Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2882 Entering the Black Abyss!

The disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect are also at the Sixth Realm. They are well aware of the power of Senior Brother Wang. He is the true disciple of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect. He has inherited the Xuanhuang Realm Fire and is unparalleled in power. Even those who are strong in the Seventh Realm may not be able to Senior Brother Wang’s opponent.

They were full of confidence in Senior Brother Wang and believed that Senior Brother Wang would be able to kill Su Chen easily.

After all, how strong can the cultivation of the four realms be?

But they never thought that Senior Brother Wang would die in Su Chen's hands.

And all of this happened in an instant, leaving them no chance to react. Senior Brother Wang was killed by Su Chen.

"How can this be?!"

Their eyes were filled with extremely horrified looks, they couldn't believe what they were seeing, and even their voices were trembling.


Su Chen's eyes were extremely cold. He didn't give everyone a chance to react. He used the Tao-Slaying Technique and turned it into an unparalleled sword light across the sky and earth, killing many disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect.

"Stop him!"


"Tell Senior Brother to avenge Senior Brother Wang!"

The eyes of many Xuanhuang Dao Sect disciples were full of shock and anger.

, I didn’t expect that Su Chen would actually come towards them.

The death of Senior Brother Wang made them lose the desire and will to fight. They instantly turned into streaks of light and fled in all directions, trying to escape from this valley.


Su Chen's tongue was filled with thunder and his eyes were extremely sharp.

The majestic power of the soul exploded, turning into swords of the soul, lingering with bright divine radiance, like a raging sword formation, covering the entire valley.

God-conferring style!

This is the fragment of the Dao-Slaying Technique found by Su Chen from the Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion. It is of unparalleled power. It uses gods to control swords to form the realm of the Gods. It suppresses everything and has unparalleled power.

The surging sword light was extremely terrifying, as if it blocked the surrounding void in an instant, causing everyone to slow down.

At the same time, the terrifying primordial spirit sword light pierced the sea of ​​consciousness between their brows, causing their primordial spirits to be shocked and inexplicably horrified.

They all displayed powerful Taoist techniques, sacrificed several powerful Taoist weapons, and headed towards Su Chen across the sky.

But their attacks were nothing in Su Chen's eyes, far behind Senior Brother Wang.

Su Chen's eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body turned into a dazzling sword light.

It was as if the heaven and earth were cut open, cut down in an instant.


Several Taoist artifacts were instantly chopped into pieces, and two disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect were slashed away by Su Chen with a sword, blood spurting from their mouths, and they were horrified.

This is what Su Chen kept.

If Su Chen didn't think it was useful to keep their lives alive, I'm afraid he would have killed them completely with this sword.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Su Chen's figure was as fast as lightning, and the raging sword light enveloped the entire valley, majestic and immortal.

The combination of the Heaven-Destroying Style and the Conferring God Style left these disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect with no room for resistance. Within a moment, they were severely injured by the sword light and fell from mid-air.

Dozens of surging sword lights formed a sword array, locking them up so that they did not dare to act rashly, their eyes full of shock and anger.

"Despicable creatures of the Chaos Sea, if you dare to kill Senior Brother Wang, you are dead. No one can save you!"

"Boy, I remember you, our senior brother will definitely cut you into pieces!"

"If you know what's going on, let us go immediately!"

Many disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect glared at Su Chen, with a cold light surging in their eyes, and some expressions of fierceness and inner anger.


But their words made Su Chen smile.

What a fool with his eyes above his head!

Death was imminent, and he was still threatening Su Chen.

However, Su Chen had no intention of talking nonsense to them. The sword rays fell and knocked these Xuanhuang Dao Sect disciples unconscious.

Then, Su Chen came to Senior Brother Wang and took off the Qiankun Ring from his hand. It was the standard storage magic weapon of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect. It was a high-grade Taoist artifact that contained the Qiankun, which was mysterious and extraordinary.

Su Chen used the fire of chaos to burn out the soul mark on the Qiankun Ring, and then opened the Qiankun Ring.

In the Qiankun Ring, there were a lot of various heavenly and earthly treasures, Taoist artifacts and slips, but Su Chen only glanced at them roughly, and his eyes fell on a mutton-fat jade purification bottle.

In the mutton-fat jade bottle, there are eight drops of golden blood, which look as bright as stars, floating in the jade bottle.

"Eight drops of Chaos Dragon Blood?"

Su Chen sneered in his heart, these eight drops of Chaos Dragon Blood might be eight lives.

The Xuanhuang Dao Sect behaves this way, and it is no different from the Demon Sect.

However, now everything is cheaper for Su Chen.

"Eight drops of Chaos Dragon Blood is still too little, not enough for me to

A complete transformation requires more Chaos Dragon Blood to transform my physical body and break through to the Seventh Realm in one go! "

Su Chen's eyes flickered, and he thought secretly in his heart.

His eyes fell on the several disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect who were knocked unconscious. Perhaps they could be used as waste. They could use these disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect to attract evil spirits and then allow him to obtain more Chaos Dragon Blood.

Although the evil spirit is strong, it is not invincible. My Chaos Fire should be able to easily burn it out.

"Although this black abyss seems dangerous, to me, it is nothing less than a place of creation!"

Su Chen's eyes flickered, looking at the huge black abyss with turbulent black and white whirlpools and rising chaotic mist in front of him, and he had a calculation in his heart.


Su Chen took away all the Qiankun Rings from the Xuanhuang Daomen disciples, and then kicked them directly into the black abyss.

Those evil spirits immediately swarmed over.

Taking this opportunity, Su Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and the fire of chaos surged around him, like a stream of light that instantly swept into the white vortex.

He is going to the depths of this Chaos Dragon Vein to find more Chaos Dragon Blood!

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