Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 749 Sneaking into the Demon's Cave

More and more warriors are now coming to the Feathered God Realm.

Although the strength of these warriors is not as good as those warriors who have been practicing for several years in Tianyu Divine Realm.

But this is still a force that cannot be underestimated.

For example, Panchun's strength is close to that of the Blood Demon Lord, but in terms of qualifications, Panchun is far superior to the Blood Demon Lord.

This also means that as long as Panchun gets some adventures in the Heavenly Feather God Realm, his strength will immediately surpass the Blood Demon Lord, and even be as strong as many veteran strong men.

Even the Little Demon Lord, his qualifications are still above Panchun. As long as he gets some resources, he can soar into the sky.

And in this Heavenly Feather God Realm, the most indispensable thing is resources.

Warriors with mediocre qualifications like the Blood Demon Lord are enough to reach their current strength, while those who are true geniuses will probably grow to an even more terrifying level.


The Little Demon Lord stood motionless. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he led the disciples from Nine Demon City towards the mountains.

Panchun and the disciples of the Holy King Sect also entered the mountains one after another.

Tianyu Divine Realm, after three years of silence, is now becoming lively again.

But now, Chu Fengmian ignored these people. He had now transformed into the Killing Demon Lord, and together with the Blood Demon Lord, walked towards the location of the Nine Demon City's forces.

In this Heavenly Feather God Realm, it is divided into countless forces based on their power. For example, Nine Demon City is a unique faction among them.

All the Nine Demon City disciples have joined in, and it will be much safer to join forces to fight against the enemy.

Just like outside, the seven major sects and even the disciples of the major forces would choose to stick together.

There are only a few people like Chu Fengmian who are alone. Han Yueli, whom Chu Fengmian can trust, now has no idea where he has gone after he came to Guixu Tianhou.

Guixu Tian is as big as any other region, and finding a person in it is no easier than finding a needle in a haystack.

"Young Master, ahead is the gathering place for our Nine Demon City disciples."

When they came to a mountain peak, the Blood Demon Lord suddenly spoke.

Right in front is an extremely high mountain with countless palaces built on top of it.

These palaces all look extremely old, and they are obviously the palaces built by Yunyu Tiangong in the past.

As he approached the palace, Chu Fengmian felt a demonic energy on the edge of the mountain. There were about seven or eight auras in it.

The most powerful aura among them was more powerful than any warrior Chu Fengmian had ever seen in Guixu Tian.

The owner of this aura should be the strongest among the disciples of the Earth Demon Sect, the Soul-locking Demon Lord.

"Young master, be careful. The soul-locking demon has mastered the magic power, and it is enough to assassinate souls. The heaven-level spiritual weapon Nine Nether Locks in his hands is said to be enough to lock the Nine Netherworlds. Any warrior locked by the Nine Nether Locks will lose his soul." They will all be controlled by the Soul-locking Demon Lord."

The Blood Demon Lord warned.

The soul-locking technique, among countless magic techniques, can be regarded as an extremely weird one, and it is difficult to guard against.

"Soul-locking technique?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes flashed. He naturally knew this soul-locking technique. It was extremely powerful. Generally, warriors were unprepared and would be controlled by the opponent almost instantly.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian was a human being in two lifetimes, and his soul was tougher than anyone else's soul in the world. Although this soul-locking technique was terrifying, Chu Fengmian could easily deal with it as long as he was well prepared.

"Blood, Killer, why are you two back?"

While the two were talking, a figure suddenly came down from the mountain peak, saw Chu Fengmian and the Blood Demon Lord, and said hello.

This is a man dressed in black, with a pair of eyes that are extremely deep. Anyone who looks at this man will seem to be confused by his eyes.

"This is the Blind Eyed Demon Lord. His eyes are the Supreme Demonic Eyes. Anyone who looks at him will most likely be directly controlled."

The Blood Demon Lord fearfully whispered to Chu Fengmian.

"Mi Tong, if you don't want to die, put away your supreme evil eye."

After hearing what the Blood Demon Lord said, Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

This domineering aura is exactly the same as that of the Killing Demon Lord.

The personality of the Killing Demon Lord is arrogant. If Chu Fengmian showed too much gentleness, it would actually look like he didn't want to kill the Killing Demon Lord.

"Don't blame me for killing the crazy brother. Sometimes these evil eyes are beyond my control. I will suppress him now."

When the Mystical Demon Lord heard Chu Fengmian's words, his eyes flickered and he immediately said with a smile.

His eyes gradually returned to their normal appearance, and Chu Fengmian's expression relaxed a little.

"Xue Xue, didn't you say you met a new person? What? Where is the person? Was he killed by you? Where is the madman?"

The Blind Eyed Demon Lord looked at the Blood Demon Lord and said.

"I was about to report this matter to Senior Brother Suohun. The newcomer is extremely powerful. Even the three of us are no match for him. The madman even died in the hands of this person."

The Blood Demon Lord said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"I want to report this news to Senior Brother Suohun as soon as possible."

"What? The madman is dead? A newcomer can actually defeat the three of you together?"

There was a bit of surprise on the face of the Mystic Eyed Demon Lord, and he seemed to speak in disbelief.

"How can a newcomer have such strength?"

The Mysterious Demon Lord turned his eyes and said.

"The crazy demons are actually dead. This matter is of great importance. I will accompany you to see Brother Soul Locking."


The Blood Demon Lord took a look at Chu Fengmian's color, saw Chu Fengmian nodded secretly, and then spoke.

"Let's go together."

Having said that, the Enchanted Eyed Demon Lord stood beside him and walked towards the mountain peak with the Blood Demon Lord and Chu Fengmian.

There are more than ten palaces on this mountain peak, and every Nine Demon City disciple is in a palace.

The most massive and majestic palace among them is the palace of the Soul-locking Demon Lord.

"Senior Brother Suohun, blood, blinding eyes, killing madman, please see me."

The Blood Demon Lord spoke respectfully outside the palace.

Senior Brother Suohun's status is a high-ranking figure among all the disciples of Nine Demon City today, and no one dares to offend his majesty.

For example, the Nine Demon City disciples all address each other by their names, but in front of the Soul-Locked Demon Lord, they must add the word "senior brother".

"come in."

A hoarse voice suddenly came from the palace. The voice was extremely harsh and made people feel dizzy.

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