Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 750 Nine Nether Locks

This hoarse voice was definitely not normal. Chu Fengmian knew that this voice was a deliberately cultivated voice.

Weaker warriors will become dizzy when they hear this voice, and they will go crazy even if they don't die.

However, now the Blood Demon Lord and others are all at the peak of the life and death realm. Hearing this voice, they only felt a little uncomfortable, but it did not have much impact.

The three of them stepped into the palace together.

This palace is very big. It looks extremely huge from the outside, but there is another world inside it. It is dozens of miles in size and is actually an independent space.

In the past, Yunyu Tiangong, a power worthy of being at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms, was actually a palace, and it was enough to build it into what it is now.

Right in the center of the palace, there is an extremely tall throne, and a figure is sitting on this throne.

The identity of this person does not require any thinking. He is the first among all the disciples of the Earth Demon Sect, the Soul-locking Demon Lord.

The moment Chu Fengmian looked at the Soul-locking Demon Lord, his eyes also scanned the three people present.

The eyes of the Soul-locking Demon Lord are extremely cold, and his eyes are extremely clear, which seems to be enough to see clearly all the trump cards of any person.

Apparently, this Soul-locking Demon Lord also specially learned a unique technique.

This glance only stayed on Chu Fengmian for a moment, then left, and then the eyes of the Soul-locking Demon Lord looked at the Blood Demon Lord.

"Blood, what happened?"

The soul-locking demon lord spoke, and his voice contained supreme majesty. Immediately, the blood demon lord's body began to tremble slightly, and he spoke hurriedly.

"I'm reporting to Senior Brother Suohun, I was outside looking for treasures when I suddenly met a strange boy. This boy should be a newcomer to Tianyu God's Domain. I originally planned to capture him and present him to Senior Suohun, but I didn’t expect that this kid is so powerful that I am no match for him.”

The Blood Demon Lord spoke vividly.

"Then I sent out the jade talisman, and then killed Kuang. The two crazy demons dared to come. The three of us surrounded us, but none of them were the opponent of that boy. The spiritual sword in that boy's hand was extremely sharp. We were far from his. The opponent, the crazy demon was killed, and the killer and I hurriedly escaped. "

As the Blood Demon Lord spoke, he also showed the scars on his chest to show that what he said was true.

"Spiritual sword? According to what you said, this person seems to have received the inheritance from Dragon Emperor Yan Gu's cave. Is this spiritual sword the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword?"

Soul-locking Demon Lord thought about it, and his eyes showed a bit of greed.

"The Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword is the dragon clan's most precious treasure, a heaven-level spiritual weapon, and even a top-grade spiritual weapon among countless heaven-level spiritual weapons."

"In Gui Xu Tian, ​​there may not be such a treasure. It is too wasteful for a boy to get it. Let's go, let me kill him and seize the spirit sword!"

The Soul-locking Demon Lord suddenly stood up from the throne. His body was extremely tall, three or four meters tall. He stood up and looked down at everyone.

"Blood, killing madness, and blinding eyes, before doing it again, you come in with me first. A noble man has come to our Nine Demon City. You also come with me to meet him."

After the Soul-locking Demon Lord finished speaking, he walked directly towards the depths of the palace, leaving the three of them behind.

"Young Master, I don't know what is hidden deep in the soul-locking demon king's palace. It may contain danger. What should I do?"

The Blood Demon Lord spoke quickly and quietly to Chu Fengmian with his spiritual consciousness.

"It doesn't matter, just go in. Anyway, I'm just preparing to deal with this soul-locking demon. No matter what he wants to do, I will let him die without a burial place!"

Chu Fengmian said calmly. Without hesitation, he walked directly towards the depths of the palace.

This palace was more than ten kilometers long. It took the three of them a while to walk in step by step without using the escape light.


When Chu Fengmian's side gradually turned dark.

Suddenly, countless restrictions appeared around the three of them. The targets of these restrictions were none other than Chu Fengmian and the Blood Demon Lord.

As for the Blind Eyed Demon Lord, he had already retreated and seemed to have been prepared. Only the two of them fell into this restriction.

"Senior Brother Suohun, what's going on?"

When Chu Fengmian saw this scene, he remained calm and said with some surprise.

"Chu Fengmian, you don't have to pretend anymore. You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me."

Just as Chu Fengmian opened his mouth, a teasing voice suddenly sounded.

From the darkness, a young figure suddenly appeared. This young figure was sitting in a precious car.

And standing in front of him was none other than Soul Locking Demon Lord, now with a respectful look on his face, holding the carriage and acting as the groom for the young figure.

"Little Demon Lord?"

There was a bit of surprise on Chu Fengmian's face, and then he simply stopped hiding it, transformed into his true form, and spoke.

"I didn't expect your speed to be so fast."

The young figure in front of him is none other than the Little Demon Lord.

Now all this seems to be arranged by the little devil.

"I just caught up by chance. I almost let you sneak into our Nine Demon City."

The Little Demon Lord looked at Chu Fengmian with a hint of teasing on his face.

"You are brave enough. You actually dared to sneak into our Nine Demon City alone, but now you have fallen into a trap."

"The little demon master is wise. Even his subordinates didn't notice this kid's disguise."

The Soul-locking Demon Lord looked at Chu Fengmian with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"It is said that this person was against the Little Demon Lord outside. Now my subordinates have killed this person to get rid of the Little Demon Lord's trouble first."

"Young Master? What should I do?"

The Blood Demon Lord's face showed a bit of panic.

In the original plan, the two of them planned to suddenly take action when they got close to the Soul-locking Demon Lord, and directly killed the Soul-locking Demon Lord by surprise.

But now, it was Chu Fengmian who fell into the trap.

"Young Master? Blood, you loser, dare to betray our Nine Demon City? Anyone who dares to betray the Nine Demon City will die!"

While speaking, the Soul-locking Demon Lord suddenly took action. From the palm of his hand, a dark iron rope suddenly appeared. With a sudden movement, it hit the Blood Demon Lord.

At the edge of the dark iron rope, there is a hook. This hook seems to be enough to directly draw away the soul of the warrior.

"Nine Nether Locks!"

The face of the Blood Demon Lord changed greatly. As soon as the Soul-locking Demon Lord made a move, he used his heaven-level spiritual weapon, the Nine Nether Lock.

The Nine Nether Lock does not lock the physical body, but only locks the soul. No matter how powerful the physical body is, it has no meaning in front of the Nine Nether Lock and cannot be resisted at all.

The Blood Demon Lord retreated continuously, but the Nine Nether Locks were already coming to kill him.

"Are you planning to kill someone in front of me? Ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian, who was standing aside, suddenly snorted coldly.

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