Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 629 The Realm of Broken Life

In an instant, Chu Fengmian suddenly mobilized all his strength.

The blood in his body was all there, apparently because of the oppression of Lu Qianren's terrifying power, which caused the blood in Chu Fengmian's body to rise.

His bloodline is the bloodline of the ancient war dragon. Even if the ancient war dragon faces a more powerful existence than others, he will face it and never back down.

In this dragon battle, the most terrifying power will be unleashed only when encountering an increasingly powerful opponent.

"The power of the fighting dragon!"

Chu Fengmian's body suddenly roared and transformed into the appearance of an ancient war dragon. He held the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword and suddenly struck with the sword.

Countless powerful forces emitted from Chu Fengmian's body.

The bloodline of the ancient war dragon, his nine-domain swordsmanship, and the shadow of the ancient killing god were all mobilized and condensed, and a stream of power blessed Chu Fengmian's body.

"Even if someone who has stepped onto the stage of life and death wants to suppress me, it is impossible!"

Chu Fengmian shouted angrily.


This sword is also pure power. It kills him suddenly with a sudden sword. The power contained in it is also terrifying to the extreme.

Point a finger at the sky and directly bombard it.


The two forces collided crazily from the air. Chu Fengmian's sword struck Lu Qianren's finger, but it was unable to shake Lu Qianren's finger at all.

On this finger, Chu Fengmian felt a taste that transcended life and death, transcended everything, and was already a completely different power from a warrior.

Broken life!

The first level of the stairs of life and death, the realm of broken lives.

This Lu Qianren has now stepped into this realm. Stepping into this life-shattering realm is to crush his own destiny and truly transcend everything.

Only those who have stepped into this level can be regarded as truly strong, and those who are truly qualified to leave records behind.

When Chu Fengmian was thinking.

The power of this finger had already impacted Chu Fengmian's body.


Chu Fengmian's body was shattered bit by bit by the power of this finger. Chu Fengmian's body was shattered step by step.

The power of this finger was extremely terrifying. It not only crushed the edge of Chu Fengmian's sword.

The power of one of the fingers was all bombarded on Chu Fengmian's body, causing Chu Fengmian's body to begin to break.

With cracks one after another, Chu Fengmian's body was now broken into pieces like a spiritual weapon.

Chu Fengmian's body had reached its peak, and had been tempered by the Heavenly Crystal, but now it was still shattered under the finger of Lu Qianren.

The strength of the old antique who has stepped onto the stage of life and death is so powerful.

However, even when facing powerful forces, Chu Fengmian's expression remained as determined as ever.

His body began to break into pieces, but almost at the same time, all the dragon fighting power in Chu Fengmian's blood was stimulated.

All the power in the Jianmu branches from the last holy sacrifice has now been integrated into Chu Fengmian's war dragon bloodline.

In this critical moment, all the strength was mobilized.

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian's broken body was reorganized. While it was shattered under Lu Qianren's finger, the power of his blood also caused Chu Fengmian's body to continuously reorganize.

"The fighting dragon is immortal! I am the fighting dragon!"

Chu Fengmian let out a long roar, and his body suddenly reorganized completely, and he actually carried the power of this finger.

"not dead?"

"How is it possible? This kid actually blocked the finger of ancestor Lu Qianren. Although the power of one finger is still beyond the peak of the life and death realm."

"Looks like he's unscathed? What a terrifying recovery of spiritual power. The person's injuries just now, even if he doesn't die, are at least seriously injured, but now he has fully recovered."

"This is no longer a human being. The recovery ability of monsters is not as good as his. How is this possible?"

A respected warrior, looking at Chu Fengmian, actually resisted this finger, it was simply unbelievable.

This is an ancestor's move. You must know that even if everyone present unites, they will not be the opponent of this ancestor.

Characters who have stepped onto the steps of life and death have already surpassed the peak of life and death. Under such a finger, Chu Fengmian was able to survive.

This is simply unbelievable.

Especially just now, Chu Fengmian's body has begun to break. Under such circumstances, even if Chu Fengmian resists, serious injury is inevitable.

But now, Chu Fengmian didn't have any injuries on his body. The power of his War Dragon bloodline and Jianmu branches had fully recovered his injuries.

This ability to recover transcends monsters and all living creatures.

Even some physical training is far from being able to do this. Even the Immortal Demon Lord will perish under this finger, but Chu Fengmian really survived.

"The life-shattering realm is really powerful. The life-and-death steps are completely different from the life-and-death realm. This kind of power is ten times and a hundred times higher than the peak of the life-and-death realm!"

Chu Fengmian said with lingering fear in his heart.

His face looked calm, but he was relieved in his heart.

That finger just now almost broke the critical point. Even though Chu Fengmian looked unscathed now.

That finger just now almost destroyed Chu Fengmian's body. At the same time, even if Chu Fengmian's recovery ability was 10,000 times stronger, he would not be able to recover.

Fortunately, Lu Qianren has only entered the first level of life and death, the state of broken life.

If he reaches the second level, the realm of giant spirits, Chu Fengmian will definitely be obliterated by this finger, and Chu Fengmian will not even be able to resist.

Even so, Chu Fengmian could only barely block it.

If his blood had not been fused with the power of Jianmu branches and his recovery ability was much stronger, he might not have been able to recover just now.

It can be said that all of this is indispensable. It is simply an opportunity that comes only once in a million times.

A little different, Chu Fengmian just now fell into the hands of Lu Qianren.

Lu Qianren said he wanted to suppress Chu Fengmian, but this move was a real killer.

"The people in the academy who protect me like this probably know that I have inherited the inheritance of Saint Lord Beimang from the Hall of All Saints! Lu Qianren also knows the same, so he wants to kill me and strangle me! "

The elder of Beimang Sanctuary suddenly defended Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian naturally guessed the reason.

In the Hall of All Saints, there is no shortage of informants from the Beimang Saint Region. The news that Chu Fengmian has received the inheritance will naturally be known to them.

It seems that Lu Qianren is planning to take this opportunity to directly kill Chu Fengmian and eradicate the threat of Chu Fengmian.

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