Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2824 Recognize the master!

Liu Hanyan told Su Chen not to worry about her, she was already relieved.

In Liu Hanyan's heart, Su Yuanzong had died in the Xuantian Realm. In her memory, the Su Yuanzong who took great care of her was her real husband.

As for the so-called first-generation Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of Reincarnation, even if he borrowed his corpse to resurrect his soul and was resurrected in the body of Su Yuanzong, it was too far away for Liu Hanyan, and she didn't feel anything.

"Chen'er, the most important thing to me now is you and Ling'er. As long as you two can be well, mother will have no regrets!"

Liu Hanyan said with a smile, his eyes were as gentle as water, and his voice was full of determination.

"Don't worry, mother, from now on in the universe, no one can hurt you at all. You can be free and go where you want!"

Su Chen said with a smile. Seeing Liu Hanyan's attitude, he felt a lot more relaxed.

At the same time, he bluntly said that Liu Hanyan and Su Linger could leave Lingxiao Realm at any time.

In today's universe, the heaven is respected, and with the ancient god Su Chen, the emperor of heaven, sitting in charge, Su Chen can leave with peace of mind.

"I'll forget it, this

It's great to be in paradise, I feel very comfortable here! You can let Ling'er leave with you, Chen'er, if I guessed correctly, are you leaving? "

Liu Hanyan looked at Su Chen and said, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

"That's right! Mom, I'm going to leave the universe and go to Hongmeng Realm. This time I will definitely save Ruowei!"

Su Chen said seriously.

In the universe, there is no room for improvement, and Su Chen's cultivation is still at the early stage of the Tao-breaking realm.

Only by leaving the universe and heading to Hongmeng Realm through the Sea of ​​Chaos can he continue to improve his cultivation.

More importantly, there is hope of rescuing Lin Ruowei in Hongmeng Realm.

"Ruowei is such a good boy, but it's a pity that life is so hard! Chen'er, you must save her and come back safely. Mom is waiting for you here!"

Speaking of Lin Ruowei, Liu Hanyan sighed softly, his heart full of pity and love.

She had met Lin Ruowei a long time ago. She liked that woman very much and regarded her as her daughter-in-law.

But unfortunately, Lin Ruowei died for Su Chen, and Liu Hanyan naturally hoped that Su Chen could save her.


Definitely will! "

Su Chen said with a smile.

Next, he talked with Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er for a while, and then left the village.

He is going to see Mr. Long.

In the valley like a chaotic divine mountain, with mist and mist, the figure of Elder Long emerged.

"Su Chen, didn't you expect that you could actually kill the Lord? It seems that we all underestimated you!"

Elder Long sighed softly, looking at Su Chen with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Mr. Long, it seems that you have known the identity of that man for a long time! However, what I am curious about is, since you know that he is dead, why didn't you seize my mother and little sister and blackmail me?"

Su Chen said with a half-smile, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Is it useful? It's useless. From the moment I noticed that the Lord's aura disappeared, I knew that you won! His years of planning came to nothing, and in the end it can only be said that it is his own fault!

But he saved me and is my master, and I am willing to follow him! Su Chen, you can take action now! "

Mr. Long said to Su Chen very calmly.

He was ready to capture him without any help and kill him at the slightest sign of his neck.

Let Su

Dust disposal.

"Mr. Long, you are also an ancient ancestral dragon after all. Are you really willing to die like this? You must know that the vast world of Hongmeng is the real place and the ultimate place that hundreds of millions of creatures yearn for. Are you not moved? "

Su Chen said calmly.

He did not take action. Speaking of which, although Mr. Long hid something from him, he also helped him a lot and never harmed him.

But he was Su Yuanzong's subordinate after all, and Su Chen would never feel at ease unless he came to see him.

"So what if my heart beats? I am still living on my last breath, and the illusory path I have cultivated is difficult to achieve perfection. There is no hope of transcendence, let alone the legendary Hongmeng world?"

Elder Long smiled bitterly.

"I'll give you a chance!"

Su Chen said calmly: "Dedicate your natal soul, recognize Ling'er as your master, and protect her for an era. When I return from Hongmeng Realm, I will give you hope!"

"You're just going to let me go?"

Elder Long was also very surprised, and at the same time, a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart.

"Speaking of which, you have protected us a lot and have never harmed us. After all, I can't kill you!

But I'm leaving soon, heading to Hongmongolia

Realm, only if you accept Ling'er as your master can you make me feel at ease!

You can definitely rebuild the Tianxin Avenue. Even the Immortal Divine Phoenix can rebuild it, so why can't you?

Today's universe is no longer the same. In the future, all creatures in this world will have the hope of transcending and entering the realm of Hongmeng! "

Su Chen smiled calmly.

He told Mr. Long that the Immortal Phoenix is ​​still alive and has been rebuilt, and is expected to embark on the road to true self.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Mr. Long's old and turbid eyes flickered with a hint of expectation.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Mr. Long readily agreed without any resistance.

In fact, he also likes Su Ling'er very much. After so many years of getting along with him, he has already worked out his feelings. There is no loss for him in accepting Ling'er as his master.

He was filled with emotion, never expecting that Su Chen not only defeated Su Yuanzong, but also reshaped the way of heaven, prevented the destruction of the heavens and the universe, and opened up a way for all living beings to live.

What kind of great courage and great merit is this?

"If this boy sets foot in Hongmeng Realm, I'm afraid he will also achieve great achievements!"

Elder Long thought secretly in his heart.

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