Chapter 110: Chu Nan’s Backing

At the foot of the mountain, a disciple of Innate Eighth Stage scratched his head anxiously, but he asked Ye Xiu on the order of the Patriarch.

But now the whole mountain is blocked by formation, he can’t go up at all, and the people over there are already there, only Ye Xiu is left.

He can’t afford it if he misses the time.

“Did the Patriarch let you come?”

At this moment, Ye Xiu and Xiaohu walked down from the mountain and soon came to this person.

“Uh, yes, yes.”

This disciple was directly attracted by Xiaohu’s beauty. Although he had long heard that Ye Xiu had a beautiful maid, he didn’t expect it to be so amazing.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still attracted by Xiaohu’s beauty.

Fortunately, he had heard about Ye Xiu, so he knew that Xiaohu was Ye Xiu’s taboo, and he quickly turned his gaze to Ye Xiu, not daring to look at Xiaohu again.

“Lead the way.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“Okay, please come with me.”

This disciple responded, and then took Ye Xiu and the others to the performance field of the Lingwu family.

At this time, more than forty people had gathered here, all of them eagerly gearing up, and they were so excited.

The Lingwu family hasn’t been open to the outside world for a long time, and their disciples have long since faded out of their mouths.

After finally getting the opportunity to go out to practice, they were naturally extremely excited.

Among them was an old acquaintance of Ye Xiu, Chu Nan.

The moment Ye Xiu saw Chu Nan, Chu Nan also saw Ye Xiu, his body was obviously stiff, but he quickly calmed down.

There are so many people here, and he also has a core disciple as a backer, no matter how courage Ye Xiu is, it is impossible to do it on himself in this place.

But Ye Xiu didn’t care about this at all, and walked towards him step by step.

Every time Ye Xiu took a step forward, Chu Nan’s heart jumped wildly, and his breathing became quicker.

Across such a long distance, he could feel the murderous intent emanating from Ye Xiu’s body.

Soon, Ye Xiu came to him and looked at him coldly.

“You, what do you want to do.”

Chu Nan stepped back in fright, then stopped, and asked in a trembling voice.

Although he was sure Ye Xiu wouldn’t dare to treat himself here, he still couldn’t help feeling cold in his heart, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Ye Xiu’s previous performance was really terrifying, and he nearly killed all the soldiers of the Six Nations with his own power. He was simply a murderous demon king.

The most terrifying thing is his strength. In the Innate Sixth Stage, the masters who beheaded the Innate Ninth Stage are like dealing with the chickens and dogs.

Now that he has broken through to the Cultivation Base of Innate Seventh Stage, he is not his opponent at all.

If he recklessly does something to himself, he is definitely inevitable.

“What do you mean?”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, a murderous aura filled the south of Chu Nan like a tide.

This guy is the culprit of the Six Nations Encirclement and Suppression of own, that Shen Ming is just one of his tools, he was almost killed by him.

How could Ye Xiu let him go.

“You, don’t mess around. I haven’t done anything. Even if I really did something wrong, there must be someone from the law enforcement hall to deal with me in accordance with the clan rules. If you dare to do something to me, it is equivalent to a violation. Family rules, this is a big crime.”

Chu Nan shouted, he had known that he would meet Ye Xiu in the future, so he had already figured out a countermeasure.

Anyway, the thing he did before was very secretive, except for Shen Ming, no one knew that all of this was planned by himself.

As for Shen Ming, he dared not confess himself. Otherwise, he would not only offend himself, but also the backer behind him.

In the Lingwu family, it doesn’t matter if Shen Ming offends himself, but if he offends the backer behind him, then Elder, who has been relegated to the handyman peak, can easily expose it.

Therefore, in the Lingwu family, Ye Xiu could never do anything to himself.

Unless he takes the risk of violating the family rules forcibly, but in that case, he himself will be punished very cruelly.

In serious cases, they will even be expelled from the Lingwu family directly.

Of course, it is impossible to get rid of the clan based on the importance the clan attaches to Ye Xiu, but some punishments still have to be done, otherwise how would they convince the crowd.


However, the response to Chu Nan was a kick, and the whole person was kicked out by Ye Xiu.

He flew more than 20 meters before he fell heavily to the ground.

“How dare you…puff!”

Chu Nan looked at Ye Xiu, before he finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The whole person also weakened. Obviously, Ye Xiu’s kick caused him great damage.

“As a young man, he acted decisively, ruthlessly, and unparalleled. It is a great blessing to be a brother with him.”

“It’s time for someone to teach Chu Nan a long time ago. I really thought that with a core disciple as a backing, he could do whatever he wanted.”

“It’s a good fight. Daddy has long seen him not pleasing to his eyes, holding a chicken feather as an arrow, who he thinks he is.”

Everyone at the scene admired Ye Xiu’s courage, but no one sympathized with Chu Nan.

This Chu Nan is not a good thing. In order to join the Lingwu family, he even gave his own wife and even his little sister to others to play with.

That’s fine, after all, this matter has nothing to do with them.

But what they couldn’t accept was that this guy often used chicken feathers as the arrow to intimidate these Outer Sect disciples, and even some inner disciple had been intimidated by him.

But they were afraid of the backer behind Chu Nan, so they had always dared not to speak, and this further contributed to his arrogance.

Now Ye Xiu took the initiative to teach him, and it was regarded as a sigh of foul for them, they naturally clapped their hands and applauded.

“Ye Xiu, you can’t kill me. My recommender is Lin Mufeng. He is also a core disciple. The Cultivation Base has reached the Ningyuan First Stage. If you kill me, he will definitely not give up.”

Chu Nan hurriedly shouted, now he was really scared.

Originally thought that Ye Xiu would be afraid of the clan rules, but now it seems that he had a high regard for the influence of the clan rules on Ye Xiu’s heart.

In other words, he underestimated Ye Xiu’s hatred for own.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

There was a faint smile on Ye Xiu’s face. If you want someone to regret that you didn’t, you can choose more than just killing.

But this smile looked in everyone’s eyes, and they all felt that own’s back was cold, as if being stared at by a fierce beast.

Especially Chu Nan, his feeling is the most sensitive.

Soon Ye Xiu came to Chu Nan’s face, slowly raised his right foot and placed it on Chu Nan’s Dantian.


At this moment, a sound of severed drinking sounded from a distance.

But Ye Xiu didn’t pay any attention to it, and just stepped on it.


There was a soft sound, and then everyone felt the True Qi in Chu Nan’s body quickly spreading around.

In other words, Ye Xiu directly abolished his Dantian.

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