Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2900 Chaos Orb!

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be from the ninth level of the Chaos Sea, right?" Zhu Jiuyin glanced at Su Chen and said. "How did you know that, senior?" Su Chen was a little shocked. "Because, you have the breath of the master's blood and essence on you!" Zhu Jiuyin sighed lightly, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and slowly explained: "Back then, after the master fell, the Chaos Sea became a forbidden area. The master's lifeblood formed nine Chaos Orbs, one of which fell into the Chaos Sea! That drop of blood, in the Chaos Sea, a forbidden area, gave birth to life, evolved the world, and became a universe! It is also a seed left by the master, a ray of hope, and a hope to carry the Chaos Avenue! Since you came from the ninth Chaos Sea, it means that you have broken the confinement of that universe and cultivated the Chaos Avenue! Otherwise, you can't leave the ninth Chaos Sea at all! The ninth Chaos Sea is the hope and seed left by the master, and it is also a prison. Only the most powerful creatures that carry his Chaos blood and essence can break the prison and escape!" "The universe of the heavens evolved from a drop of blood and essence of the Chaos God Emperor?" Su Chen widened his eyes, full of shock. He had also wondered why only the ninth Chaos Sea had evolved into the Universe of the Heavens, while the other eight Chaos Seas were restricted areas, where creatures could not cross, and only beasts with ignorant intelligence could cross.

So that's why!

No wonder Zhu Jiuyin revealed that he was from the ninth Chaos Sea, because he had the blood of the Chaos God Emperor on him.

"So, I am also a descendant of the Chaos God Emperor?"

Su Chen's eyes had a strange look.

"Senior, is this Chaos Secret Realm really the place where the Chaos God Emperor passed on his legacy?"

Su Chen had a hint of expectation in his heart, and asked excitedly.

"Yes, and no!"

Zhu Jiuyin said slowly.

"Why is that?"

Su Chen was puzzled.

Zhu Jiuyin explained: "This Chaos Secret Realm is actually a Chaos Orb. If you get the Chaos Orb, you can become one of the nine inheritors of the Chaos God Emperor! The inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor is not in the Chaos Sea, but in the Hongmeng Realm. Only when the nine Chaos Orbs gather and the nine descendants appear, can the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor be truly opened! However, this Chaos Orb is the most special, containing the owner's expectations and hard work. Since you are from the ninth level of the Chaos Sea, you should control this Chaos Orb!" "The entire Chaos Secret Realm is a Chaos Orb?" Su Chen was stunned. He originally thought that there might really be the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor in this Chaos Secret Realm, but he never thought that this entire Chaos Secret Realm was a Chaos Orb. Needless to say, this Chaos Orb is also the most precious treasure. "Senior, how can I control the Chaos Orb?" Su Chen's eyes were full of excitement and expectation. "Nine Chaos Orbs, each containing a different treasure. Some are Supreme God Scriptures, some are Supreme Origin Arts, some are Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures, some are Formation Inheritances and even Sword Dao Inheritances, so everyone's fate is different!

Although you are the one chosen by Chaos God Emperor and the one who is most likely to control the Chaos Orb, it is not necessarily you, and you also need to go through tests! Not long after, the final test will come in the center of the secret realm. Only by passing the final test can you refine the core and master the Chaos Orb!"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled slightly.

"So that's it! Senior, why are you here?"

Su Chen asked with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"In fact, I have already fallen!"

Zhu Jiuyin sighed lightly and said, "The battle was too tragic back then. My master and I fell at the same time, and the Chaos Longevity Cauldron was completely shattered. The reason why I still have a remnant soul is because I still have obsessions. This is what I want to ask you next!"

"Please ask me?"

Su Chen was slightly stunned.


At this moment, Zhu Jiuyin waved his sleeves, and a brilliant light burst out. In front of Su Chen, an ancient altar appeared, interweaving with brilliant divine light.

On the altar, there was a strange fragment, and on the fragment there was a black and white egg, flowing with divine light, nurturing a majestic breath of life, but it seemed to be sealed up.

"The fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron?"

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he immediately recognized that the strange fragment was the fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, and the fragment on his body exuded the same origin.

"That's right! This is a fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron. As for this Zhulong egg, it is my offspring, which has been sealed by me for hundreds of millions of years and has never been born! What I want to ask of you is that I hope to hand over my offspring to you!"

Zhu Jiuyin said very solemnly.

Su Chen did not agree immediately. He pondered for a moment, looked up at Zhu Jiuyin, and said, "Senior, do you really believe that I can get the Chaos Orb? If I die, I am afraid that this Zhulong Egg will..." He did not expect that Zhu Jiuyin actually believed in him so much. "Because, I can only trust you!"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled bitterly and said: "You have the blood of the master in your body. I believe that you will not harm my child! But this is not necessarily the case for others. You don't know what a Zhulong egg means. What, if it falls into the hands of others, it may be very disastrous!

Moreover, although there are many people coming to this secret realm, there is only one person who can pose a threat to you! With your bloodline advantage, I believe it will be you who will get the Chaos Orb in the end! Su Chen, this is just the first step of the test. If you can't even get the Chaos Orb, how can you control the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor? "

Su Chen nodded, finally understanding Zhu Jiuyin's painstaking efforts.

However, according to Zhu Jiuyin's words, there is one person in this secret realm who can pose a threat to him. Could it be the Taoist disciple of the Taoist Court, Gu Changsheng?

Su Chen couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

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