Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2883 Chaos Dragon Vein, the Lair of the Evil Spirit!

Su Chen jumped into the black abyss. In front of him was the turbulent chaotic airflow, and the evil spirits behind him pounced on the disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect.

Su Chen circulated the principles of chaos and enveloped his whole body. Suddenly, the sense of obstruction disappeared. He was like a fish in water, as if he was integrated with the chaotic airflow around him.

Moreover, Su Chen felt a strong and vast power of chaos in front of him, causing the three-color Tao seeds in his body to feel a wave of desire.

Chaos Dragon Vein!

Su Chen understood that it must be the Chaos Dragon Vein.


He was extremely fast, rushing into the whirlpool, and swimming quickly forward in the direction of the source of chaos.

At the same time, Su Chen felt a cold aura coming, full of malice and greed.

Evil spirit!

In this chaotic whirlpool, although most of the evil spirits are attracted by the disciples of Xuanhuang Dao Sect, there are still sporadic evil spirits.

After sensing that there was a living being entering, Sha Ling immediately rushed towards Su Chen.


Su Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the fire of chaos surged around him.

It exploded instantly.

The fire of chaos burns everything, it is the fire of the origin of chaos, its power is unparalleled, and at the same time it is the most yang and strong power, extremely restraining evil spirits.

The two evil spirits that rushed towards Su Chen were caught off guard and were swept up by the fire of chaos, and instantly began to burn.

The evil spirit twisted violently and emitted sharp and harsh sound waves, which made Su Chen feel the sting of his soul.

This evil spirit is really difficult to deal with!

His expression was solemn, the Junlin Sword appeared in his palm, and the dazzling sword light rose up. He used the Junlin Sword to perform the Tao-Slaying Technique, and the two sharp sword lights instantly struck the two evil spirits.

The Tao-Zhan Jue can destroy the source, and the Junlin Sword is a treasure of rules, and it is also extremely lethal to evil spirits, not to mention that the evil spirits at this moment are trapped by the fire of chaos.


The evil spirit was chopped into two halves, and then rolled up in the flames of chaos. It burned into ashes in an instant and disappeared without a trace.


Su Chen's speed increased a bit and he moved quickly forward.

he already felt

Now, the aura of the origin of chaos is getting stronger and stronger, and it is accompanied by a mysterious and ancient dragon power.

Chaos Dragon Vein is coming soon!

It was like a long whirlpool passage. Su Chen moved quickly, approaching the Chaos Dragon Vein. On the way, he encountered several sporadic evil spirits. They were killed by Su Chen and burned to ashes by the fire of Chaos.

"That is……"

I don't know how long I walked forward, but when Su Chen's eyes suddenly became clear, the scene in front of me made Su Chen couldn't help but feel shocked.

The rich fragrance filled the air, and the milky white mist was so pure that it automatically blended into the pores of Su Chen's body, improving Su Chen's cultivation and tempering his body.

In front of Su Chen's eyes, a huge dragon-shaped mountain range appeared. It looked like a giant dragon. The whole body was surrounded by chaotic light, intertwined with a touch of golden clouds, filled with divine brilliance, and exuded a majestic and immortal aura.

However, the dragon-shaped mountain range in front of us seemed to have its head cut off, leaving only the dragon body, with a faint golden light in the dragon body.

Energized, drops of blood escape, occasionally drifting to other places, looking extremely mysterious.

That blood bead is the blood of the Chaos Dragon!

The pure energy floating around Su Chen was escaping from those blood beads and was extremely extraordinary.

Standing here, Su Chen felt that his Chaos Dao Principle was rapidly increasing. The Dao Seeds in his body seemed to have been injected with a mysterious vitality and energy, becoming more majestic and mysterious.

"It is indeed the Chaos Dragon Vein! But, who cut off this Chaos Dragon Vein?"

Su Chen's heart was filled with shock and surprise.

The Chaos Dragon Veins in front of him had his head cut off, and then the Chaos Dragon Blood leaked out, and filled with evil energy, forming evil spirits one after another.

That's right, it's an evil spirit.

Su Chen seemed to have arrived at the evil spirit's lair.

In front of his eyes, thousands of evil spirits gathered together, looking like a black sun, entrenched around the Chaos Dragon Veins, seeming to absorb the power of the Chaos Dragon Veins.

That sight made Su Chen's scalp tingle.


At the same time, those evil spirits also discovered

Su Chen stared at Su Chen with a pair of scarlet and cold eyes.

The next moment, thousands of evil spirits surged like a tidal wave, rushing toward Su Chen crazily.

"Damn it, why are there so many evil spirits?"

Su Chen's face was extremely solemn, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

At this moment, he felt a fatal crisis.

If there were a few evil spirits, or even dozens of evil spirits, Su Chen would have the confidence to contend with them, and with the help of the Junlin Sword and the Fire of Chaos, he would be able to kill them.

However, thousands of evil spirits, even those who are powerful in the Nine and Ten Realms, may only be able to flee, and it is impossible for Su Chen to compete.


At the moment of life and death crisis, Su Chen suddenly gritted his teeth and instantly activated the fire of chaos to the extreme, forming a raging sea of ​​fire and shrouding the evil spirit.

At the same time, his figure was like lightning, moving towards the place where the Chaos Dragon Vein was severed.

That's where the Chaos Dragon's blood spurts out!

This is a way to survive in death. Perhaps only by entering there can you survive.

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