Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5981 Fierce Battle with the Lord of Darkness

"Purple King Sword."

Chu Fengmian muttered silently.

The next moment, the bone sword in Chu Fengmian's hand disappeared.

Instead, there was a purple spiritual sword.

Chu Fengmian held the Purple King Sword in his hand. As the sword intent in his body exploded, huge power emerged from the Purple Sword King and poured into Chu Fengmian's body.

Chu Fengmian held the Purple King Sword in his hand and slashed out with one strike.


At the moment when the sword light was slashed out, it collided with the dark blade coming from the front. The two forces exploded and dispersed immediately.

That sword, which contained the power to open up the world, was easily destroyed by the dark blade.

The power of the explosion even hit the Lord of Darkness, causing the Lord of Darkness to take two steps back.

Because of him, he was forced to retreat?

Seeing the white and dark realm turning into white and dark chains bounding towards me, Chu Fengmian's expression changed. I held Zi Bizhao in my hand and immediately slashed out with a sword.

The Lord of White Darkness is indeed the founder of the White Dark Domain. His ability to control the White Dark Domain has not yet reached the level of proficiency. He can freely control the power of the domain to suppress Chu Fengmian.

"It's because of his appearance, not your chance. As long as you kill him! You must not take a step back!"

Eighth-level magic weapon!

It even seemed that Chu Fengmian's power had the upper hand.

For the Lord of White Darkness who also possesses divine weapons, I can tell at a glance how powerful the divine weapons are.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t even have a magic weapon?

"Four domains! Open the sky!"

Among Thousand Laws Dominator, there are many beings who cannot master the eighth-level divine weapons, and those who have mastered the eighth-level divine weapons are all extremely weak beings among Thousand Laws Master.

"How is this possible! How could your power be so strong...!"

But the Lord of White Darkness's fighting spirit still had no impact.

"Magic Weapon? He has mastered the Divine Weapon? How is it possible? Has he just been promoted to Master of Thousand Arts? How could he master the Divine Weapon so slowly! And the power of the Divine Weapon, the eighth-level Divine Weapon? He can actually master the Eighth-level Divine Weapon. Waiting for the magic weapon?"

That simply makes the Lord of White Darkness dare to doubt my eyes. A newly promoted Qianfa Master has not yet mastered the magic weapon.

The eyes of the Lord of Darkness were full of shock and disbelief. He looked at Chu Fengmian with wide eyes, not daring to imagine what had happened.

There are dozens of white chains, and none of them can get close to Chu Fengmian.

But when the Lord of Darkness saw the Purple King Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand, he froze on the spot, and even his words stopped abruptly, as if he was shocked and spoke.

"You have to deny it. He is indeed the least talented master you have ever seen. He was unable to master a magic weapon in such a short period of time. His qualifications are indeed beyond imagination."


"Bai An! Restraint!"

And judging from the power exuded by the Purple King Sword, Chu Fengmian not only possessed the divine weapon, but also mastered it?

Even though I saw it with my own eyes, the scene behind my eyes still shocked me to the point that I dared to doubt it.

The Lord of White Darkness stared intently at Chu Fengmian.

Because I can see that although Chu Fengmian has mastered Zi Bizhao, he is even better than me with his strength.

What's more, the Purple King Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand is an eighth-level magic weapon.

Even this is just a reluctant mastery, but he has not yet fully mastered the power of the Purple King Sword.

He even mastered an eighth-level magic weapon.

That was also the first time Chu Fengmian used the Four Realms Sword Technique before he mastered the Purple King Sword. With the power of the Purple King Sword itself, combined with the Four Realm Sword Technique created by Chu Fengmian, the power of that sword cannot be said to be weak. pole.

Now that there is no space blockade by the Zhen Feng Bead, the Lord of White Darkness still needs to worry about Chu Fengmian escaping. Naturally, he cannot use all his power to suppress Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian was bound in the direction of Chu Fengmian from all directions. Each of those white chains contained extremely small power. Once they came into contact, they would be bound by that power.

The aftermath of the explosion could not harm the Lord of Darkness, but now the Lord of Darkness looked at Chu Fengmian with shocked expressions.

The power I unleashed with a casual sword far surpassed Bi Zhaoshun's full blow, and I easily withstood the killing move of the Lord of White Darkness.

"The weaker his strength is, the smaller the harm will be to you by killing him. Your strength has reached its limit. If there is a chance, it is not difficult to take a step back."

But in martial arts, Bi Zhaoshun is far better than me. That is not Bi Zhaoshun's strong point, and now I just can't grasp that strong point and kill Chu Fengmian.

Seeing the shocked look on the Lord of White Darkness, Chu Fengmian looked calm. The power of the Purple King Sword was indeed weaker than Bi Zhaoshun imagined.

The two forces clashed, and the blade of the Dark Lord's divine weapon Anji Dao was blown apart by Chu Fengmian's sword.

After all, I am also a master of thousands of arts. Although it is because of the Purple King Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand, I am not a little surprised.

It is the suppressive secret technique of the white and dark realm.

Even with that sword, Chu Fengmian only used about 70% of Zi Bizhao's power, far from using the full power of Ziwang Sword.

The Lord of White Darkness laughed warmly, and immediately waved his small hand. Suddenly, the power of the White Dark Domain completely exploded under the control of the Lord of White Darkness. The power of White Darkness in the sky turned into chains. .

The Lord of White Darkness was completely shocked.

That sword contained the mystery of the Four Domains swordsmanship.

Naturally, it can be seen that the magic weapon in Chu Fengmian's hand is even more powerful than the magic weapon in my hand.

"What's wrong? Are you planning to kill you?"

As Zi Bizhao's sword blade suddenly slashed out, it spread out in all directions. Within a few breaths, the white chains touched the sword light. , was torn into pieces by the sharp sword light.

The Lord of White Darkness looked at Chu Fengmian solemnly.

That's not the power of the eighth-level divine weapon.

Chu Fengmian has indeed not yet mastered the divine weapon, and it is even more superior to the Anji Sword in my hand.

The Lord of White Darkness is a veteran master of thousands of arts, so he naturally understands how difficult it is to control the eighth-level magic weapons. I can't imagine that Bi Zhaoshun mastered the magic weapons in just one year.

But facing the attack of the Lord of White Darkness, the Purple King Sword with 70% strength was not enough.

The Lord of White Darkness looked at Chu Fengmian with disbelief, but no matter what I did, he couldn't believe it. The power emanating from the Purple King Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand was fake.

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