn’t get up at all after the incident and had already died for a long time.

This is the residence of the Lingwu family of Fengyu, and fighting is not allowed.

Of course, the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall would not take care of everything.

Besides, this matter was not big at first, as long as it didn’t make a big deal, they would have closed one eye.

But this time a life was lost, and the matter was a big deal.

Now that Qian Duoduo and Mu Tianye have been detained by the Law Enforcement Hall, they ran back while taking advantage of the gap.

He originally wanted to find Feng Baizhan, after all, this matter was too big, and only Feng Baizhan could be properly resolved.

But he didn’t know where they were, so he could only stay here and wait for Ye Xiu to find a way.

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