Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 74 Let her go or die!

Suzaku Street.

This is the main road in the royal capital, leading from the royal city to the city gate. It is also the most prosperous street, with countless shops, restaurants, and inns on both sides.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is just above Zhuque Street.

But at this moment, Su Ling'er and Liu Gucheng were surrounded by a group of people at the entrance of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Two warriors dressed in black, with cold faces and powerful auras, were besieging Liu Gucheng, and their attacks were extremely ruthless and deadly.

Liu Gucheng was holding a long sword. Although he had sharp swordsmanship, powerful sword energy, and constant resistance, he was still at a disadvantage and would be defeated soon.

Su Ling'er's eyes were filled with extremely anxious expression, but at this moment, her arm was held by a young man in black and she was unable to break away.

"Asshole, you...let me go!"

Su Ling'er's face turned red, and her eyes were filled with extremely angry looks.

However, although she possesses the cultivation level of Qi Refining Realm and has condensed the innate true energy, she has no power to resist in the hands of the young man in black.

"Little lady, you know that I

Who is the master? That is a high-ranking alchemy master. It is your greatest blessing to be favored by my family! I advise you not to struggle, otherwise that kid will die! "

The young man in black sneered.

He is also a martial arts master with a powerful aura, a gloomy face, eyes like poisonous snakes, and a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Let him go! My master is the dean of the Shenwu Academy. If you let him know, he will not let you go. You are so bold, aren't you afraid of the king's law?"

Su Linger said angrily.

She looked at Liu Gucheng in the distance with a worried look on her face.

Today, she left Shenwu Academy and wanted to go back to Liu Mansion to see Su Chen. In front of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, she met these uninvited guests.

Especially the young man in black, his eyes suddenly lit up after seeing her, and he couldn't help but snatch her back, saying that she was dedicated to some alchemy master.

Fortunately, Liu Gucheng and Liu Yulong were passing by, and Liu Gucheng fought desperately to save her.


The two guards of the young man in black were both at the ninth level of Wuzong and were very powerful. When they joined forces, Liu Gucheng was no match.

I don’t know if Liu Yulong has returned to Liu Mansion to report the news, but thinking of the power of this group of people, Su Linger can’t help but worry, will my brother be their opponent?

"The dean of Shenwu Academy? So what? It's your blessing that my family can like you. Even if you are the dean of Shenwu Academy, you have to give my family some face!"

When the young man in black heard about the dean of Shenwu Academy, there was a hint of fear in his eyes, but then he sneered.

"Let her go!"

At this moment, Liu Gucheng roared, and the terrifying energy around him exploded. He withstood the blow from the black-robed warrior, and then came across the air with a sword, stabbing the young man in black between the eyebrows like lightning. .

Liu Gucheng's face was cold, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes. He pushed the sword to the extreme, like a giant thundering from the sky, and the speed reached the extreme.

"you wanna die

! "

The face of the young man in black changed. He did not expect that Liu Gucheng, who was already at the end of his strength, could still unleash such a fierce attack.

He panicked and quickly tried to turn aside to resist.


But there was a flash of blood, and Liu Gucheng's sword still left a trace of blood on his face, just a hair away from splitting his head open.


The young man in black hurriedly slapped his palm, and the majestic zhenqi exploded, slapping Liu Gucheng's palm away, and then grabbed Su Ling'er and quickly retreated.

"Damn it! Kill him!!"

The young man in black wiped the blood on his face, his face twisted, and he roared angrily.

At this moment, the two black-robed warriors also came up to kill him, and slapped Liu Gucheng's back hard with two sharp palm prints.


Liu Gucheng was shaken all over, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and he flew out!


Su Ling'er exclaimed, her eyes turning red.

Liu Gucheng was severely injured by the two black-robed warriors at this moment. He staggered and couldn't do anything at all.

Resist the fierce attacks of the two black-robed warriors.

He was about to die in their hands.

hold head high!

But at this moment, an ancient and vast dragon roar sounded.

The blazing divine light surged, the void shook, and a golden divine dragon came across the sky, exuding a monstrous aura, and slammed into the two black-robed warriors.

"Ah poof..."

The two black-robed warriors were shaken by a huge shock. Although they tried their best to resist, they were still instantly smashed and their protective aura was shattered. Blood spurted out from their mouths and they flew out suddenly, hitting the ground in the distance hard.


The expression of the young man in black changed and he stared at a figure in the distance.

The crowd dispersed automatically, and a young man in white clothes with flying black hair strode over. His true energy surged around his body like a divine dragon, and his eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

"Let her go, or die!!"

The extremely cold voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hells, making everyone tremble in their hearts after hearing it.

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