Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 776 Treasure Appears

The moment Chu Fengmian rushed up from this road, all the pressure around him disappeared.

The war dragon treasure chariot rushed up to the mountain peak, and at a glance, there was a rainbow staircase.

On the rainbow staircase, Chu Fengmian saw at a glance that about one-tenth of the way there was a shining black spirit stone, which was clearly visible.

"Hei Yao Shi Fang Shi?"

The moment Chu Fengmian saw the black spirit stone, he couldn't help but speak.

This black shining stone is the best among all the wonders in the sky. It contains unique spiritual power and can purify the blood in a warrior's body.

If the bloodline of an ordinary warrior is refined by this Black Brilliance Shifang Stone, it will be comparable to some bloodlines such as the bloodline of a true dragon.

And for Chu Fengmian, a warrior with other bloodlines, the effect of the Black Brilliance Shifang Stone will be even stronger.

Chu Fengmian practices the War Dragon Art. Although the ancient War Dragon bloodline he possesses can be regarded as an extremely high-quality bloodline, in fact, there are still bloodlines in the world that can surpass the War Dragon bloodline.

For example, Kunpeng, Tianhuang, and many other strange beasts from heaven and earth, their bloodlines are stronger than the bloodlines of ancient war dragons.

If Chu Fengmian could obtain the Black Brilliance Ten Square Stone now, it would be enough to temper his bloodline again, and in time it would be enough to make Chu Fengmian's strength a great step forward.

This Black Glory Shifang Stone is definitely an absolute treasure for any warrior.

In the Nine Realms, this Black Shining Ten Square Stone has not appeared for tens of thousands of years. Chu Fengmian only saw information about this Black Shining Ten Square Stone from some ancient books. record.

Yunyu Heavenly Palace is indeed rich. This Black Shining Stone was extremely precious in ancient times.

Right now, the Black Brilliance Shifang Stone is actually placed on the rainbow staircase, so it is easily accessible.

Not only Chu Fengmian, but also countless eyes were looking at the place where the Black Shining Ten Squares Stone was. The warriors who had almost just rushed up the mountain were all attracted by the Black Shining Ten Squares Stone, their gazes were extremely hot.

This kind of heaven and earth treasure is rare in Guixu Heaven.

"It's the Black Shine Shifang Stone!"

"Oh my God, isn't this a strange object that has disappeared in the Nine Realms a long time ago? According to legend, this Black Brilliant Ten Square Stone is not a thing from the Nine Realms. It once came from outside the region, and one piece was missing, and it is here like this!"

"I am of the Yanghu bloodline. If I get this Black Brilliance Shifang Stone, my bloodline will transform again, and I will be invincible!"

('gad2;}h(ex){}Those warriors looked at the Black Brilliance Shifang Stone one by one, wishing they could take it away now.

Even Han Yueli's gaze towards this black shining stone was extremely hot, with desire in his eyes.

This Black Shining Ten Square Stone is different from other heavenly wonders. Among the countless heavenly wonders, there are some that are only useful to warriors in certain realms.

For example, the Dragon's Birth Grass that Chu Fengmian obtained before was only useful to warriors in the life and death realm, but had no use against warriors in the life and death realm, so its value was limited.

But this Black Brilliance Ten Directions Stone is different. The effect of the Black Glory Ten Directions Stone has nothing to do with the realm and strength of the warrior. What he does is transform his bloodline.

Even for some powerful people in the life-shattering realm or even higher realms, it is of great use. It is something that everyone wants to get, and its value cannot be measured at all.

But with so many people and countless gazes, most of them were just looking at it, and no one really dared to come forward to fight for it.

\u003cff‘\u003e-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

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\u003cff‘\u003e----This is a gorgeous dividing line---


This scene made Chu Fengmian a little surprised. The warriors of Gui Xutian were all lunatics, and they would do anything for their own benefit.

Just now at the foot of the mountain, there was a scuffle in order to take a step forward. Faced with the Black Brilliance Shifang Stone, a real treasure like this, it should be impossible to be so calm.

However, Chu Fengmian took a quick look and saw the blood sacrifice on the rainbow staircase.

It seems that some warriors once wanted to step onto this rainbow staircase, but they died on the spot, with no bones left, leaving only some blood sacrifices.

On this rainbow staircase, there is also a kind of colorful glow that makes people dare not step on it. Once they step on it, they will be subjected to an unparalleled bombardment, and no one can withstand it.

Because of this, even though those warriors are full of greed, no one dares to take a step forward to fight for the Black Brilliance Shifang Stone.

Most of the warriors, after observing this scene, stood quietly and waited.

They also know that all the changes in Yunyu Heavenly Palace should be a symbol that the inheritance is about to start, or even has already started.

Just climbing up the mountain was the first test.

('gad2;}h(ex){}Warriors who fail to pass this test will not even have the chance to see one side of the Black Brilliance Shifang Stone.

Most of the warriors calmed down and waited on the sidelines, but there were also some warriors who couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to take risks.

The moment one of the warriors stepped onto the rainbow stairs, his body was completely wiped out, leaving only a few drops of blood on the ground.

The power of the colorful rays of light on this rainbow staircase is far beyond what these current warriors can contend with.

When Chu Fengmian saw this scene, he was naturally very clear in his heart. He took the War Dragon Treasure Car and waited quietly on the side.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

A huge sky boat suddenly rushed up, and on the sky boat, more than twenty figures appeared one after another.

These people are the disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect who just wanted to deal with Chu Fengmian.


The moment several of the Huanggu Sect disciples saw Chu Fengmian, their eyes showed a bit of murderous intent, and their spiritual power was surging, and they were about to take action.

But next to him, the young man shook his head, and finally a group of people stood aside.

"Lord Saint Huang is here."

Seeing this young man, many warriors showed a bit of fear in their eyes.

Huang Shengjun, Sword Ancestor Huang, and Deer War God, these three people are the three who are at the top of the Tianyu Divine Realm, ranking at the top.

Any warrior who wants to make an enemy of them needs to think carefully before doing so.

In addition to the disciples of the Huanggu Sect, a group of warriors gradually entered. These people were all disciples of the Ancient Moon Canyon with deep eyes.

Among the crowd, Gu Peng, who had just been knocked off the mountain by Chu Fengmian, stood out. His face was still a little pale, but his injuries were much better. He must have taken some pills.

The moment he came up, he also looked at Chu Fengmian, glared at Chu Fengmian, and then stood aside.

"It seems that this Gu Peng will not give up."

Han Yueli was on the side and said after seeing this scene.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just an ant. Anyone who dares to stop me will die!"

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

Chu Fengmian has not yet paid much attention to this ancient peng.

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