Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 675: Battle of Geniuses

I don’t know how many trump cards this cold-faced devil has.

Chu Fengmian was too lazy to delay.

The claws of the war dragon once again bombarded the cold-faced devil.

"Very good, boy, do you really think you have the capital to compete with me? I only used a small part of my power. Your strength is indeed very strong, but you will still be defeated in front of me!"

Suddenly, waves of spiritual power surrounded the cold-faced devil.

A hurricane of demonic intent was formed, completely covering his figure.

Just around this demonic hurricane, ancient runes suddenly appeared like a ban, and the cold-faced devil shouted angrily.

These runes were all broken suddenly.

The runes shattered, and the aura of the cold-faced devil suddenly increased dozens of times, and billowing demonic intent emanated from his body.

The broken runes seemed to suddenly open the shackles on the cold-faced devil, allowing his true strength to be revealed.

"The realm of life and death! This is the power of the realm of life and death! The cold-faced devil has actually survived the catastrophe of life and death!"

"He hid it so deeply! He actually used a secret technique to block all this power. I didn't expect that he had already passed the catastrophe of life and death!"

"It's terrible. The cold-faced devil actually still has such hidden power! When he was in the realm of divine power, he was enough to compete for the number one person in the Northern Territory in this session. Now he has actually survived the catastrophe of life and death. , the power surges dozens of times!”

Many people were shocked when they saw the terrifying aura on the cold-faced devil.

At the moment of reaching the limit of divine power, the Cold-faced Demon Lord was ranked second on the Northern Territory's Hundred Rankings, and he was qualified to compete for the position of the first person in the Northern Territory.

No one would have thought that this was actually only a small part of the cold-faced devil's strength. His true strength was that he had already survived the catastrophe of life and death.

This is his true strength, and the strength he showed before is only a small part of it.

The cold-faced devil who showed a small part of his strength is an absolute giant, not to mention that his strength has now increased dozens of times.

Vaguely, everyone felt that the strength of the cold-faced devil was even stronger than those at the peak of the life and death realm, almost to the point of transcending life and death.

"This is?"

In the stands, the old man from Tongtian Pavilion changed his face in shock when he saw the cold-faced devil's sudden change.

Even he seemed not to have thought of this scene.

No wonder the Poison-Hand Demon Lord spoke so confidently towards the Cold-faced Demon Lord before. It turns out that the Cold-faced Demon Lord has already passed through the catastrophe of life and death and reached the realm of life and death.

This hidden depth is something no one has ever imagined.

"This is going to be bad. Both of them are in the realm of divine power. Chu Fengmian still has the capital to fight, but facing the realm of life and death, no matter how strong his swordsmanship is, he can't reverse the situation dozens of times. The strength is also a difficult thing.”

The ancestor of Tongtian Pavilion murmured to himself.

The Poison Hand Demon Lord next to him was sneering and looking at Chu Fengmian as if he was a dead man.

The cold-faced devil had already demonstrated his true strength, and Chu Fengmian had only one way to die.

"It's a pity, Chu Fengmian, you were so arrogant for a while, but you didn't think that my realm has already passed through the catastrophe of life and death and reached the state of life and death."

The demonic intent in the cold-faced demon made him look like a supreme demon god. He looked down at Chu Fengmian and spoke with incomparable arrogance.

"I originally planned to use this move against Ye Tianjun at the last moment. Now that it has been exposed for you, you are honored."

"Among the younger generation, you are the first to push me to this point, but today, you still want to die!"

The cold-faced demon looked at Chu Fengmian with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"If you commit suicide now, you can leave a whole body, otherwise I'm afraid that if I take action later, you won't even be able to keep a whole body."


Chu Fengmian looked at the cold-faced devil's arrogance, but his expression remained calm.

But in the palm of his hand, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly came out of his body.

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"No matter how strong you are, you will only die by my sword today."

"act recklessly."

The cold-faced demon sneered.

"Today I will tell you the difference between you and me! In front of me, you are just an ant!"

The cold-faced devil suddenly raised his hand as he spoke.

The moment he raised his hand, there was an immense pressure that swept across the entire arena.

With the current strength of the cold-faced devil, every move he makes contains great pressure.

"Kneel down!"

The cold-faced devil roared and took action again.

His palm fell, and immediately together with the huge pressure, it fell from the sky and pressed towards Chu Fengmian.

The power of this palm makes people feel at a glance that it is like standing in front of a huge mountain, which seems to be an unreachable mountain.

Human power seems extremely small in front of this mountain peak.

This burst of power seemed to crush everyone alive.

Chu Fengmian couldn't help but smile when he felt the pressure.

Normally, it was his coercion that oppressed others. Unexpectedly, someone actually wanted to suppress him and make him kneel down.

But Chu Fengmian was not one of those losers whom he suppressed.

In these nine realms, there was no one who suppressed Chu Fengmian before, and there still is no one now.


Chu Fengmian shouted loudly, and the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in his hand moved.

Chu Fengmian could sense his anger on the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword. The Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword was the most precious treasure of the dragon clan. This kind of pressure was enough to arouse his anger.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian drew his sword.

The blade of the sword flickered, and the sword suddenly slashed into the air.

The sword energy rose into the sky like a rainbow, changing in an instant to a length of a thousand meters, and the power contained in it turned into the appearance of ancient war dragons, surrounding the sword's edge.


Cutting the sky with a sword, the power of this palm was directly chopped into two halves.

This seemingly ordinary sword contains enough power to split the sky.

The arena was shaking, and there was a faint hissing sound, as if under this sword, even the arena was about to be cut apart.

"Hmph! I want to see how many times your sword can cut off!"

The cold-faced demon looked at Chu Fengmian's sword, his expression as confident as ever.

So what if the sword is strong?

In the face of absolute power, even the amazing swordsmanship is enough to crush it.

He just wanted to crush Chu Fengmian's sword technique with absolute power.

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