Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2866: Someone from the Taoist Court, Yin and Yang dominate!

A few months later.

In the sky above the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Chaos Wangyang seemed to be torn apart, and a bright light penetrated the heaven and earth, illuminating the heaven and earth, exuding the aura of eternity.

In the huge vortex, the power of space is constantly twisting, as if it is leading to another ancient world.

A huge ancient ship came across the sky from the dazzling whirlpool, exuding overwhelming divine power. Its aura was ancient and mysterious, making the void in all directions buzz and tremble.

The ancient ship is like a chaotic divine mountain, majestic, majestic and mysterious, and exudes eternal light.

The yin and yang barrier intertwined around it can directly destroy even the chaotic storm, and there is a huge battle flag flying in the wind on the ancient ship.

Above the battle flag, a mysterious scene of Yin-Yang Taiji diagram suddenly appeared, which seemed to be able to evolve all things in the sky.

Several figures with unfathomable auras stand on the ancient ship. Their bodies are radiant with divine radiance, and the power of rules is intertwined. An immortal universe has evolved above their heads.

The nine figures are like nine ancient god kings, majestic

arrived in the sky above the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Yin-Yang Battleship? Fellow Taoists from the Taoist Court, you even brought out the Yin-Yang Battleship this time. It seems that you are determined to inherit the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor!"

A rough and loud voice sounded.

The Lord of Beasts rose up in the sky and came to the ancient warship. Facing the nine figures in front of him, his eyes were full of shock, and there was even a trace of fear that flashed away.

Yin-Yang Battleship, the supreme treasure of Taoist Court!

It is rumored that the Yin and Yang battleship can travel through the void and all realms, and even reverse Yin and Yang, traveling through the past, present and future. It contains fragments of an immortal universe and is both offensive and defensive. With one blow, even the most powerful person at the peak of the Rules realm will be killed directly. .

These are all famous treasures in the Hongmeng world.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts did not expect that the Taoist Court would pay so much attention to it, and not only brought the Yin and Yang battleships, but also dispatched the nine masters of rules!

And one of them is an acquaintance of the Lord of Beasts.

That was a young man in purple robe, who looked as rich as jade, with an extraordinary temperament, and a pair of

But his eyes were bright and dazzling, as if he could see through all things, and were extremely mysterious.

Lord of the Double Ninth Festival, Ning Chongyang!

However, what shocked the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was that the Lord of Chongyang, Ning Chongyang, was not the strongest among the nine. The strongest one was an old man in Taoist robes who led him. He had a childlike face and white hair, wearing a Yin-Yang Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand. , with a face as rosy as a baby, and a pair of eyes that seem to be able to penetrate all things.

The eight masters of rules around him all respected the old man in Taoist robes.

"Lord of all beasts, do you still recognize me?"

The old man in Taoist robes smiled calmly.

His eyes were deep and mysterious, and the Tao charm flowing around him seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth. He seemed to have no cultivation at all.

You must know that the Chaos Sea is transformed from the immortal universe fragments of the Chaos God Emperor. No matter how powerful you are, you will still be suppressed in the Chaos Sea.

This is also the reason why although Ning Chongyang is far stronger than the Lord of Beasts, the Lord of Beasts is not afraid of him at all.

But seeing the old man in Taoist robes in front of him, he seemed to be unaffected by the sea of ​​chaos, so that the Lord of Beasts

Their eyelids were twitching, and their eyes were full of shock.

He seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but trembled all over, and said with great awe: "Are you...the Master of Yin and Yang, one of the nine masters of Tao Ting?"

He felt his scalp numb and his heart was extremely shocked.

The nine great masters of Tao Ting are the nine immortal elders of Tao Ting, who are in charge of the power of Tao Ting, and each of them is an earth-shattering big shot, a figure who would make the world of Hongmeng tremble with their stomping feet.

That is the strongest person who has surpassed the realm of rules, and his strength is extremely terrifying!

The ancient God Emperor is not far away.

The nine masters of the Taoist Court were the supreme figures during the Chaos God Emperor's period. They were living fossils and antiques. They usually practiced in seclusion and rarely appeared in front of the world.

The Lord of Beasts never thought that this Master of Yin and Yang would actually arrive!

No wonder the Yin-Yang Battleship appears, because the Yin-Yang Battleship is the treasure in the hands of the Yin-Yang Master.

The Lord of all beasts once saw the Lord of Yin and Yang in a conference of gods, so he had some


"It's Pindao! The Lord of Beasts, I'm going to trouble you eight this time to help us open the secret realm of chaos. I believe you have no problem, right?"

The yin and yang master smiled calmly, his eyes calm and gentle.

"No problem at all!"

The Lord of Beasts swallowed his saliva and said.

If he were not in the Sea of ​​Chaos, he would not even be qualified to stand in front of the Yin and Yang Lord.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts is like Su Chen and the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts to the Lord of Yin and Yang. The two are so different that they cannot be compared at all.

"I will ask the other seven fellow Taoists to come and pay homage to the Lord of Yin and Yang!"

The Lord of Beasts laughed.

Then, he quickly contacted the rule masters of the other seven ancient cities, but even if he didn't contact them, the Yin-Yang battleship appeared in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the other seven people must have been alerted.

It didn't take long.


In the eye of the sea below the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, there seemed to be bright scorching suns rising up, and seven figures with unparalleled auras moved out of the eye of the sea.

The rules lords of the other seven ancient cities have arrived!

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