Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 676 The sword formation appears

As the cold-faced demon spoke, he struck out with another palm and landed it again.

The power of his palm was much more powerful than the previous one.

The power of the cold-faced devil is now almost at the peak of the life and death realm. Although it has not yet reached the point of transcending life and death, he is absolutely invincible among this younger generation.

When the Cold-Faced Demon Lord was still in the realm of divine power, he and Ye Tianjun represented the strongest strength of the younger generation in the Northern Territory. Now that the Cold-Faced Demon Lord has survived the catastrophe of life and death, his strength has skyrocketed.

Now, it would be no exaggeration to call him the number one person in the Northern Territory.

"This Chu Fengmian's strength is indeed astonishing. He can compete to such an extent with his sword intention, but his sword intention is never inferior to his real power. If this continues, this person will definitely be defeated!"

"It is not easy to block this move in the hands of the cold-faced devil. Chu Fengmian has now reached the top ten and got the place in Guixu Tian. Giving up now is the best choice. In the battle If you go down, this person will probably die in the hands of the cold-faced devil."

"Give up. As long as Chu Fengmian enters Guixu Heaven and gets some adventures, if he can survive the catastrophe of life and death, his strength in the future will most likely not be inferior to the cold-faced devil."

Countless warriors below looked at Chu Fengmian and started talking.

In the eyes of countless people, the best choice for Chu Fengmian now is to admit defeat. Chu Fengmian has already entered the top ten.

Now even if he admits defeat, he can still get a place in Guixu Tian, ​​and he has a way out.

What's more, the cold-faced devil is so powerful now. If he doesn't admit defeat, Chu Fengmian will probably be killed by the cold-faced devil.

Facing the cold-faced devil who had already passed through the catastrophe of life and death, Chu Fengmian had no chance of defeating him. He was bound to lose no matter what, so it was better to admit defeat now.

While everyone was thinking about it, Chu Fengmian's behavior was completely beyond their expectations.

Chu Fengmian held the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, and when faced with another palm strike from the cold-faced demon king, he did not retreat at all, and even took the initiative to greet him.

In full view of everyone, Chu Fengmian held the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, and another blade burst out.

This sword edge is a thousand meters long and soars into the sky.

He clashed with the cold-faced devil again.

Give up?

In Chu Fengmian's heart, there has never been a word like admitting defeat.

He, Chu Fengmian, was undefeated throughout his life.

"A sword weighs ten thousand!"

Chu Fengmian's sword edge shone for a moment, and immediately began to divide, turning into ten thousand sword edges, sweeping away in all directions.

The power of this palm was directly torn apart in front of these ten thousand sword edges.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The power of this terrifying palm actually tore a huge hole open under Chu Fengmian's sword edge.

The aftermath shocked the two of them, and their bodies were shaken back a few steps.

This kind of confrontation of power is just a few steps away, but it is already extremely shocking. If a weaker warrior enters it, he will be annihilated by this power in an instant.

"After resisting, is Chu Fengmian enough to withstand the power of the cold-faced devil?"

"His realm is indeed quite good in terms of divine power. He actually used his sword intent to compete with the cold-faced devil's power. This sword intent is actually extremely terrifying!"

There was an uproar below.

Under the power of the cold-faced devil, Chu Fengmian was invincible in Chu Fengmian's expectation. There was no doubt about it.

It is almost not easy to survive the palm of the cold-faced devil just now. Now, if you fight with the cold-faced devil, you will not be defeated.

This is an ending that no one had ever imagined.

After all, Chu Fengmian's realm is only the realm of divine power, while the cold-faced devil has already reached the realm of life and death. Both are genius monsters in the Northern Territory. It is simply impossible to fight beyond this level. one thing.

With a strength difference of dozens of times, Chu Fengmian used his sword skills to even the situation without losing.

"Sure enough, there are some skills. In terms of swordsmanship, you can surpass Feng Wuxin. You are indeed further than any swordsman I have ever seen."

The cold-faced devil looked at Chu Fengmian for a few times and said with a sneer.

"But you are a little too naive to think that your swordsmanship is enough to compete with me."

The demonic intention around the cold-faced demon suddenly condensed, and the demonic intention condensed on his fist wind again.

The aura on the cold-faced devil's body was rising steadily, as if he was brewing something. The aura on his body also expanded again, and his power was several times stronger.

"The devil shocked the heavens! This cold-faced devil actually plans to use secret techniques again to activate ten times the power!"

"This is terrible. With the current strength of the cold-faced devil, he is mobilizing ten times the power, which is almost equivalent to ten supreme experts at the peak of the life and death realm. He attacks at the same time. How can Chu Fengmian resist!"

The faces of countless people below changed with shock.

The cold-faced devil is now showing his full strength. This power is already extremely terrifying.

What a powerful force it would be if the cold-faced devil was activating the secret technique to increase his power tenfold. It was almost a power that was too powerful to be understood.

"Boy, die!"

The cold-faced devil smiled ferociously and roared loudly.

Ten times the power, fully activated again, concentrated on his fist wind.

This punch fell from the sky, and the power contained in it was simply unstoppable. However, anyone under his punch could feel nothing but destruction.

A punch that can destroy everything, a strong man at the peak of the life and death realm will be killed by this punch.

But with this punch, the moment he was in front of Chu Fengmian, countless black shadows suddenly appeared in front of Chu Fengmian.

These countless black shadows appeared and immediately spread out, showing a huge sword formation.

Here is a Black Mysterious Sword Formation that Chu Fengmian had practiced by killing the group of black iron crows he met on the road.

As soon as the sword formation came out, it immediately condensed in front of Chu Fengmian, forming a huge barrier that enveloped Chu Fengmian.

The Cold-faced Demon Lord's punch, which contained ten times the power, hit the sword array.

"What is this? Sword formation?"

"What a powerful sword array, with a hundred thousand spiritual swords. I can even feel the aura of heaven-level spiritual weapons on these spiritual swords. How is that possible!"

"Look, the eye of this sword formation is exactly a heaven-level spiritual weapon! How did this person obtain so many heaven-level spiritual weapons?"

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