Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 728: Thirty Thousand Drops of Essence and Blood

Chu Fengmian stood in the air, and the aura on his body now felt completely different from before.

In his body, the ancient dragon phantom transformed by the Dragon War Art already has two dragon claws, which have been condensed.

The ancient war dragon essence and blood in his body has reached the level of 30,000 drops. This amount is more than double that when Chu Fengmian was still at the peak of the divine power realm. number.

Every drop of the ancient war dragon essence and blood shows a dazzling golden color, and every drop contains extremely huge power.

This Dragon Fighting Technique has always been the foundation of Chu Fengmian's strength. Chu Fengmian's strength is all based on this Dragon Fighting Technique.

Now Chu Fengmian's realm has directly reached the third level of life and death.

But now that Chu Fengmian's power has increased, it is not such a simple realm breakthrough. Not only his power, but also his body and his swordsmanship have been greatly improved.

The countless calamity thunders in this heavenly calamity have now been integrated into Chu Fengmian's body. They are training his body. Chu Fengmian now has the power of this physical body alone to far away from the realm of divine power. When he.

It is not a problem to fight against the strong men at the peak of life and death realm.

At the same time, his swordsmanship has been greatly improved, and the power of the fifty supreme sword energies has been fully integrated into Chu Fengmian's nine-domain swordsmanship.

The Supreme Sword Qi is the true treasure, and it was the foundation of the Sword Sect in ancient times.

It can be said that the Shangjian Sect at that time became a swordsmanship sect in ancient times precisely because of this supreme sword energy.

All these treasures were obtained by Chu Fengmian and integrated into his body. The benefits Chu Fengmian gained this time were probably no less than what he had gained from the ancient Dragon Emperor's cave.

"Fifty supreme sword qi is enough for me to understand so much. If all three thousand supreme sword qi are obtained, the records in them will be even more amazing than the records in the ancient books on swordsmanship!"

A fierce sword intent burst out from Chu Fengmian's body, and at the same time, beside him, there were also sword lights surrounding Chu Fengmian's body.

As long as Chu Fengmian breaks out with murderous intent, these supreme sword energies will kill him directly. All the supreme sword energies have been surrendered by Chu Fengmian.

Unless Chu Fengmian falls, otherwise, he can only be used as Chu Fengmian's power to help Chu Fengmian and eliminate his opponents.

"Since there is supreme sword energy in Guixu Heaven, there are not only such a few, but most of the supreme sword energy is still left in Guixu Continent. It seems that it was once Obtained by some ancient sects! Go among the ruins of those ancient sects!”

Chu Fengmian looked at the huge continent in the distance, at the center of Guixu Tian.

Guixu Continent, the true center of Guixu Heaven.

Where countless ancient sects once stood, the relics of those ancient sects are all there.

Chu Fengmian could already feel that there was still the existence of supreme sword energy in Guixu Tian, ​​but these supreme sword energies were no longer around.

There should be only fifty supreme sword energies around here, and now they have all fallen into Chu Fengmian's hands.

"Guixu Tian, ​​warriors from the nine realms can only enter once. After this time, it will be difficult to enter again. If you want to get the supreme sword energy, this is the only chance."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

Guixu Tian is a true place with countless treasures, but any warrior in the Nine Domains can only enter it once.

Although there is no such rule when it comes to Guixu Tian, ​​in fact, Gui Xu Tian is now controlled by countless sects in the entire nine domains.

Especially the seven major sects, they have formulated this rule.

With the current Chu Fengmian, it is absolutely impossible to challenge him. In the future, unless Chu Fengmian is really good enough to be on an equal footing with the seven major sects, he will naturally not need to care about all this and enter them at will.

But the current Chu Fengmian is obviously still far from being able to do this, so during this trip to the Xutian, Chu Fengmian can get less of the other treasures.

Chu Fengmian must collect as much of this supreme sword energy as possible.


Thinking of this, Chu Fengmian did not hesitate. His figure suddenly turned into a ray of light and flew directly out of the desert.

Chu Fengmian was able to feel that somewhere in the Guixu Continent, there were traces of the supreme sword energy.

Now Chu Fengmian has fifty supreme sword energy, which is already a large number. At least around here, Chu Fengmian can clearly feel the presence of supreme sword energy anywhere.

In the Guixu Continent, Chu Fengmian had already sensed the presence of supreme sword energy in one of the areas.

However, the breath of this supreme sword energy seems extremely secretive, and it is obviously likely to be hidden in an extremely secret treasure house.

Chu Fengmian's figure flashed from the void one after another, and soon left this area, directly flying towards the Guixu Continent with a ray of light.

Guixu Continent is the most dangerous place in Guixu Heaven, and it is also a place full of countless treasures.

What is experienced in it is the real fighting.

For example, the Poison Hand Demon King who once came to Guixu Heaven has actually never dared to set foot on Guixu Continent. Instead, he has been wandering around the edges, so he left safely.

Otherwise, only 30% of the warriors who actually enter the Guixu Continent can leave alive, while the others will perish in it.

"I wonder where Han Yueli will be now?"

The vastness of Guixu Tian was still far beyond the reach of Chu Fengmian's current spiritual awareness, and he could no longer feel Han Yueli's aura.

But vaguely, Chu Fengmian knew that Han Yueli should not be in danger now, and it was very likely that he was in Guixu Continent.

"When we come to Guixu Tian, ​​everyone has their own opportunities, so it's better to collect the Supreme Sword Qi first!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved and he stopped thinking about it.

There was only one month in Guixu Heaven. Chu Fengmian spent four or five days in order to survive the catastrophe of life and death and improve his realm.

There is not much time left now. Unless Chu Fengmian plans to stay in Guixu Tian for three years, otherwise within the remaining twenty-five days, Chu Fengmian must Collect as much supreme sword energy as possible.

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