Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2842 Entering the ancient city!

"In that case, let me leave it to fellow Taoist fellows of the Ten Thousand Beasts to persuade the other masters of the seven rules. How about that?"

Ning Chongyang nodded.

"No need for me to persuade, they have already agreed!"

The Lord of Beasts grinned.

He waved his sleeves, and seven light groups flew out from his sleeves, turning into seven light shadows and emerging.

There are men and women, all with extraordinary auras and an immortal Taoist charm, which are the projections of the other Lords of the Seven Rules.

The Lord of Beasts is extremely cunning. After seeing Ning Chongyang, he notified the other seven Rule Lords and secretly attracted their projection clones.

"Fellow Daoist Chongyang, we agree. May I ask when the secret realm will be opened?"

Among the seven projections, a middle-aged man in purple robes with a majestic look and the aura of an emperor slowly spoke, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

His name is the Lord of Ziwei, and he is the controller of the ancient city of Ziwei in the first level of Chaos Sea.

At the same time, the Lord of Ziwei and the Lord of Beasts are also the most powerful among the seven Lords of Rules.

The two most prestigious people.

However, the Lord of Ziwei cultivates the Emperor's Way and has a deep scheming mind. He is not as simple-minded as the Lord of Beasts, so Ning Chongyang chose to come to the Lord of Beasts.

"One year later!"

Ning Chongyang said calmly.

It seemed that he was not surprised by the appearance of the projections of the other Lords of the Seven Rules.

After all, Ning Chongyang's strength is far superior to them. If they were not in the Sea of ​​Chaos, they would not even have a chance to talk to Ning Chongyang.

The reason why Ning Chongyang came here was to complete the Tao Ting's mission.

"One year? Time is a bit tight, but it's not a big problem. After one year, we look forward to all the fellow Taoists from the Taoist Court coming to the Sea of ​​Chaos!"

The Lord of Ziwei frowned, but then relaxed and smiled slightly.

"Okay, that's it, it's settled, farewell!"

Ning Chongyang nodded.

The eight masters of rules are all here, and they have agreed to cooperate, which saves him the trouble of talking.

He agreed, then jumped up, tore out the sea eyes, and left

The sea of ​​chaos.

Seeing Ning Chongyang leaving, the eyes of the Eight Rulers showed envy and awe.

"Being able to directly tear apart the Chaos Sea Eye, this person's cultivation level must have reached the pinnacle of the Rules Realm, right?"

"It should be almost the same! Even if it is not the tenth realm, it is the peak of the nine realms. He is worthy of being the headmaster of the Ziyang Dao Sect!"

"Do you think what he said is true or false?"

"It should be true. He won't lie to us! After all, in this sea of ​​chaos, we have all been suppressed in our cultivation. At most, we are only at the first level of the rule realm. The Taoist court can't do anything to us!"

"It's not good for Tao Ting to fall out with us. I'm afraid they really found that secret realm!"

"Only those with cultivation levels below the seventh level of the Great Dao Realm can enter the secret realm. This strength is too weak. Is this a restriction imposed by the Chaos God Emperor?"

“The top priority is that we still need to confirm the quota first!”


The eight masters of rules started talking to each other, their hearts filled with excitement and excitement.

There are doubts and worries.

"Out of a thousand places, our eight ancient cities got 160, which is quite a lot! Everyone, the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor is definitely not something that ordinary people can get.

I think that in addition to understanding the principles of chaos, what is more important is luck, luck and strength. If we don't select a group of strong people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete with the talented monsters of the Tao Court! "

The Lord of Ziwei said slowly.

"That's right! Then let's hold an open selection among the eight ancient cities. Twenty people from each city will select a group of top choices with talent, luck, luck and strength. They will enter the secret realm to find the secret of the Chaos God Emperor. inherited!"

The Lord of Beasts said.

Several other people also nodded.

In the next year, how to determine the candidates has become a top priority for the eight ancient cities.

"Finally arrived at the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

Above the Chaos Wangyang, Su Chen stood on the back of the Chaos Yuan Ying, looking at the giant city in front of him, his eyes full of emotion and excitement.

The eyes of the sea rise, the Tao shines brightly, and the divine radiance intertwines,

Thousands of rays of light.

Above the eye of the sea, a huge city reaching the sky is held up, like an immortal star, and like an ancient king of ferocious beasts, exuding a grand and immortal aura.

This is the ancient city of beasts!

With the help of Chaos Yuan Ying, Su Chen and Feizhu rushed to the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts in just a few months, saving several years of time, which made them quite happy.

At this moment, Su Chen could already see many figures coming and going around the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, all of them with extraordinary auras and powerful cultivation.

"Little Yuanying, please become smaller, let's enter the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

Su Chen patted Chaos Yuan Ying and said with a smile.


Chaos Yuan Ying nodded, and then with a flash of chaotic light around him, he transformed into a palm-sized bird with a body as black as ink, and landed on Su Chen's shoulder.

Su Chen took out his identity plate. Although he was a little nervous and didn't know if he would be recognized, he finally flew towards the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts.

This is the hope to go to the Hongmeng Realm. Su Chen must go in and have a look, even if there are risks!

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