Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 75 Jiang Yunhe!

"It's... Su Chen?!" Someone exclaimed. "Su Chen, is that the Su Chen who massacred the entire Zhang family in one night? Hiss, it's him?" "The girl captured by the black-clothed boy seems to be Su Chen's sister. How dare he provoke Su Chen, the killing god? This time he's in trouble!" Everyone whispered, looked at Su Chen with great awe, and then looked at the black-clothed youth with gloating. "Brother..." Su Ling'er's eyes showed an extremely pleasant surprise. "Who are you?" The black-clothed youth looked at Su Chen with great vigilance, and then pulled Su Ling'er back. The attack just now really scared him. Su Chen severely injured two martial artists of the ninth level of Wuzong with one move. With such terrifying combat power, I'm afraid he is not Su Chen's opponent. But fortunately, Su Ling'er is in his hands. "I don't want to say it a second time. Either let her go, or die!" Su Chen stared at the black-clothed youth, not hiding the murderous intent in his eyes. After his rebirth, there were only a few people he could care about. The black-clothed youth dared to touch Su Linger, which touched his reverse scale.

Damn it!

"Boy, don't be arrogant! It's your sister's blessing that my master likes your sister. Don't refuse to drink the wine! My master is the master of alchemy. Do you understand the master of alchemy? If you offend my master, your whole family will die without a burial place!"

The black-clothed youth said fiercely.

"Master of alchemy? No wonder he is so arrogant!"

Someone exclaimed.

The master of alchemy is a big man comparable to the king of martial arts. Even the King of Dali has to treat him with respect. No wonder the black-clothed youth dared to rob the girl in the street.

However, Su Chen, the killing god, would be afraid of the master of alchemy?

"If you don't let me go, you can die!" Su Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and a sharp sword energy rose up, and in an instant, it rushed towards the young man in black. So what if he is a master of alchemy? He is not afraid of even an alchemy saint! If you dare to catch his sister, you must pay the price! The young man in black trembled all over. He didn't expect Su Chen to dare to do it. He was shocked and angry. He gritted his teeth and pushed Su Linger towards Su Chen. Then, he burst out all his cultivation in an instant and fled madly into the distance! He was decisive. He knew that he was not Su Chen's opponent, so he chose to escape directly. The young man in black was also ruthless in his heart. He must tell the adults about this matter, and then he will make Su Chen wish he could not live or die! However, he still underestimated Su Chen. Whoosh! Su Chen's feet flashed with light, and the sword energy on his fingertips shattered. Then he reached out and held Su Linger in his arms, and landed steadily on the ground. "Wait for me here!" Su Chen said to Su Ling'er, and then there was a bright light under his feet, and a flying sword lifted him up, and he chased after the young man in black instantly. Flying in the air with a sword! "Flying in the air, Su Chen... Su Chen is actually a martial master?!" Someone exclaimed. They didn't recognize the sword-controlling technique, but they also knew that flying in the air was a sign of martial masters. No wonder Su Chen was able to wipe out the Zhang family overnight, it turned out that he was actually a powerful martial master! Seeing Su Chen flying over with a sword, the young man in black was instantly scared, his eyes were full of extreme fear, and he didn't expect that Su Chen was actually a martial master. How could he still have the slightest resistance? He even frantically urged his true energy and fled for his life. Boom! However, Su Chen's speed was extremely fast, and he caught up with the young man in black in a moment, and then slashed in the air with a palm. The unparalleled palm print was fierce and powerful, and it contained an ancient dragon power, just like a real dragon descending to the world, which made the black-clothed young man feel cold all over and filled with fear.

He tried his best to resist, but he could not resist Su Chen's unparalleled palm power at all. He was hit directly on the chest by a palm, and I don't know how many ribs were broken and flew out!

"No... Don't kill me... My master is Jiang Yunhe, the master of alchemy, and the future disciple of the Holy Land. If you touch me, he will never let you go..."

The black-clothed young man lay on the ground, blood spurting out of his mouth, looking at Su Chen who was walking towards him, his eyes full of fear.

He was completely scared.

So, he even called out the name of his master, hoping to make Su Chen afraid and then spare his life.

"Master of Alchemy? Disciple of the Holy Land? Even if it is the king of heaven, if you dare to touch my sister, Su Chen, you must die!"

Su Chen sneered.

He stepped on the chest of the young man in black, who immediately screamed and begged for mercy, full of fear.


At this moment, an indifferent and arrogant voice sounded.

In the distance, a handsome young man in a black robe with five flames embroidered on his sleeves walked over, followed by several powerful guards.

It was Jiang Yunhe!

"Master, save me!"

The young man in black trembled all over, and immediately saw Jiang Yunhe, his eyes full of excitement, and he shouted hurriedly.

"Let him go, then kneel down and slap him in the face, and I can spare your life!"

Jiang Yunhe glanced at Su Chen and said indifferently.

That kind of lofty posture, like a being above the nine heavens looking down on all living beings, without asking any questions about right and wrong, as if saving Su Chen's life was a gift from him.

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