Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2901 Candle Dragon Egg, Candle Dragon Essence and Blood!

"This candle dragon egg seems to be born at any time?"

A bright light flashed in Su Chen's eyes. He activated the Eye of Chaos to look, and he could vaguely see that the candle dragon egg was wrapped in a ball of chaos origin. The chaos mist filled it, and a young candle dragon was sleeping in it. , as if he was about to wake up at any moment.

This candle dragon egg has been nourished by the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, and it seems to have received a large amount of candle dragon essence and blood, making its foundation extremely rich.

The Zhulong Egg gave Su Chen no less of a feeling than the Flying Pig.

"Could it be that Zhulong is also a born Taoist beast?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and his heart moved slightly.

"Zhulong is indeed a natural beast, and one of the most powerful divine and demonic beasts among the natural beasts!"

Zhu Jiuyin seemed to see the doubts in Su Chen's heart and explained.

"Su Chen, you have the aura of a Tao beast on your body. Could it be that you also encountered a Tao beast?"

Zhu Jiuyin was very curious.

"That's right! There is a Tianxin Dao beast on my body!"

Su Chen nodded.

Then, he recounted the grudges between the Tianxin Dao Beast and the Lord of Samsara.

"You actually got the Tianxin Dao Beast? What a great blessing!"

Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said with some emotion.

The world of Hongmeng is divided into acquired beasts and innate beasts.

Acquired Dao beasts are divided into four grades: lower, middle, upper and extreme. They have extraordinary intelligence and can even form groups and reproduce. Among them, many powerful beings have been born, dominating one area.

But the natural Dao beast is different. The natural Dao beast is born from congenital conception, which is too rare.

There are no grades of natural beasts, only types. There are three types: heavenly beasts, divine and demon beasts, and original beasts!

There is no distinction between these three kinds of Dao beasts. They are all extremely noble, with strong bloodlines and powerful talents, far higher than the acquired Dao beasts.

Among them, there are the most heaven-level beasts, which are nurtured by heaven and earth. Lingshan Daze, ancient trees with magical medicine, spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and supreme spiritual veins can all give birth to heaven-level beasts.

The gods and demon beasts have a long history and are inherited by blood. They can even be traced back to the birth of Hongmeng Realm. They are a bit like the ancient gods and demons in the universe, with powerful blood and extremely evil talents.

Zhulong is a divine and demonic beast.

As for the original Dao beasts, they are Dao beasts that are born from the origin of the three thousand avenues. There are only three thousand species in total, and each one is extremely powerful.

Scary for its own sake.

There is a legend that if one can obtain an original Dao beast, it will increase the hope of breaking through to the God Emperor.

Therefore, it seems that there are three thousand species of origin beasts in total, but it is very likely that one origin beast may not be born for hundreds of millions of years, and it is also the rarest among the three avenue beasts.

But in terms of preciousness and rarity, the flying pig is even more than the candle dragon!

Of course, this does not mean that Flying Pig is stronger than Zhulong. The original Dao beast has too many limitations, and in many cases it is not very good at fighting, and is not as powerful as the divine and demonic Dao beasts.

Su Chen also got these from Feizhu. He didn't expect that today he would get another divine and demon beast, the Zhulong Egg!

Obviously, Zhu Jiuyin entrusted the Zhulong egg to Su Chen in the hope that Su Chen could grow up with Zhulong in the future, and he had high hopes in this.

Perhaps in Zhu Jiuyin's view, Su Chen is the most suitable person to inherit the legacy of the Chaos God Emperor.

"Su Chen, I've entrusted you with the Zhulong Egg! This remnant of my soul is about to dissipate. Although I can't help you get the Chaos Orb directly, I can still give you some help!

In the center of the secret realm, there is a Chaos Heavenly Palace, where the core of the Chaos Orb is located.

Once there, after refining the core of the Chaos Orb, you can directly control the Chaos Orb!

You have the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, and the many formation restrictions of the Chaos Heavenly Palace should have no effect on you! The only thing I can give you is a drop of candle dragon essence and blood. Once this drop of candle dragon essence and blood is activated, it can explode with power comparable to the rule realm, and temporarily form a candle dragon light and dark barrier to protect you for a period of time. ! "

Zhu Jiuyin said seriously.

Then, a drop of black and white blood flew from his body, containing a mysterious and ancient aura, as if light and darkness were intertwined, covering the heaven and earth, grand and immortal.

"A drop of Zhulong's essence and blood?! Thank you, senior, I will definitely take good care of Little Zhulong!"

Su Chen couldn't help but be moved, bowed to Zhu Jiuyin extremely seriously, and said excitedly.

A drop of Zhulong's essence and blood is enough to be his life-saving trump card.

After all, in this secret realm of chaos, no matter how strong one is, it is impossible to surpass the tenth realm of the Great Dao. A drop of candle dragon essence and blood is enough to determine the outcome of the tripod.

But Su Chen would not be careless, because there are many old monsters in the eight ancient cities and Taoist courts who have entered the secret realm of chaos. How many methods do they have?

Su Chen also didn't know, so he had to be cautious enough.

"Thank you!"

Zhu Jiuyin sighed softly, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. He glanced deeply at Zhulong Dan, and his body became a little dim, as if it would disappear at any time.

"That's right! Senior, I have one more thing to ask of you. Someone has planted the Soul Seal of Rules in my body. I wonder if there is a Divine Fruit of Rules in the secret realm?"

Su Chen asked quickly.

"Rule Soul Seal?"

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes flashed, and he carefully checked Su Chen's body, and then discovered the regular soul mark in Su Chen's body.

"What a vicious method! With this rule soul seal, you may be controlled by others, and the rule soul seal has shown signs of revival before, as if it is detecting your movements. Fortunately, there is a supreme barrier left by me in the Black Dragon Palace, which suppresses the rule soul seal!

There are indeed rule divine fruits in the secret realm, covered by a natural formation, and there may be a few fruits. I will tell you the location. You have the fragments of the Chaos Longevity Cauldron, so you should be able to pick the rule divine fruits safely!"

Zhu Jiuyin said slowly.

"Thank you, senior!"

Su Chen was overjoyed and thanked him excitedly.

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