Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2825 A new journey!

Mr. Long happily handed over his natal soul and accepted Su Ling'er as his master, which completely reassured Su Chen.

Liu Hanyan wanted to stay in this paradise, but Su Ling'er was very interested in traveling around the universe and seeing the scenery of all the worlds.

With Mr. Long's protection, Su Chen felt a lot more relieved.

Nowadays, the two realms of gods and demons have resolved their grievances. Under the rule of heaven, they have become more and more harmonious. Trade and cultivation exchanges between the two realms have begun, and a long period of peace has begun.

The universe seems to have entered a golden age.

Countless young talents have risen, leaving behind legends. They all regard the Emperor of Heaven, Su Chen, as their goal and idol, and want to get closer to Su Chen.

More and more powerful people are emerging in the universe.

And as all living beings believe in the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen, providing the power of faith, the ancient god Su Chen continues to understand the avenue of faith, and the avenue of faith becomes more and more complete.

Su Chen watched all this with cold eyes.

, did not intervene.

Su Chen originally planned to go to Xuantian Realm to see his old friends in Xuantian Realm, the masters of Tiandao Sect, brothers and sisters, uncles and uncles, and sworn brothers.

However, Su Chen learned that over the course of thousands of years, they had become gods and came to the God Realm.

And in the God Realm, Tiandao Sect was re-established.

Su Chen showed up to meet them, and both of them were extremely excited. They had also heard about Su Chen's legend, and were amazed and excited by Su Chen.

Who could have imagined that Su Chen would become the Emperor of Heaven and the true supreme master of all heavens and realms?

Seeing that they were all safe and sound, Su Chen felt relieved. Not only did he leave a lot of cultivation resources, but he also secretly told the ancient god Su Chen to take care of them.

After doing all this, Su Chen returned to heaven.

"It's time to leave!"

Su Chen's eyes were shining brightly, and he thought secretly in his heart.

He could feel that the heavens and the universe were glowing with new vitality, and the Tianxin Avenue was being completed.

Becoming perfect and flawless, the Tao Yun Taoist principles enveloped the entire heavens and universe.

At least, there won't be any problems within an era.

Su Chen was able to leave with peace of mind.

In the heavenly court, after learning that Su Chen was about to leave, many old friends gathered there.

Many senior brothers from Daoyi Academy, Patriarch Xuanyuan and others, Su Ling'er and Elder Long also came back. Although their eyes were full of reluctance, they were also full of blessings.

They understood that the heavens and the universe seemed vast, but for Su Chen, they were still too small.

Su Chen has transcended the Great Dao and entered the realm of Broken Dao. His journey is not in the heavens and the universe, but in the vast world of Hongmeng.

"Your Majesty Su Chen, please take care of yourself!"

"I heard that there are many dangers in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and those who transcend may not be able to protect themselves. You must be careful!"

"Junior Brother Su Chen, I wish you will kill everyone in Hongmeng Realm and become a new legend!"

"Your Majesty Su Chen, I look forward to your return!"



They all said it to Su Chen, with a look of reluctance in their eyes.

"Everyone, I will be back soon, and I will leave heaven to you!"

Su Chen bowed to everyone and said solemnly, with a faint smile in his eyes.

He took one last look at everyone and found that Su Ling'er's eyes were red, Shui Liuli's eyes were full of reluctance, and everyone was also full of concern.

There was a warm current in his heart, but at the same time he was also filled with great pride.

"Goodbye everyone!"

Su Chen took a deep breath, said slowly to everyone, and then without any hesitation, he rose directly into the sky.

The scene in the heavens and the universe became more and more blurred, and eventually dissipated like a stream of light, becoming farther and farther away.


Su Chen tore apart the barriers of the heavens and the universe and appeared in the sea of ​​chaos.

The heavens and universe behind him are like a dazzling barrier of light, floating in the sea of ​​chaos, more like foam in the sun, as if it will break at any time.

The whole universe

The universe is filled with an illusory atmosphere.

This is just a small universe, floating in the sea of ​​chaos, with endless birth and death. It has no immortal and eternal existence. Only Hongmeng Realm is the real place and the origin of all things.


The figure of Flying Pig emerged, and his eyes were full of expectation.

It’s finally time to return to Hongmeng Realm!

"Hey, Su Chen, this emperor is finally coming back! To all the fairies in the vast Mongolian world, I am here to favor you again!"

Flying Pig was so excited that he couldn't help but let out a long roar, which shook the Chaos Sea and set off a storm.

"Let's go!"

Su Chen smiled calmly, his eyes full of expectation, and his heart filled with great pride.

Together with the flying pig, he turned into two bright streams of light and shot out towards the depths of the chaotic sea in the distance.

They started a new journey and embarked on a new path of practice. They were full of hope and headed towards the real land, the vast Hongmeng world.

A new legend is about to be born.

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