Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 796: Invincible in the Realm of Life and Death

The body of Huang Shengjun was immediately wiped out by the power of creation.

His body could no longer regroup and was shattered in this moment.

Chu Fengmian opened his mouth, and all the essence and blood was swallowed by Chu Fengmian.

"The essence and blood of the Realm of Broken Life! It is indeed powerful! This Holy Lord of Desolation has actually been given more than a dozen opportunities!"

Chu Fengmian devoured the essence and blood of Huang Shengjun. This essence and blood transformed into countless essences of spiritual power in Chu Fengmian's body, filling every corner of Chu Fengmian's body.

The essence and blood of one Huang Shengjun is much more powerful than the essence and blood of a hundred Huanggumen disciples.

From his essence and blood, Chu Fengmian could detect the countless adventures that Huang Shengjun had had.

These adventures were integrated into the essence and blood of Huang Shengjun and became his strength.

But now, all of this belongs to Chu Fengmian.

"Seventh level of life and death realm!"

In almost an instant, the aura on Chu Fengmian's body rose steadily, and his realm reached the seventh level of life and death in that instant.

Devouring this Desolate Saint Lord is definitely no less than obtaining any treasure.

The empty ring of Huang Shengjun was also obtained by Chu Fengmian, and the treasures in it were piled up like a mountain. All the treasures obtained from the Yunyu Heavenly Palace have now returned to Chu Fengmian's hands.

"Well, with the treasures of Yunyu Heavenly Palace, I can prepare a lot for me to transcend life and death and break through the realm of broken lives!"

Chu Fengmian calmly put the empty ring away.

Although Chu Fengmian's current state is only the seventh level of the life and death realm, he is already planning how to break through the life-shattering realm.

For other warriors, in fact, if they want to break through every level of the realm of life and death, they will not be able to break through for three to five years.

But Chu Fengmian was different.

As long as he has enough spiritual power, there is no bottleneck in the Dragon Fighting Art he practices. Although he is only at the seventh level of the life and death realm.

But if Chu Fengmian is willing, if Chu Fengmian swallows part of the treasure in Yunyu Heavenly Palace, he can reach the peak of life and death in an instant.

This is not difficult for Chu Fengmian. As long as he has enough spiritual power, he can break through at any time.

However, Chu Fengmian had no intention of doing this. All his treasures were left behind and used when he was preparing to break through the life-shattering realm.

Although it is usually easy for Chu Fengmian to break through, his bottleneck is thousands or ten thousand times more difficult than for ordinary warriors.

('gad2;}h(ex){} He has gone through the great catastrophe of life and death, and has experienced countless hardships. Going beyond life and death, stepping onto the steps of life and death, is hundreds of times more difficult than the state of breaking one's life. times.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian had to make plans early.

"Another breakthrough."

Countless warriors watched Chu Fengmian break through, and it was no longer surprising now. For other warriors, it was extremely difficult to break through once, but in front of Chu Fengmian, it was so easy.

When Chu Fengmian first came to Tianyu Divine Realm, he was just a small role. Who would have thought that it would be Chu Fengmian who got the inheritance of Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

In addition to the Tianshu Hall disciples, all seven sect disciples present, as well as the warriors who had just attacked Chu Fengmian, were all killed, and no one was still alive.

"Thank you Brother Chu for not killing me."

Among the crowd, Xingyun from Tianshu Palace suddenly walked out and spoke to Chu Fengmian.

All the disciples of the seven major sects were killed, except for the disciples of their Tianshu Hall.

It was indeed Chu Fengmian's special mercy that allowed them to live.

\u003cff‘\u003e-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

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\u003cff‘\u003e----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

"It doesn't matter, all this is just to repay your kindness. You saved Yue Li once, so I will let you Tianshu Palace go this time."

Chu Fengmian looked at Xingyun and calmly glanced at the Tianshu Hall disciples.

"This kindness only lasts once. If you become my enemy next time, I will kill you too!"

Although Chu Fengmian's words were calm, the killing intent in them was still enough to make people shudder.

If a warrior dared to speak to the Tianshu Hall disciples like this before, everyone would just think he was a madman, which was absolutely impossible.

But now that Chu Fengmian said it, no one among the warriors dared not believe it.

Chu Fengmian killed Huang Shengjun and destroyed the other six major sects, all of which was witnessed by everyone present.

"In any case, Brother Chu letting us go this time is a great favor to our Tianshu Palace. I, Xingyun, will never be an enemy of Brother Chu in my life."

Xingyun saw Chu Fengmian's eyes flashing and said.

"If Brother Chu has any instructions in the future, I, Xingyun, will definitely come and report."

"Let's go."

After saying all this, Xingyun left with the other Tianshu Hall disciples.

('gad2;}h(ex){}This Wind and Thunder Valley was also reopened by Chu Fengmian.

Countless warriors in Tianyu Divine Realm have left one after another.

"This Xingyun is actually a smart person."

After listening to Xingyun's words, Chu Fengmian smiled.

The meaning behind Xingyun's words was a bit of coaxing.

But it doesn't matter. Chu Fengmian doesn't care about a disciple of Tianshu Palace. His real enemies are still the old antiques from the seven major sects.

As for the other disciples, as long as they are not enemies of Chu Fengmian, it doesn't matter if Chu Fengmian lets some of them go.

After all the warriors in the Feather God Realm had left, Chu Fengmian slowly stood up. With a wave of his hand, the Wind and Thunder Valley disappeared again.

From now on, this Yunyu Heavenly Palace belongs to Chu Fengmian alone, and no one will be allowed to enter it again.

After sealing off the entrance to the Heavenly Feather God Realm, Chu Fengmian made one final movement and turned into a space tunnel in front of him, stepping into it with one step.

Not a moment.

Return to the ruins.

A crack suddenly appeared, and Chu Fengmian's figure landed on the Guixu Continent.

Ordinary warriors, even those who transcend life and death, cannot tear apart the space from Guixu Tian and condense the space tunnel.

However, now that Chu Fengmian has been recognized as the master of Yunyu Heavenly Palace, he can be regarded as a small part of Guixu Heaven, so he is not suppressed by this law and can travel through Guixu Heaven at any time.

"In many corners of Guixu Continent, there are traces of the supreme sword energy!"

Chu Fengmian glanced around and felt a lot of traces of the Supreme Sword Qi.

When Chu Fengmian returned to Guixu Tian, ​​the first thing he did was to continue collecting the supreme sword energy.

He had wasted a lot of time because of Yun Yu Tiangong before, but now more than twenty days have passed in one month.

Although Chu Fengmian owns Yunyu Heavenly Palace and can leave Guixu Heavenly Palace at any time, he can only stay for a month and a half at most. If the time is too long, others may also discover the secret of Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

This Yunyu Heavenly Palace, you don't have to wait for three years, you can enter and leave Guixu Heaven at any time. It is definitely a treasure that all seven sects want to get.

The current Chu Fengmian cannot be exposed yet.

"Only if you have enough power, you don't have to hide like this! Let's go!"

As soon as Chu Fengmian's body moved, he turned into a ray of light and flew towards the direction of the Supreme Sword Qi.

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