Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 104 Enemies meet!

There were seven people in total.

The leader was a tall old man wearing a black robe with a majestic face. His aura was pulsating, exuding an oppressive momentum fluctuation.

And the six people behind him, although there were men and women, and their auras were slightly weaker than his, they were all extremely terrifying, and they had all reached the realm of Martial Lord.

The Seven Great Martial Lords!

Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu's hearts suddenly sank.

"Great Elder Moro, why are you here?"

At this moment, Jun Ziling's eyes flashed and she smiled slightly.

He recognized the leading old man in black robe, who was the great elder of Shenwu Academy, Moro.

Lord Moro was just about to speak, but his peripheral vision instantly caught sight of Su Chen and the lifelike corpse of the Martial Saint in the distance, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Su Chen? There is also... a corpse of a Martial Saint? Hahaha... I didn't expect that there would be a corpse of a Martial Saint here. God help me!"

Venerable Moro laughed loudly, his eyes filled with extremely fiery expressions.

"The corpse of the Martial Saint? Hiss... Could it be that this is the Martial Saint who created the secret realm of Wolong Mountain?


"It's very possible! The three holy places have all gone to the center of the secret realm at this moment. It seems that their trip was in vain. The greatest creation is here!"

"If there is a Martial Saint's body, it is very likely that there is a Martial Saint inheritance. That boy is absorbing the Martial Saint inheritance?!"


Behind Venerable Moro, the six great warriors were also extremely excited, with excitement in their eyes.

They followed Venerable Moro to hunt down Su Chen.

Venerable Moro paid a heavy price to be able to ask them to take action.

They didn't expect that following the aura along the way, they would not only find Su Chen, but also the body of a Martial Saint.

This can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

What a great blessing!

"Everyone, that kid is Su Chen! Kill him and I can share the inheritance of the Martial Saint with you!"

Venerable Moro showed a hint of hidden murderous intent in his eyes, and then he suddenly pointed at Su Chen and said in a cold voice.


Jun Ziling was extremely anxious and shouted quickly.

"Great Elder Moro, why did you take action against Su Chen? Su Chen is also from the Shenwu Academy.

Disciple, aren’t you afraid of the Dean’s punishment? "

Jun Ziling's face was very ugly.

She naturally knew why Venerable Moro wanted to kill Su Chen.

Whether it was Su Chen who killed the disciples of Venerable Moro, or whether Venerable Moro sent assassins from Fengyu Tower to assassinate Su Chen, it showed that there was no room for change between them, and it was a life-and-death feud.

However, at this moment, Su Chen was still practicing in seclusion and had not woken up.

She must protect Su Chen.

And just when Lord Moro appeared, Zhao Xu decisively sent a message to Jun Ziling, asking Jun Ziling to delay as much time as possible while he came up with a way to set up the formation.

She was full of doubts. Isn't Zhao Xu a Feng Shui master? How come you still know the formation?

But at this moment, she could only choose to believe Zhao Xu.

"Punishment by the dean? Hahaha, is that old guy Yuan Haoran worthy of being the dean of the Shenwu Academy? When I kill Su Chen, I will kill Yuan Haoran and control the Shenwu Academy in my hands! By then, even if It’s the Kingdom of Dali and it no longer exists. What can anyone do to me?”

Lord Moro sneered.

"Crazy, you are completely crazy! You...

...You actually defected to the Dalin Dynasty? Moro, you are also from the Kingdom of Dali. Why do you do this? "

Jun Ziling stared at Lord Moro, his eyes full of anger and confusion.

From Venerable Moro's words, she understood almost instantly what Venerable Moro was thinking. He turned out to have taken refuge in the Dalin Dynasty and wanted to help the Dalin Dynasty to destroy the Dali Kingdom together.

As a result, Yuan Haoran would be extremely dangerous.

Jun Ziling's heart was filled with worry.

"From the Dali Kingdom? No, I am from the Dalin Dynasty! In this world, the strong are respected, and the weak must surrender or die! Jun Ziling, I know you are stalling for time, but do you really think that Will anyone come to save you? Now I give you a chance, surrender to me, I will spare your life, or you will die!"

Lord Moro sneered, his eyes full of ridicule.


The true energy around him was surging, and an unparalleled aura was pressing towards Jun Ziling, Zhao Xu and Su Chen.

As for Zhao Xu, his cultivation in the Wuzong realm was not taken seriously by him at all.

So he didn't even ask.

"Submit to you? Don't even think about it! Venerable Moro, I advise you, if you do too much injustice, you will be killed!"

Jun Ziling said in a cold voice.

"If you don't surrender, then go die!"

Venerable Moro laughed ferociously, then took the lead in rising into the air and reached out to grab Su Chen.

Regardless of whether Su Chen was absorbing the Martial Saint's inheritance or not, he had to control Su Chen first, and then slowly explore the secret of the Martial Saint's body.


The six powerful warriors behind Lord Moro all had extremely cold faces, their eyes filled with murderous intent, and they were heading towards Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu from across the sky.


But at this moment, the underground palace trembled violently.

Like thunder from the nine heavens, it roared and exploded in the underground palace.

hold head high!

An ancient dragon roar sounded, and the ground in the underground palace instantly cracked open. Endless black and yellow energy spurted out from it, transforming into a black and yellow dragon, protecting Jun Ziling, Su Chen and Zhao Xu within it. .

A mysterious and unpredictable black-yellow barrier seemed to appear around them, completely isolating Moro and the other seven powerful warriors!

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