Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 775 The Avenue of Pressure

The moment you step onto this mountain peak, you can feel a huge pressure.

Even Chu Fengmian was almost driven off the road.

But soon, when Chu Fengmian became familiar with the pressure, he discovered that although the pressure was not high, it was extremely stable.

For a warrior, the most they can do is make it spend more effort, but it is far from being able to stop it.

It seems that this should be one of the tests of Yunyu Tiangong. Only by withstanding such great pressure and climbing this mountain can one experience the real test.


Chu Fengmian observed the surroundings for a while, then activated the Dragon War Cart again, and rushed directly along the road towards the mountain peak.

This Battle Dragon Treasure Chariot is a heaven-level spiritual weapon. Although this kind of pressure has some impact on the Battle Dragon Treasure Chariot, it is minimal. His speed is much faster than that of most warriors. .

At a glance, countless warriors on the road were left far behind by the Dragon War Chariot, and many of them were directly overtaken.

"Okay, take the first step to prevent the treasure inheritance of Yunyu Tiangong from falling into the hands of others!"

Chu Fengmian was a little lucky.

Fortunately, there is such a test on this mountain peak, which blocks the speed of most warriors. Otherwise, it would not be easy for Chu Fengmian to catch up.

The inheritance of this ancient sect, the cave abode, although luck is also extremely important to enter it, but whoever enters it first will definitely gain a lot of benefits.

For example, Chu Fengmian had to enter the Yangu Dragon Emperor's cave first before he could obtain the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword and the Blood Sea.

If Chu Fengmian had not obtained the countless treasures in Emperor Yangu's cave at that time, perhaps Chu Fengmian would have died ten thousand times now.

This time Chu Fengmian must be the first to enter the Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

Chu Fengmian's arrogant behavior has now attracted the hostility of many warriors on the road, especially those warriors who have been surpassed by Chu Fengmian, with murderous intent in their eyes.

They naturally also know that whoever can take the lead in this kind of ancient cave will have the upper hand.

Chu Fengmian could feel it. Countless murderous intentions had already enveloped Chu Fengmian's head.

At least seven or eight people were already targeting Chu Fengmian and wanted to put Chu Fengmian to death.

"Boy, get out of here!"

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded in front of Chu Fengmian, and with a huge roar, a huge palm suddenly struck towards Chu Fengmian.

There is endless darkness in this palm. This huge palm not only wants to knock down Chu Fengmian, but also knocks down all the countless warriors behind Chu Fengmian.

"Gu Yue Zhentian Zhang, this person is a disciple of Gu Yue Canyon. Gu Peng is ranked among the top three disciples of Gu Yue Canyon. I also had a fight with him once."

When Han Yueli saw the palm print coming, he immediately recognized who the warrior was and said.

"The disciples of Gu Yue Canyon dare to attack me and seek death?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were cold and he didn't even take action to knock anyone down. However, Gu Peng didn't know the heights of the world and dared to attack Chu Fengmian.

Facing this huge palm print, Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, countless ancient war dragon essences and blood condensed, turned into war dragon claws, and bombarded it.


The two forces faced each other, and the palm prints were all shattered and torn into pieces. Chu Fengmian shouted coldly, and the claws of the war dragon struck forward.

I saw a figure suddenly falling from the mountain peak. His chest was shattered and he was seriously injured. It was Gu Peng.

This ancient Peng was knocked down from the mountain peak by Chu Fengmian's palm, and now it fell directly under the mountain peak.

"This person is not dead, let him save his life."

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly when he saw Gu Peng falling directly.

He didn't want to hunt down this ancient Peng anymore. For Chu Fengmian, the Yunyu Heavenly Palace was more important. As for this ancient Peng, it wouldn't be too late to kill him when Chu Fengmian encountered him.


The War Dragon Treasure Chariot accelerated suddenly and galloped directly towards the top of the road. When the other warriors on the road saw Chu Fengmian had just taken action, their murderous intent left Chu Fengmian one by one.

Even Gu Peng was beaten down by Chu Fengmian. When they were dealing with Chu Fengmian, they were either seeking their own death, or they could only watch Chu Fengmian surpass them.

Not long after Chu Fengmian rushed forward, more than a dozen warriors rushed forward at extremely fast speeds, surpassing countless people in succession.

These people ride on a sky boat and use the combined efforts of several people to resist the pressure. The speed is much faster than that of the warriors.

"People from Huanggu Sect!"

Seeing the arrival of this group of people, other warriors stepped aside one after another, not daring to block the way.

"That boy walked really fast. The treasured carriage he sat on should be the Heavenly Demon Treasured Cart of Nine Demons City. Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of this person."

On this sky boat, a disciple of the Huanggu Sect sneered and said.

"It is said that all the people in the Nine Demons City were wiped out by this man. This guy is really arrogant. He promised to kill all the people from our seven major sects."

"The Holy Lord doesn't need to care about this villain. A boy from the Northern Territory feels panic after getting some unexpected encounters. When he meets the Holy Lord, he is nothing more than a vulnerable person. When the Holy Lord takes action, it is easy enough. Just kill this person."

Another Huanggu Sect disciple said disdainfully.

"The precious carriage he is sitting on must belong to the Holy King sooner or later."

"The Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart is indeed a treasure. It is said that this person also has the dragon clan's treasure, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, in his hand. Killing him will bring great benefits."

Huang Shengjun said coldly.

"Chase, this kid can't escape far. Since he wants to get the treasure of Yunyu Tiangong, we can always meet him. I will kill this person when the time comes!"

As he said this, Tianzhou surpassed countless warriors and rushed forward.

On the other side, Chu Fengmian also noticed the presence of this group of warriors behind him.

But now Chu Fengmian has no intention to pay more attention to them. Now Chu Fengmian drove the treasure car all the way and was almost reaching the top of the mountain.

The pressure on this road is getting stronger and stronger, reaching its peak.

Generally speaking, weaker warriors can even reach the top of the mountain through this pressure.

But this kind of pressure is nothing in front of Chu Fengmian.


Chu Fengmian shouted coldly, and the War Dragon Treasure Car he was sitting on suddenly rushed forward, directly breaking the pressure and directly breaking through the avenue of pressure.

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