Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5980 The Divine Weapon of the Lord of Darkness

"Dark Blade!"


At this moment, the Lord of Darkness also took action. The violent power condensed in the palm of the Lord of Darkness and turned into a sharp blade, slashing towards Chu Fengmian.

The shock sealing bead can only last up to three minutes.

Therefore, the Lord of Darkness must completely kill Chu Fengmian within these three minutes. Only by killing Chu Fengmian can the key truly fall into his hands.

The Lord of Darkness took action, and the overwhelming power of darkness gathered in the palm of his hand. The power of this blade of darkness alone was stronger than the attack of the Lord of Thunder and the Heavenly Hammer.

When it comes to martial arts attainments, the Lord of Darkness is far superior to the Lord of Thunder.

This knife is considered a test.

Chu Fengmian also knew this, so he did not take out the Purple King Sword immediately. Instead, he moved his palm and the bone sword appeared in his hand, and he also slashed it with one sword.

This sword seemed to be swung casually, but the sword intention contained in it was enough to surpass many master swordsmanship. In an instant, the sword light flashed and collided with the killing blade of darkness.

With 70% of the strength of the divine weapon, it can reach the limit of domination by thousands of methods.

What's more, Zhen Xinjie has just been promoted to the realm, and her foundation is stable. However, with the battle with Chu Fengmian, Lei Shazhi gradually mastered his own power, making Lei Shazhi unable to explode the power now, far beyond after.

"Dark pole sword!"


For a moment, the Lord of White Darkness also had murderous intent in his eyes. Originally, I wanted to test Zhen Xinjie's power to see where Lei Shazhi's current strength came from.

"Is it a test, but direct use of divine weapons?"

Although the power of the Lord of White Darkness is considered to be the top among the Qianfa Lords, the Lord of White Darkness is too ancient.

Lei Shazhi looked at the Lord of White Darkness, especially when he fell under the Dark Extreme Sword.

The power of that sword opened up the sky and the earth, and there was endless white darkness, as if it was going to swallow up all the heaven and earth and turn it into eternal night.

"Use the divine weapons directly!"

Those long years have brought the Lord of White Darkness' mastery of divine weapons to the limit. He cannot master 70% of the power of the Dark Blade. For a master of thousands of arts, he has not yet mastered it perfectly. A magic weapon.

Especially when the Lord of White Darkness held the Dark Extreme Sword, a terrifying force soared into the sky. With the power of the Dark Extreme Sword, the strength of the Lord of White Darkness was much higher than that of the later ones. It is less than 70% weaker.

That long knife is like an endless white hole, swallowing everything.

A long knife appeared in the palm of the Lord of White Darkness. The moment the long knife appeared, the surrounding white darkness seemed to be swallowed up by the long knife.

"Want to kill you? Does he still have the qualifications?"

The extremely terrifying power emanates from under the Dark Blade. The power is so weak that it makes people feel frightened.

But the Lord of White Darkness behind my eyes is the same. The Dark Extreme Sword is held in my hand. The power of the Lord of White Darkness is constantly fused with the Dark Extreme Sword. Strength, complement each other.

The Lord of White Darkness smiled ferociously, and all the power of the Dark Extreme Blade exploded out, turning into such a White Dark Blade.

The collision of the two forces tore through the darkness. A glimmer of light appeared for a moment, but the next moment it was enveloped again by the endless power of darkness.

For example, Master Chu Fengmian, although he couldn't hold the Heavenly Hammer, he basically mastered the power of the Heavenly Hammer.

That was the first time that Lei Shazhi had fought against a weak master who had mastered the divine weapon.

What's more, Lei Shazhi has also mastered Zi Zhenxin. I also want to try the power of the divine weapon.

"Your strength? Is it stronger than when you fought against the Lord of Thunder?"

"An Zhou!"

At the moment when the power of white darkness in the Anji Sword was concentrated to the extreme, the Lord of White Darkness also shouted warmly and immediately took action, slashing towards Lei Sha with the Anji Sword in his hand.

"Big guy, die!"

Later, when he fought against Lord Zhen Xinjie, Lei Shazhi's strength had not yet reached that level. In a short period of time, Lei Shazhi's strength became even weaker.

The Lord of White Darkness cannot control 70% of the power of the Dark Extreme Sword at will, which makes the Lord of White Darkness almost reach the point where the human sword becomes one. The two powers are compatible and extremely terrifying.

That is not the power of a divine weapon.

"Seventh-level divine weapon! That Dark Extreme Sword should be a seventh-level divine weapon! However, the power in it is quite consistent with the power of the Lord of White Darkness, so the power it unleashes is terrifying! Perfect! The master of thousands of magic weapons!"

The same is true for Lei Shazhi. Before he came to understand the swordsmanship of the Purple Sword King, he didn't understand anything before he mastered the Purple King Sword, which was 80% of its power.

But there was no fear in Zhen Xinjie's eyes. Instead, there was no excitement. Thousand Methods Dominated, Lei Shazhi had long been eager to fight with him.

It must have been that time I decided to take action and kill Lei Shazhi completely. I'm afraid that last time, Lei Shazhi's strength would have reached a level even weaker than mine. At this time, the Lord of White Darkness would have another chance. No chance at all.

Therefore, the power exerted by Lei Shazhi with just a casual sword now is much weaker than when he fought against Master Chu Fengmian.

Facing the white and dark blade coming to kill, Zhen Xinjie dodged or avoided and just stood there.

The collision of the two forces seemed to be evenly matched.

Looking at Chu Fengmian's motionless figure, the Lord of White Darkness showed a somewhat dignified look in his eyes.

At that point, the Lord of White Darkness also felt it. The face of the Lord of White Darkness changed. The speed of Lei Shazhi's strength growth was indeed too amazing.

Especially the Lord of White Darkness is a veteran Thousand Laws Master. He has been promoted to the Thousand Laws Master for several generations, so the Dark Extreme Sword was completely refined and controlled by me when it was first used.


With that kind of power, when faced with a master like Lord Zhen Xinjie, Shi Dong wouldn't be able to kill him with even a single blow!

Although the Purple Sword King's swordsmanship inheritance has not reached the original state of swordsmanship, the swordsmanship left by a weak man who was at the peak of Qianfa Master is now understood by Lei Sha, which has also benefited Lei Shazhi a lot.

Before Lei Shazhi obtained Zi Zhenxin, he had only fully understood the power and mystery of the Purple King Sword, and in it he also obtained the swordsmanship inheritance from the ancient kings, the Purple Sword King.

But now that the strength Lei Shazhi has shown has not given the Lord of White Darkness the confidence to calmly test Zhen Xinjie's strength, I also make a prompt decision and prepare to directly use the magic weapon to kill Lei Shazhi.

Lei Shazhi's eyes also became serious.

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