Chapter 111: Lin Mufeng

“you wanna die.”

The visitor was furious, his figure rushed over, and he directly blasted Ye Xiu’s face with a punch.

“Good job.”

Ye Xiu’s momentum was shocked, and he also greeted him with a punch.


With a loud noise, the two of them retreated at the same time. Ye Xiu took 30 steps to stop before stopping, but the person who came back took 40 steps.

“What? Ye Xiu and Lin Mufeng had a head-on, and they even had the upper hand. This is incredible.”

“It’s terrible. Ye Xiu only has the Innate Seventh Stage Cultivation Base, but Lin Mufeng has reached the Ningyuan First Stage. There is an essential difference between the two, how can he resist it.”

“Yes, the True Qi in the Ning Yuan Realm master has all been condensed into True Qi, and the strength is stronger. It is by no means comparable to Innate Realm’s cultivator. This is also incredible.”

Everyone was shocked by Ye Xiu’s powerful combat power.

You know, Ning Yuan Realm condenses True Qi in the body into True Qi. The True Qi in a unit volume is stronger than True Qi, and the power of stimulating combat skills is also stronger.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Innate realm to defeat the Ningyuan Realm.

Unless it is an evildoer like Mu Tianye, even Mu Tianye can only defeat Ningyuan First Stage opponents on Innate Ninth Stage.

Ye Xiu is just a Cultivation Base for Innate Seventh Stage.

Although he used the Cultivation Base of Innate Sixth Stage to kill the master of Innate Ninth Stage, there is still an essential difference between it and Ningyuan Realm.

So Ye Xiuneng and Lin Mufeng had a head-to-head blow, and also had the upper hand, which was completely beyond their cognition.

“Brother-in-law, kill him, kill him, I want him to die.”

Chu Nan, who was lying between the two, shouted with a sullen expression, that his Dantian was actually scrapped by Ye Xiu.

That is to say, from this moment on, he has become a completely useless person, and everything he had before will be vanished. This is simply more painful than killing him, thousands of times.

So he has only one thought now, that is to kill Ye Xiu to get revenge.

“Ye Xiu, you committed a murder in the Lingwu family and abolished Dantian, a disciple of Outer Sect. This is a blatant provocation to the clan rules. If I were you, I would immediately go to the law enforcement hall to plead.”

Lin Mufeng frowned when Chu Nan called own.

He likes beautiful women, but he never gets swayed by women, and he doesn’t like others to use this as a threat to his own bargaining chip.

But Chu Nan is his own after all, even if it is a dog raised by himself, it is not something others can fight if they want.

So he had to ask for an explanation for Chu Nan, otherwise, how would he meet people in the future.

“What if I don’t go?”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, at this time he also saw Lin Mufeng’s appearance clearly.

This Lin Mufeng looks like a talent, with a face like a jade and a handsome face, but there is a hint of femininity between his eyebrows, and a little bit of fortitude is missing.

Although he was talking to himself, his eyes swept across Xiaohu’s body from time to time.

At first glance, you know that this guy is a ghost in color.

It’s just that he is much stronger than Han Ju, and his body is well maintained, but his ambition has long since fallen into it, and it will be difficult for him to become a great weapon in the future.

“Then I will take you there.”

Lin Mufeng resolutely said that although Ye Xiu was slightly better than himself before, it did not mean that he was defeated by him.

Because the collision just now was just a physical collision, it didn’t mean anything at all. Once he used combat skills, the gap between the two immediately became apparent.

You know, Zhenyuan’s increase in combat skills is more than several times stronger than True Qi. Innate Seventh Stage Tian Cultivation Base Jiye Xiu can never be his own opponent.

Although he didn’t want to fight for Chu Nan, he had to speak out.

But he will not do too much, after all, this Ye Xiu is not only valued by the Lingwu family, but also the worship of Wang Mu Amano, Dage.

That guy is a stunned boy. If he knows that he will take action against Ye Xiu, he will definitely come and fight with him. With his Cultivation Base at this time, he really can’t do it.

So I can only use the Law Enforcement Hall to suppress Ye Xiu.

In this way, his reputation is preserved, and Mu Tianye can’t say anything, both are good.

As for how the Law Enforcement Hall handles Ye Xiu, it is not what he needs to consider.

“I’m afraid you don’t have this ability.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, and a look of expectation appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

At this time, he has reached the Innate Seventh Stage day, the Cultivation Base is extremely stable, and he has mastered a new combat technique and Movement Technique, and is about to find an opponent to try the water.

This Lin Mufeng Cultivation Base has reached the first stage of Ningyuan. It is not strong or weak, and it can be used as own whetstone.

If anyone knew what Ye Xiu was thinking at this time, he would definitely think he was crazy.

Let a master in the Ning Yuan realm be a whetstone, I am afraid he would dare to think about the entire Lingwu family.

“As you wish, little Vajra punches.”

Lin Mufeng didn’t bother to talk nonsense, the longer this matter dragged on, the more his face would be lost, so he had to fight quickly.

Striding out, the whole person rushed towards Ye Xiu like a dragon going out to sea. At the same time, he punched out with a dazzling golden light from the car.

This is a small Vajra fist in the Lingwu family. It is a gold-based combat skill. It is known for its sturdiness and sharpness. It is considered one of the best Fist Techniques in the Fist Technique category.

Coupled with the increase in Zhenyuan, defeating Ye Xiu is nothing at all.

“Xuanhuo Six Sun Palm.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, a palm shot out, and the golden flame immediately rose up, instantly converging into a huge flame palm, like a wave of rising into the sky tomorrow.


Ye Xiu gave a low shout, and pushed out his right hand. This huge flame palm print immediately greeted him and collided with Lin Mufeng’s fist.

The Profound Fire Six Suns palm is the most rigid and fierce palm, and coupled with the increase of Da Ri Jin Yan, the true essence cannot be compared with it.

Under the superposition of the two, it is even more powerful and unusual.

Lin Mufeng was defeated by only one face, and was directly pushed out by Ye Xiu’s palm.

“What kind of tinder are you!”

Lin Mufeng flew back more than ten meters before taking off the strength from his body, but even so, his right arm was slightly numb, which shows how powerful Ye Xiu’s strike is.

It’s just that he knows the situation of the Profound Fire Six Sun Palm very well, the grade is not low, but it will be affected by the fire.

In other words, if you want to bring out its power, you must have a powerful fire. On the contrary, its power is not as good as the general spiritual level Cultivation Technique.

The own small Vajra boxing is different. Although it is only the middle grade of the spirit level, it does not have high requirements for cultivation, as long as it has a metallic physique, it can be cultivated.

The power is extremely tough and overbearing.

Ye Xiu was able to defeat himself so easily, obviously because of this fire.

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