Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 729 Yanyang Gate

Even Chu Fengmian has no way of knowing how huge Guixu Tian is.

Especially in Guixu Tian, ​​the laws of the surrounding space are extremely strong. Even with Chu Fengmian's current strength, he cannot travel through the space and can only fly through it.

Therefore, this is the scope of Jianggui Xutian, as if it has been enlarged countless times.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian also passed by many planets and floating continents.

In Guixu Tian, ​​almost every place contains countless treasures. Along the way, Chu Fengmian collected all the treasures on these planets and continents and collected them all into the Sky Ring.

However, although there are many treasures, there are also dangers. Chu Fengmian was collecting the treasures on one of the planets.

Suddenly, from the ground, a huge black gold python suddenly rushed out.

The strength of this black gold python is probably that of a peak warrior in the ordinary life and death realm. Even if four or five of them join hands, they will not be able to match him.

I'm afraid most of the warriors in Guixu Tian will die if they encounter this black gold python.

Even if Chu Fengmian had not survived the catastrophe of life and death, it would be extremely difficult to really deal with this black gold python.

But for the current Chu Fengmian, such a black gold python is not even a threat to him. It can kill him within a few moves.

The black gold contained in this black gold python was taken away by Chu Fengmian and integrated into the black black sword formation.

There are many treasures in Guixu Heaven, but these treasures also contain countless dangers. Warriors without strength, even if they enter Guixu Heaven, will not be able to collect any treasures, and even their own names may be used. Go in.

The same is true for the rules of the Nine Domains. Strength is respected, and strength is the most important.

All the treasures encountered along the way were now collected by Chu Fengmian. Soon, Chu Fengmian's escape light left the outer star field and came directly to the Guixu Continent.

The outer edge of Guixu Continent is a layer of clouds, making it impossible to see the entire Guixu Continent clearly from a distance.

Under this cloud layer is the center of Guixu Tian, ​​Guixu Continent.

When Chu Fengmian came to the edge of the clouds, he did not hesitate. A ray of light passed directly through it. A burst of spiritual power suddenly surrounded him, turning Chu Fengmian into a huge fireball and swooping down.

The last fireball fell into a mountain range in Guixu Continent.


The surrounding land was shaking, as if due to Chu Fengmian's impact, the mountains were shaking.

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared. This figure covered the sky and the sun, with a pair of wings that was a hundred meters wide.


This was a giant bird. The moment it appeared, it covered the sky and filled the sun, making Chu Fengmian suddenly think of Kunpeng among the ancient beasts.

However, Kunpeng is far, far, countless times bigger than this, with a wingspan of thousands of miles. Compared with the real Kunpeng, the giant bird in front of him is just like a small ant.

But normally, this giant bird is also a truly behemoth.


The giant bird noticed Chu Fengmian, suddenly screamed, and opened its mouth to devour Chu Fengmian.

The realm of the giant bird in front of him has reached the peak of life and death. In his opinion, Chu Fengmian is his prey, and it is going to devour Chu Fengmian.

"court death?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at the giant bird, waved his hand, and suddenly struck it out with a palm.

The giant bird was knocked hundreds of meters away, but was not injured. It screamed again and flew towards Chu Fengmian.

"It turns out to be a Peng bird with some Kunpeng bloodline. Although the bloodline is thin, it has the bloodline of this ancient beast after all. It is indeed not an ordinary monster and can be compared."

Although Chu Fengmian's palm just now cannot be regarded as using all his strength, it is certainly enough to kill monsters at the peak of the life and death realm.

But the giant bird in front of him only suffered some injuries, which was due to the power of his blood.


Chu Fengmian made a fist with his right hand and punched out again, hitting the giant bird's back. His internal organs were smashed directly by Chu Fengmian, and he fell directly from the air.

"The heart of this roc is a good material for refining spiritual weapons."

The moment Chu Fengmian walked directly towards the roc, suddenly, a burst of spiritual power suddenly emerged next to Chu Fengmian.

This spiritual power blocked everything around him, making it impossible for Chu Fengmian to leave.

"Who is that person? Dare to get close to a mountain range. This mountain range belongs to our Yanyang Sect. Anyone who dares to get close will be killed!"

I saw three warriors standing nearby, suddenly walking out. These three people were all dressed in red robes. Waves of hot air emerged from their bodies and swept around them.

"People from Yanyang Sect."

Chu Fengmian thought silently in his heart.

Yanyang Sect is one of the first forces to rise in these ten thousand years. Similar to Beimang Academy, it is a sect that has never appeared in Chu Fengmian's era.

Among the nine regions of Yanyu, Yanyang Sect is the largest sect. The overall strength of Yanyu is even stronger than that of Northern Territory.

Among the Nine Domains, Yanyang Sect, almost like Xuantian Sect, can be regarded as one of the most powerful forces under the seven major sects.

The three Yanyang Sect disciples in front of them are all at the fourth level of the Life and Death Realm. Although each of them is not as strong as Gongsun Dao, they are still stronger than the other Guyue Canyon disciples.

Such a force may not be able to cultivate a genius like Gongsun Dao, but the disciple's strength is not weak at all.

At the moment when Chu Fengmian looked at the Yanyang Clan disciples and began to think, these Yanyang Clan disciples also looked at Chu Fengmian and began to discuss with their spiritual senses.

"Looking at the boy, he doesn't look like a member of the seven major sects."

"The disciples of the sect should have united after entering Guixu Tian."

"This person is actually alone."

"Looking at his appearance, he must have scavenged a lot of good things from outside before coming to Guixu Continent. It seems that he just landed in Guixu Continent."

When these Yan Yang Sect disciples saw Chu Fengmian alone, their eyes changed, revealing a bit of greed.

In Guixu Tian, ​​killing and bartering is the fastest way.

This kind of thing alone is simply a mobile treasure that can be picked at any time.

"This man's strength is only at the third level of the life and death realm. He doesn't seem to have any great power. Do you want to kill him?"

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