Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2843 A hundred years!

The gate of the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts is made of some kind of divine gold, with various runes engraved on it, exuding a mysterious and primitive aura.

On both sides, there were powerful soldiers guarding them, all wearing black armor, holding weapons, and their eyes were extremely cold.

The cultivation level of those soldiers, the weakest one has reached the fourth realm, and the most powerful one, whose aura is terrifying and unfathomable, is at least the cultivation level of the seventh realm.

A strong man from the Seventh Realm is here to guard the gate of the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, which shows how strong the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts is.

Su Chen found that many people were lining up to enter the city. Those people looked extremely fierce. Their bodies were filled with evil energy, stained with a lot of blood, and their aura was extremely terrifying.

These are a group of demons and scum, and they look at Su Chen with evil intentions and a fierce look.

However, it seemed that it was taken by the guards, and no one dared to do anything at will.

In front of the gate, there is an ancient mirror. In the ancient mirror, there is a dusty bead, which looks like a gray bead.

Like the eyes of a ferocious beast, it exudes a strange light.

For everyone who enters the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, the bead in the ancient mirror will emit a ray of light, covering the whole body and activating the identity plate.

This is a rare treasure to check the identity and prevent others from sneaking into the ancient city of beasts.

Although Su Chen felt a little uneasy, he still followed the crowd and came to the ancient mirror.


In the ancient mirror, a strange light shot out from the dusty beads, covering Su Chen's entire body.

For a moment, Su Chen felt as if his entire being had been seen through, and there was no secret left.

The identity plate in his hand was also activated by that ray of light, blooming brightly and vaguely resonating with the mysterious runes on the door.

"go in!"

The guard said coldly.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, put away his identity plate, and entered the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Within the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, it was like a new world.

in front of you

The streets are wide, with various buildings rolling up and down, with no end in sight. Not only are there many towering ancient trees planted on both sides of the streets, but there are also many shops, with people coming and going, making it very lively.

In a daze, it seemed as if he had arrived in a human city.

"The Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts has existed for countless years! Although it initially housed a group of demons and scum, those demons and scum will also give birth to children and gradually multiply. Today's Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, I'm afraid No less than tens of millions!”

Feizhu explained to Su Chen.

This is the information it got from the Taoist Master of Beast Control. Today's Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts is no different from a human city.

However, anyone who can leave the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts and explore the Sea of ​​Chaos has at least reached the first level of the Great Dao.

Most of them have cultivation levels above the fourth realm.

After all, the Sea of ​​Chaos is too dangerous, and there are many powerful Chaos Beasts in the eighth level of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Without enough strength, they would not dare to set foot in it.

Su Chen looked around and found that many people had not reached the Dao realm at all, and many people's auras were not strong. They were the descendants of demons and scum, and they were still at the level of rebirth.

In order to make a living, they started small businesses in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, or worked in restaurants and inns, soliciting customers with bright smiles on their faces.

"Although there are many demons and scum in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts has set the rules. Private fights are not allowed in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts. If there is any grudge, it can be resolved in the arena of life and death, so there is no need to worry about safety. question!"

Feizhu explained.

"I see!"

Su Chen nodded.

"According to the memory of the Taoist Master of Beast Control, the eight ancient towns are located in the Eye of the Sea. The Gate of the Eye of the Sea is closed and will only be opened once every hundred years! The last time it was opened was ten years ago. We may have to wait in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts. It’s been a while!”

Flying Pig said.

It is also a little helpless. It is difficult to leave the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts at this moment.

, return to Hongmeng Realm.

Who would have thought that the Lord of the Eight Rules would occupy the eighth sea area and build eight ancient cities on the eye of the sea?

"It doesn't matter, let's find a place to settle down first! Since there are tens of millions of people in this Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, we might be able to find some training resources, so we can just practice in seclusion!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

Although ninety years seems to be a long time, for Su Chen who is in the Dao-breaking realm, I am afraid that it will pass in a moment of seclusion.

He walked towards the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, wanting to find an inn to stay in first.

"Go and have a look. I heard that someone else has passed the City Lord's test. That person seems to be the supreme genius Ma Risheng?"

At this moment, someone exclaimed.

Many people in the street seemed to be boiling with excitement, rushing towards somewhere ahead, full of excitement and excitement.

"Test? Let's go and have a look!"

Su Chen's heart moved, and he immediately followed the crowd and walked forward!

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