Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 630: The Ancestor Kills

In the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand, spiritual power suddenly condensed. Lu Que and Lu Hua were about to be crushed to death in almost the next moment.

In the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand, the faces of Lu Que and Lu Hua were extremely pale, and each of them was scared to death.

Neither of them would have imagined in their wildest dreams that they would be so close to death.

The moment Chu Fengmian took action, his spiritual power suddenly gathered.

From the sky, a voice suddenly came.

"Junior, you have done this well!"

This sound was so ethereal that it was impossible to figure out where it was coming from.


Chu Fengmian suddenly raised his head, and his expression suddenly changed.

It seems that he did not expect that at this time, someone would come to attack him again.

"Junior, you dare to deal with us Lu family members like this, are you really bullying our Lu family members?"

From the air, these majestic voices came again. The owner of these voices, the meaning of his words, was that he was truly angry, and he was obviously extremely angry.

Lu family!

People from the Lu family!

Chu Fengmian was shocked.

The owner of this voice, even Chu Fengmian, seemed unable to detect the true nature of it.

Obviously this is a big shot of the Lu family. His strength is much higher than that of Lu Que. Even Chu Fengmian can't see through his figure. This is at least an existence that has surpassed the peak of life and death.

"Ancestor Lu Qianren!"

The moment they heard this voice, Lu Que and Lu Hua both looked overjoyed and shouted loudly.

"Ancestor Lu Qianren, please save us! This person's strength is definitely not from our Beimang Academy. He is most likely an agent sent by the Demomen. Please help me, Ancestor, to surrender this person!"


Hearing this title, there was no one present who was not moved by it.

This title not only represents the ancestor of the Lu family.

In Beimang College, only the old antiques who have transcended the peak of life and death and stepped onto the steps of life and death are qualified to be called ancestors.

The existences that can be called ancestors are all the existences that can be put into the Church of All Saints in the future and be admired by others.

Such an old antique suddenly took action, and his target was none other than Chu Fengmian.


A cold snort came from the sky, which clearly demonstrated the anger of the current ancestor.


Above the sky, just spitting out this value, I saw a huge mountain peak suddenly falling from the sky.

mountain peak?

When Chu Fengmian took a closer look, he saw that this mountain peak was actually just a finger.

A finger suddenly struck Chu Fengmian.

This simple finger, the spiritual power contained in it, condensed this finger like a thousand-meter high mountain, and suddenly fell from the sky to suppress Chu Fengmian.

"Ancestor, please calm down! This person is a genius that the senior leaders of our college want to cultivate. Please be respectful, Ancestor!"

An elder suddenly took action and spoke to the sky to persuade.

But before he finished speaking, a word fell from the sky.


The word "get out" was like a huge fist that landed directly on the elder's chest, causing the elder to be knocked away.

This elder is also a high-level powerhouse in the life and death realm. He is a high-level person in Beimang College. Outside, he is a dominating figure.

But now in front of the ancestor Lu Qianren, he couldn't even answer a single word.

What kind of strength is this? A strong person at a high level in the life and death realm cannot even answer a single word in front of him.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, even if he faced a high-level powerhouse in the life and death realm, he could easily defeat him.

But if Chu Fengmian can defeat a high-level powerhouse in the life and death realm with just one word, Chu Fengmian cannot do it. Even if Chu Fengmian uses the power of Tianlong Bayin, it may not be able to injure him. A high-level figure in the realm of life and death.

What's more, Chu Fengmian can also see that the words spoken by the ancestor Lu Qianren are actually not some secret technique at all. Just one simple word can achieve this.

With this kind of strength, if a hundred or a thousand high-level figures in the life and death realm were to take action at the same time, they would probably all be far from the opponent of the ancestor Lu Qianren.

There is no doubt that this is a person who has transcended the pinnacle of life and death and stepped onto the steps of life and death.

"I don't know which level this ancestor Lu Qianren has stepped on. There are nine levels in total on the steps of life and death. The gap between each level is like a gutter, which cannot be crossed."

"With just one word, the elder was seriously injured, but he was not killed. The strength of the ancestor Lu Qianren should not have reached a high level yet. If he stepped onto the third or fourth floor, I'm afraid this elder will fall with just one word!"

In Chu Fengmian's heart, he secretly analyzed the strength of the ancestor Lu Qianren.

But even so, Chu Fengmian was still extremely uneasy. This was a great man who had surpassed the pinnacle of life and death.

If he takes action, the current Chu Fengmian may not be able to fight against him.

Chu Fengmian didn't expect that he would draw Lu Que and Lu to such an extent that this old antique from the Lu family would actually take action regardless of everything.

Such old antiques used to be in the realm of enlightenment and wanted to step into a higher level. In the past, there were countless major events in the academy, but they would not participate in them.

Now that Chu Fengmian had woken up and saw Chu Fengmian chasing people from the Lu family, he suddenly became furious.

"Ancestor Lu Qianren! Please calm down!"

Another elder hurriedly flew over and tried to persuade him.

"This person has received the inheritance from the Hall of All Living Beings and cannot be killed!"

"Go away! A bunch of losers dare to sit against our Lu family. If you don't go away, you will die!"

Above the sky, Lu Qianren's voice was simply overbearing to the extreme.

Now, no matter who dares to stop him, he will not give him any face.

"Junior! Die for me!"


Lu Qianren's finger suddenly fell from the sky, flew down from the sky, and struck Chu Fengmian.

The edge of this finger and the surrounding space began to be broken layer by layer. The space laws in the Bei Mang Sanctuary could not stop such a terrifying power.

Not only the strength, but also the speed of this finger was to a completely different level.

It seemed slow, but in an instant, it had landed on top of Chu Fengmian's head.

At this speed, there is absolutely no possibility of escaping.


Chu Fengmian's expression suddenly changed.

The speed of this finger was beyond his imagination.

At this speed, it is simply impossible to drive away from each other.

The only way now is to resist.

This is my first update today. I have been writing for a long time and I will continue writing.

I feel like I have to stay up late again.

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