Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2867 Open the secret realm!


Seven unfathomable figures, like seven scorching suns, appeared above the ancient city of beasts, standing side by side with the Lord of Beasts.

They are the masters of the eight ancient cities and the masters of the eight rules in the sea of ​​chaos.

Although there are fights and disagreements between each other on weekdays, when facing foreign enemies, they still choose to act unanimously.

This time, when they heard that Daoting was going to open a secret realm of chaos in the sea of ​​chaos and explore the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor, they couldn't sit still.

However, when the Lords of the Seven Rules, who were originally so powerful, could not help but narrow their eyes when their eyes fell on the Yin-Yang battleship.

And when they saw the yin and yang ruler in the center, their scalps went numb and their eyelids twitched.

"Yin Yang Battleship? Dao Ting is so generous!"

"The Lords of the Nine Rules have arrived at the same time to guard against the eight of us!"

"Could the one in the middle be... the Yin-Yang Master? Hiss... the Yin-Yang Master, one of the nine great masters of Tao Ting, actually came in person?"

"Does this Chaos Secret Realm really have the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor?"

"It's very possible! Fortunately, the Chaos Sea suppresses cultivation, and fortunately the Taoist Court needs us. Otherwise, a yin-yang master

, I'm afraid it can kill us all easily! "

"So what about the yin and yang masters? This time in the secret realm of chaos, we must seize the greatest creation and inheritance!"


The eyes of the Lord of the Eight Rules were changing, filled with solemnity and fear. They were intertwined with each other and talking in secret.

Originally they were so powerful that they didn't take Tao Ting seriously at all, but when they saw the Yin and Yang Master, they all immediately became more honest.

"Now that the eight city lords are here, let's get started!"

The expression of the Lord of Yin and Yang was deep and calm. With a wave of his sleeve, a scroll, surrounded by golden light, flew towards the Lord of Beasts.

"This is a time and space scroll that records the location of the secret realm! Now we need eight city lords to activate the power of the eight ocean eyes to penetrate time and space and open the secret realm. I guess there will be no problem, right?"

The master of yin and yang said calmly.

Although the words were calm, they contained a majesty that was hard to refuse.

"No problem! Don't worry, Master Lord, the eight of us will activate Haiyan and open the secret realm right now!"

The Lord of Beasts laughed and grabbed the time and space scroll in his hand.

At the same time, he was extremely shocked in his heart. Such a treasure as the Space-Time Atlas

, can capture the creation hidden in time, space and years, which is extremely precious. It is a treasure that can only be refined by the most powerful people who have transcended the realm of rules.

The Taoist court has invested so much money, which makes them look forward to it more and more. What kind of inheritance and creation will be in the secret realm?

The eight Lords of Beasts looked at each other, nodded, and then instantly flew across the sky and stood on the eighth level of the eye of the sea.

The reason why the eight of them were able to build the ancient city on the sea eye was not just because they were the masters of rules, but more importantly, they left the imprint of their souls on the sea eye and were able to mobilize and control the power of the sea eye. strength.

Even if it is only one ten thousandth, it is enough to make them invincible.

This is why, although they were wary after seeing Yin Yang Master, Dao Ting and others, they were not afraid.

Because they have enough confidence.


The time and space scroll slowly opened.

Chaos light filled the air, the power of Hongmeng rose, purple light lingered, and a mysterious and unknown secret realm seemed to emerge vaguely.

This is a space-time coordinate that records the location of the secret realm of chaos.

The eight people including the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts were extremely shocked, but they had no time to check the time and space scroll.

It was the power of Haiyan that was activated at the same time.


In the eighth level of the Chaos Sea, the eight Great Ocean Eyes trembled at the same time. Fiery divine light rose into the sky, containing vast power of chaos. They converged on the eighth level of the Ocean Eye of Chaos, forming eight bright rays. A pillar of light soared into the sky.

Those eight light beams distorted space and penetrated time and space, as if they penetrated the void of all things in an instant and opened up the long river of time.

Faintly, in the sky above the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, a dazzling long river emerged like a star. The endless flow of time, space and time was irreversible and majestic.

And the secret realm of chaos is hidden in the long river of time and space!

It doesn't belong to this world, and it doesn't even necessarily belong to the Hongmeng world.

That secret realm is hidden in the long river of time and space at a certain time point in the past or future. Only specific power can activate it.

The master of the eight rules, harnessing the power of chaos of the eight ocean eyes, formed the most powerful rules of chaos, grand and immortal, vaguely like an ancient world of chaos emerging, oppressing the heavens.

Among the eight rules, everyone was extremely shocked. It was hard for them to imagine what kind of magical power Tao Ting had used to actually be able to extract information from time and space.

In the long river, the location of the secret realm of chaos was located.

This requires an extremely powerful being who has mastered the three supreme rules of chaos, space, and time and space to the extreme, even beyond the realm of rules.

Moreover, it also requires chance and good fortune, and it is necessary to capture the trace of vitality left by the Chaos God Emperor.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

The only ones who can do this are probably the nine supreme masters of the Taoist court.

This made them have to wonder, could it be the master of Yin and Yang who found the secret realm of chaos?



However, they could no longer think too much about it at this moment.

As the rules of chaos were activated, the time and space scrolls merged into the long river of time and space, and vaguely, a grand and immortal world emerged from the long river of time.

That world was simple and mysterious, flowing with chaotic light. It looked like an ancient giant cauldron that swallowed up everything in the world. Although it was illusory, it was very clear.

Moreover, the power of the eight big eyes of the sea gathered together at the same time, almost draining the eight masters of rules, and then a gap was opened in the ancient world. The majestic chaotic light spurted out, and a void passage was gradually constructed. Completed, slowly becoming solid.

The secret realm of chaos is opened!

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