Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 103 The Seven Swords of Jietian!

Zhao Xu took the black magic arrow as if he had found a treasure, and immediately ran to the side to study it.

Having gained Zhao Xu's allegiance, Su Chen felt more at ease with him.

So, Su Chen asked Zhao Xu to protect the law, and he was also ready to understand the page of the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book.

"I don't know, what kind of magical skills are recorded on this page of the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book?"

Su Chen's eyes were full of expectation.


Su Chen was running the Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Technique, his true energy was surging, and the golden clouds were dazzling, pouring continuously towards the iron piece in his hand.

The iron piece in his hand buzzed and trembled, the rust continued to fall off, and a bright silver light spewed out from it.

The originally rusty piece of iron turned into a silver scroll, covered with ancient patterns, which seemed to contain the truth of heaven and earth.

"It's indeed a silver seal script!"

Su Chen was pleasantly surprised.


The sound of ancient swords resounded through the void, and the lines on the silver seal script turned into fierce sword energy at this moment, as if it could kill everything, and the terror was boundless.


Then, that page of silver seal script was enveloped by the sword energy that filled the sky. In an instant, it turned into a blazing sword light and merged into the sea of ​​consciousness between Su Chen's eyebrows.

"That's... Yunzhuan Tianshu?!"

At this moment, Zhao Xu, who was studying the magic arrows, was also alarmed by the terrifying aura of the silver seal script, with a look of extreme shock in his eyes.

As a Feng Shui master, he naturally also knows the Yunzhuan Book of Heaven.

Because the supreme inheritance of Feng Shui masters comes from the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, and it is also the secret of their lineage of Feng Shui masters.

He never thought that Su Chen would actually get a page of Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, and that it would be refined and absorbed by Su Chen.

"Could it be that... he is really the destined one?"

Zhao Xu looked at Su Chen with complex expressions in his eyes.

Not everyone can understand the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book.

Only when one's own physique, soul, or certain potential matches the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, can one be able to absorb and comprehend the supreme inheritance above the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book.

This is also why the Martial Saint obtained the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book but was unable to incorporate it into the book.

Enlightenment reason.

Of course, that Martial Saint is dead.

It is also possible that he understood the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, but after his death, the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book condensed again.

No matter what, it shows that Su Chen is a unique genius!

However, if Zhao Xu knew that this was the third page of the Cloud Seal Book that Su Chen had obtained, he might not know what his expression would be like at this moment.


Su Chen sat cross-legged in the void, his true energy surging around his body, his face calm and majestic, and it seemed as if there were sharp and ancient sword energy spurting out from his body.

This underground palace seemed to have turned into an ancient sword realm.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness between his eyebrows, several ancient characters roared and exploded like a bell.

Seven Swords of Jietian!

What was recorded on that page of the Cloud Seal Book turned out to be a powerful swordsmanship called the Seven Heaven-Jie Tian Swords. When practiced to the extreme, it could cut off all the ways of heaven and earth with one sword!

The training method of Jie Tian's Seven Swords turned into a torrent and merged into Su Chen's martial arts spirit. The powerful sword intent that spewed out completely overwhelmed him.

The individual shrouded himself.

He seemed to have fallen into the deepest state of cultivation, meditating on the Seven Swords of Jie Tian!

The Seven Swords of Jie Tian, ​​there are seven swords in total.

Starting from the first sword of life and death, each sword is more terrifying than the other, and each sword is more powerful than the other.

Although Su Chen has now reached the realm of martial arts, he can only barely comprehend the first sword, the sword of life and death.

"These seven swords of Jietian are the ultimate swordsmanship and magical power. In terms of power, they are more terrifying than my Great Wilderness War Dragon Palm! If it can be mastered, it will definitely become one of my trump cards!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

The Seven Swords of Cutting Heaven can be said to be his biggest gain after entering the secret realm of Wolong Mountain.

In Su Chen's sea of ​​soul consciousness, a bright lightsaber seemed to come from the nine heavens, exuding terrifying killing intent. It fell with one sword, destroying all life.

Sword of life and death!

One sword to live, one sword to die!

Three days later.


A powerful aura spurted out from Jun Ziling's body.

Jun Ziling's cultivation level also rushed directly to the top of the ninth level of Wuzong.

Feng, only one step away from being able to break through to the realm of Martial Lord.

Especially the fierce and unparalleled sword intent, vast and ancient, seemed to be able to pierce the sky and make the entire underground palace buzz and tremble.

"Qingyun Sword Master?"

Jun Ziling slowly opened her eyes, and the divine light in her eyes was like a surging sword energy, extremely fierce.

Only after she absorbed the inheritance stone did she know the origin of the Martial Saint.

Qingyun Sword Master comes from the most mysterious and powerful Zhongzhou.

She absorbed the inheritance stone and also obtained the most powerful Qingyun Sword Code of Qingyun Sword Master, an emperor-level secret that points directly to the realm of the Supreme Martial Emperor.

"If Su Chen hadn't given in, I wouldn't have been able to obtain the inheritance of Qingyun Sword Master!"

Jun Ziling looked at Su Chen not far away, her eyes full of gratitude.


But at this moment, only a loud roar was heard, and the mountain wall outside seemed to be shattered by violence.

Several figures with terrifying auras entered the underground palace directly through the bronze door.


Jun Ziling's eyes flashed, revealing a look of extreme vigilance.

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