Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 747 Tianyu Divine Realm

The appearance of the Blood Demon Lord in front of him also confirmed Chu Fengmian's guess.

The warriors among them were indeed the warriors who had entered Guixu Heaven but did not leave. They had always stayed in Guixu Heaven.

"I didn't expect that you actually know my reputation. It just so happens that you are a disciple of Beimang College. How dare Beimang College go against our Nine Demon City? Let me go quickly, or we will wait for the strong men from our Nine Demon City to come. It’s time for you to perish!”

The Blood Demon Lord laughed and said, his tone extremely arrogant.

"How many disciples of your Nine Demon City are still in Guixu Tianzhong? And what kind of place is this place?"

Chu Fengmian ignored the Blood Demon Lord's words and asked directly.

"Why, boy, do you still want to interrogate me? In your dreams, you don't even know where this place is, and you still dare to set foot here? Just wait, the strong men from our Nine Demon City will be here soon! "

The Blood Demon Lord snorted coldly.

"Hmph! It seems that you are determined to give up and don't want to say it now? I will find a way to make you say it!"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were cold, and a magic circle suddenly formed from his five fingers, and suddenly hit the Blood Demon Lord's head.

On the forehead of the Blood Demon Lord, a black wheel appeared.

This black wheel is engraved on the forehead of the Blood Demon Lord. His face seems to be unwilling and struggling.

However, under the suppression of Chu Fengmian's spiritual power, any struggle of the Blood Demon Lord was meaningless. In the next moment, his face turned into a look of extreme respect.

The seal of life and death!

Now these seals of life and death have been engraved into the heart of the Blood Demon Lord, making him completely surrender to Chu Fengmian.

Originally, Chu Fengmian had no intention of keeping the Blood Demon King alive, but now that he came to this space, he still knew nothing about it.

Leaving this Blood Demon Lord alive is just a good way to understand where this space is.

"Blood Demon Lord, how long have you been in this space? Where is it and what secret is it hiding?"

Chu Fengmian looked at the Blood Demon Lord and said calmly.

What kind of secret is hidden in this space, enough to keep so many warriors waiting in it.

Chu Fengmian had just entered it, and he felt that this space was full of mysteries. As for the rest, he didn't know anything about it.

"I'm telling you, young master, this space is called Tianyu Divine Realm. It was a sacred place that was once the Yunyu Heavenly Palace. It has been eight years since my subordinates entered it through the Wind and Thunder Valley."

The Blood Demon Lord explained respectfully.

"As for the secrets of the Heavenly Feather God Realm, my subordinates don't know yet. It's just that the Yunyu Heavenly Palace above the sky often encounters some adventures, falling from the sky. Here, we are also exploring adventures."

"You have been staying here these eight years?"

Hearing this, Chu Fengmian said in surprise.

There are many treasures in Guixu Heaven. Since they are the treasures of Yunyu Heavenly Palace and are difficult to obtain, they should have given up long ago.

How come he has stayed here for eight years? It can be said that the Blood Demon Lord has stayed in this space for most of his time.

The Blood Demon Lord answered.

"Yes, in fact, it's not that I don't want to leave, but that I can't leave at all. This Wind and Thunder Valley is just above the sky. Just like the Yunyu Heavenly Palace, it's impossible to set foot in it."

"Can't leave?"

Chu Fengmian raised his head and noticed that the Wind and Thunder Valley was now also located above the sky, floating in the sky.

In this space, it is impossible to activate the escape light or even fly.

It doesn't seem to be that difficult from the outside, but here, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to return to the Wind and Thunder Valley.

Now these warriors are all gathered here, not for what reason, but they are unable to leave at all?

Not enough. In the Wind and Thunder Valley, how did the middle-aged man Chu Fengmian met leave?

"Is it possible that no one can escape from it?"

Chu Fengmian asked aloud.

The middle-aged man had obviously returned to the Wind and Thunder Valley. In this case, there should be a way to leave.

"Yes, in this Tianyu Divine Realm, there is a jade talisman left behind by the Yunyu Heavenly Palace. As long as the power of the jade talisman is activated, you can open the space gate and go to the Wind and Thunder Valley."

The Blood Demon Lord spoke.

"But there are no more than ten jade talismans like this in the entire Tianyu Divine Realm. They are all controlled by strong people. For example, one of our Nine Demon City warriors owns them."

Jade Talisman, it seems that if you want to leave here, you must capture one of the jade Talisman. Otherwise, you will be trapped in the Tianyu God Realm like the Blood Demon Lord.

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

He had no intention of staying in Guixu Heaven for several years. After this month, he had to leave.

The most important thing now seems to be to seize one of the jade talismans, which is enough to give Chu Fengmian a way out.

"How many disciples are there in the Nine Demon City? Who is the most powerful person? In this Tianyu God Realm, and in this Tianyu God Realm, what forces exist? Who are the strong ones?"

Chu Fengmian's face showed a bit of solemnity and he said.

This is the issue that Chu Fengmian is most concerned about. He also urgently needs to understand the situation in the Heavenly Feather God Realm.

At least those who want to seize the treasure of Yunyu Tiangong are real competitors.

"In our Nine Demon City, there are a total of seventeen people in the Tianyu God Realm. They are all warriors who stayed in Guixu Tianzhong. The most powerful one among them is the Soul-Sucking Demon Lord, who was born thirty years ago. , The warrior who has entered Gui Xutian is only one step away from being able to transcend life and death and reach the realm of life-shattering. "

"Except for our Nine Demon City, the remaining seven sects are also in the Tianyu Divine Realm and have many disciples. They are about the same level as our Nine Demon City. The strongest among them is only one step away. A character beyond life and death.”

The Blood Demon Lord replied.

"There are no characters beyond life and death?"

Chu Fengmian asked.

There is only one step away from transcending life and death, and there is still a huge gap between it and the real life-breaking state.

At least Chu Fengmian has the capital to fight against powerful warriors in the life and death realm, but if he is a warrior in the life-shattering realm, Chu Fengmian must think of a way out.

"Not yet, but Tianjian Sect's Sword Ancestor Huang, Holy King Sect's Deer War God and Huang Shengjun of Huanggu Sect are all just one step away from each other and may transcend life and death at any time."

The Blood Demon Lord spoke.

"In this Heavenly Feather God Realm, the three of them are now the strongest and occupy the best area."

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