Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 746 Blood Demon Lord

In other places in Guixu Tian, ​​Chu Fengmian did not encounter the existence of other warriors, but now, since they are hidden in this valley.

There must be a huge treasure in this valley, so they are all hiding here, wondering what they are waiting for.

"There is another world outside this valley. Let's leave this valley first!"

Chu Fengmian looked around and thought to himself.

Now he can feel that there is an extremely wide space outside this valley.

Chu Fengmian's figure moved, and he walked continuously through the valley. Suddenly, in front of him, he seemed to have reached an end, which was extremely dark.

In this darkness, there is a space mysterious door, I don’t know where it leads.

"Now that you've come, make peace with it and leave!"

Chu Fengmian took a look at the Mysterious Space Gate. Behind the Mysterious Space Gate, Chu Fengmian entered it with his spiritual sense, but could not see through any of it.

But now that we are here, there is no reason to back down.

Chu Fengmian moved his feet and was directly buried in the mysterious door of space. Suddenly, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

What appeared at Chu Fengmian's feet was a huge plain, and he looked up.

Just above the horizon, a huge valley is clearly visible.

This valley is exactly the one Chu Fengmian passed through just now.

But now in this valley, high up in this space, Chu Fengmian is still far from being able to use the escape light, and there is no way he can go back again.

On the other side, there is a huge palace.

There is not just one palace, but a group of palaces, standing in the sky. Countless palaces are located on the mountains, but they are all floating in the sky.

"Floating City! Yunyu Heavenly Palace!"

When Chu Fengmian saw this palace, he suddenly heard the legend in the records. It was said that the location of Yunyu Heavenly Palace was just above the Nine Heavens.

After the disciples of Yunyu Tiangong completed the construction of the palace, the power of Yunyu Tiangong at that time used supreme means to lift the entire palace above the nine heavens.

Never sink.

When Chu Fengmian saw this paragraph in the ancient books at that time, he thought it was just nonsense.

After all, what kind of method is it to lift all the palaces in the sky? Now the seven major sects cannot do it even if they try their best.

But now, when I look at it, this rumor is absolutely true. The heavenly palace is right in front of me.

In addition to this heavenly palace, there are countless mountain peaks in front of the plain below.

Chu Fengmian could vaguely feel that there were other warriors in this mountain peak.

"Sure enough, there is still another world outside this valley. This is simply an independent space, independent of Guixu Tian!"

While Chu Fengmian was observing this, he walked in the direction of countless mountains. This was the closest place to the Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

Nowadays, Yunyu Heavenly Palace is so high up that even Chu Fengmian cannot go up to it. He can only walk step by step and look for opportunities.

As Chu Fengmian approached the mountain peak, he discovered that there were many dilapidated palaces on the mountain peak.

Nowadays, I don’t know how many years have passed, and it is already dilapidated, but it is still vague enough to see the prosperity of the past.

"In a powerful sect, one person finally perished and disappeared. However, the orthodoxy within it is enough to be passed down from generation to generation, and it can be considered immortal."

Chu Fengmian sighed.

The Yunyu Heavenly Palace is now dilapidated, but it has become a treasure trove for countless warriors in this era.

Countless things that have been left behind have become treasures.

Chu Fengmian kept walking through the mountain peaks.

Suddenly, an eye was locked on Chu Fengmian.

This eye was full of murderous intent and revealed numerous fierce gleams.

"Dare to set foot on my territory! Die!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and a figure suddenly appeared from the sky, seemingly jumping down from the mountain above.

An extremely huge palm print was aimed at Chu Fengmian.

This palm contains endless blood. When the palm is struck, the surrounding area is filled with the strong smell of blood, which is a bloody palm mark.

"Is there anyone?"

Chu Fengmian's expression changed slightly. Even he didn't notice this person's sudden appearance. He seemed to be well hidden.

However, Chu Fengmian did not panic. At this moment, he also felt that this person's strength had not yet reached the life-shattering realm. Although he was also at the peak of the life and death realm, he was at most on par with Jian Cangqiong. The strength of left and right.

With such strength, Chu Fengmian naturally did not need to panic.

"War Dragon's Claw!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and the claws of the war dragon suddenly condensed and struck towards the sky, directly destroying the bloody palm print.

In terms of strength, Chu Fengmian is not afraid of anyone unless he is a warrior in the life-shattering realm.

"Huh? What a powerful force! How can there be such a person among this new generation?"

Above Chu Fengmian's head, the man's surprised voice suddenly came.

In this fight, that person knew Chu Fengmian's strength very well and was definitely not easy to deal with.

When the move failed, the figure turned around and ran away into the distance without any hesitation, preparing to leave.

"You want to escape after the sneak attack? At least reveal your identity!"

A slight sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Fengmian's mouth, and he suddenly waved his big hand, and the claws of the war dragon passed through countless mountains, and suddenly grabbed the figure.

In an instant, that figure was caught in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand.

This is a middle-aged man, and this is a statue covered in blood. His clothes show a coquettish red color, and it seems that they are dyed red by blood.

His body contained this strong smell of blood, and he didn't know how much blood it had been stained with.

A disciple of the Nine Demons City.

Chu Fengmian recognized him at a glance. He was a disciple of the Nine Demons City. Apart from the disciples of the Nine Demons City, no other warrior could practice such blood magic skills.

"Boy, I am the Blood Demon Lord of the Nine Demons City. Let me go quickly, otherwise when the strong men from my Nine Demons City come, it will be difficult for you to die!"

This Blood Demon Lord was still roaring arrogantly when he was caught in Chu Fengmian's hand.

"Blood Demon Lord? Are you the warrior who entered the Guixu Heaven nine years ago?"

Chu Fengmian recalled the name and suddenly remembered that nine years ago, there was indeed such a character among the warriors who entered Guixu Tian in Nine Demon City.

Outside, it was widely rumored that the Blood Demon Lord should have died in Guixu Tianzhong.

But now I can see that this Blood Demon Lord has fallen, but he is still alive and well in Guixu Heaven.

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