Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 795: Killing the Desolate Saint Lord

The moment this sword energy swept across, seven or eight warriors fell on the spot, with all their blood and essence spurting out.

It turned into balls of blood mist.

The entire palace gate was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Run away!"

Several stronger warriors who barely managed to escape the sword energy changed their expressions and turned around to retreat, still trying to escape.

"Don't even think about leaving today, keep them all!"

Chu Fengmian sneered.

In his body, there were a hundred thousand spiritual swords, which were unsheathed one after another. This black black sword formation sealed off the surrounding square.

Several warriors who tried to force their way in died in the hands of the Black Mysterious Sword Formation. No one could escape.


The screams kept ringing out.

These ten thousand sword energies are still chasing countless warriors. Those warriors who had attacked Chu Fengmian before were all killed by this sword energy without exception.

No one can escape.

"Shengjun Huang, do you still want to escape?"

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw the figure of the Desolate Saint Lord.

Now, the Desolate Saint Lord has no regard for his own face and wants to escape. His light escape is faster than the spiritual sword of the Black Mysterious Sword Formation.

After all, he is in the realm of broken lives, and the power of this Desolate Saint Lord is far beyond what other warriors can match.

But even so, it was absolutely impossible to escape from Chu Fengmian's hands.

"In my hands, no one can escape!"

Chu Fengmian stepped forward, transformed into an escaping light, and suddenly chased after him. Now that his power was not suppressed by the Yunyu Heavenly Palace, he could activate the escaping light at any time.

Almost in an instant, he rushed in front of the Desolate Saint Lord and slashed him down with a sudden sword.

Now even Chu Fengmian's casual sword is enough to easily kill a life and death warrior, which is much more powerful than the swordsmanship of thousands of swordsman masters.


This sword edge was already directed at Huang Shengjun's chest and slashed past him.

"Ancient Avenue!"

The Desolate Saint Lord roared loudly, and countless ancient powers suddenly condensed into an ancient road under his feet. The Desolate Saint Lord stood on it, so high that no attack seemed to be able to hurt him.

"The ancient road? In front of me, this kind of small means has no meaning. I will destroy it!"

Chu Fengmian sneered and slashed directly at the Holy Lord Huang.

The ancient avenue at the feet of the Desolate Saint Lord was instantly shattered under this sword edge.

This Desolate Saint Lord, even if he uses the power of the Desolate Ancient Avenue, is still vulnerable to Chu Fengmian.

In the past, Chu Fengmian might have wasted some methods in dealing with this ancient avenue.

But now.

His nine-domain swordsmanship is enough to kill everything in the world. Even in ancient times, this desolate sage would still die.

The warriors in the life-shattering realm are now nothing in front of Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian's true strength is enough to be on par with those old antiques who transcend life and death.

Even if this Huang Shengjun is a genius, if he meets Chu Fengmian today, it will be his time to die.


Chu Fengmian thrust his sword suddenly, piercing into the chest of Huang Shengjun, and all his internal organs were wiped out in an instant.

But his surging vitality actually condensed again at the moment when the sword energy was wiped out.

Once a warrior transcends life and death, as long as there is still a trace of spiritual power left in the body, he can regroup his body and become almost immortal.

Because of this, this is beyond the realm of life and death.

Unless he is extremely powerful and can kill with one move, he will not be able to kill the Desolate Saint Lord no matter what.

"Boy, don't waste your efforts! I have now stepped onto the stage of life and death. I am an immortal existence. Even if you kill me ten thousand times, I can still recover!"

Huang Shengjun looked at Chu Fengmian and suddenly laughed.

Indeed, he is indeed no match for Chu Fengmian now, but it is almost impossible for Chu Fengmian to kill him.

Even if Chu Fengmian kills him again and again, with his vitality, he can still recover again and again.

"Boy, let me go now and give me half of the inheritance from Yunyu Tiangong. I can keep the news that you got the inheritance from Yunyu Tiangong secret from others, and I can join forces with you to kill everyone else!"

Huang Shengjun's expression changed continuously, as if he had caught Chu Fengmian's hand, and he sneered again and again.

"If you can't kill me, you will go out for a while and spread the news about you. The seven major sects and countless strong men will hunt you down. What to do, you think about it yourself!"

"Are you threatening me?"

When Chu Fengmian heard what Huang Shengjun said, he couldn't help but sneer.

He, Chu Fengmian, has never been threatened by anyone.

"Yes, how about I just threaten you? If you are not in a life-shattering state, you will never be able to kill me. As long as I don't die, I will spread all your secrets!"

Seeing Chu Fengmian's anger, Huang Shengjun laughed even more.

"Now you give me half of the inheritance of Yunyu Tiangong and joining forces with me is your only way."

"Really? Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Huang Shengjun, his eyes seemed to be looking at a clown.

This kind of immortal body can only be killed by a strong person who transcends life and death. This is an unchanging iron law.

But that's just for other people.

For Chu Fengmian, this kind of rule has never made any sense.

Since he can defeat Huang Shengjun, he can naturally kill Huang Shengjun.

"good fortune!"

Chu Fengmian didn't stop talking nonsense. With a thought, a force of creation poured into the blade of his natal sword and immediately entered the body of the Holy Lord Huang.

"I told you, it's useless! No matter how many times you kill me, I can always come back to life!"

Huang Shengjun was still laughing when he saw Chu Fengmian's actions.

But the next moment, his smile stopped abruptly.

Under this power of creation, the vitality in Huang Shengjun's body was constantly being extinguished.

His immortal body will be directly destroyed in front of this power of creation.

"No! This is impossible! I don't believe it! I have transcended life and death! I am immortal, how can I die!"

Huang Shengjun shouted crazily, his eyes were full of fear, and he no longer had the previous pride.

He couldn't understand how his immortal body could be so irrecoverable.

The power of creation is the most powerful force in the world. Even this immortal body has no meaning in front of the power of creation.

"I said, no one I want to kill can survive, just die!"

When Chu Fengmian saw the madness of Lord Huang, he snorted coldly, and the power of creation suddenly spread in the body of Lord Huang.


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