Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5939: The Power of the Demon Lord

Only in the state of the eternal true body is Chu Fengmian's true body.

The moment these 129,600 martial arts crystals emerged, the fire of divine power immediately ignited Chu Fengmian's body.

For an instant, Chu Fengmian stood in the divine fire, like a burning giant.

However, this kind of divine fire poses no threat to Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian can even feel it clearly.

On top of the 129,600 martial arts crystals on his body, as the divine fire burned, a layer of jade-like material was forming on the surface of the martial arts crystals.

This layer of jade-like material is extremely hard. Compared with the martial arts crystal itself, it is even more advanced and seems to be undergoing transformation.

"Sure enough!"

Chu Fengmian looked overjoyed when he saw this scene.

His choice to try to temper the 129,600 martial arts crystals on his body with the fire of divine power was not just a sudden thought.

It was because of the time when Chu Fengmian tried to temper the power of demons with the fire of divine power.

At the same time, the demonic flesh and blood in Dai Shitian's palm was tempered by the fire of divine power, and its power continued to increase.

The Master of Wuxi Zhenzhou has mastered the power of the Demon Lord. The masters of such four small aristocratic families have no way to fight against the Master of Zhenzhou.

Chu Fengmian could not grasp the power of the demon king.

But the power of the Demon Lord is completely the same. It is completely equivalent to the power of the Lord.

For example, Chu Fengmian's eternal true body is also integrated with the eternal body of the true demon, the Eye of Thousand Destructions, and the power of demon rituals.

Therefore, the power of demons currently controlled by Dai Shitian cannot be called demon power yet.

Wu Shi was in order to prevent the erosion of the demon king's power.

The power of the Demon Lord is extremely domineering.

When Chu Fengmian felt the power of the Demon Lord, it was nothing, and I sighed for reasons.

That also made Chu Fengmian's eternal true body become even weaker under the power of the physical body.

Dai Shitian discovered that under the 174,800 martial arts crystals under my body, a layer of crystal jade-like substance appeared after being tempered by the fire of divine power.

It is precisely because of that.

Essentially, it was not obtained from a demon lord through a demonization ritual, but was achieved by tempering and promoting the demon flesh and blood under Chu Fengmian using the fire of divine power.

Therefore, a small number of weak masters avoid the power of the Demon Lord. Even when fighting against the Demon Lord, they choose to avoid close combat.

Chu Fengmian felt the change of the demon's power in the palm of his hand, and his face became happy.

When a small number of weak masters face the power of demons or even small demons, even those with a Dharma like Chu Fengmian can deal with them perfectly.

"Even in the earthquake, it is possible that no one can succeed."

That is why Chu Fengmian's eternal true body cannot be afraid of the flesh and blood of the demon lord being corroded.

For the power of demons, which is completely different from the power of warriors, and even completely opposite in power, the fire of divine power is still effective.

Our power is also called the power of the Demon Lord.

He is a practicing crystal wearer, but he may not have a body as weak as Chu Fengmian.

The power of the demons in it is also growing.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian was ready to try to use the fire of divine power to temper the eternal true body under Chu Fengmian.

In addition, Chu Fengmian used the fire of divine power to temper the 174,800 martial arts crystals under his body.

Just like the Guluan family, there is no way to suppress the power of demons.

Because the power of the demon king is less than ten times safer than the power of the demon to threaten the weak.

On the one hand, it was because Chu Fengmian's physical body was weak enough.

Demonized warriors can at least control the power of little demons, but cannot control the power of the demon lord.

Those two completely possible conditions appeared under Chu Fengmian, which made it impossible for Chu Fengmian to master the power of the Demon Lord.

And that is not at the level of the power of domination.

A few breaths.

And the seventh point requires practicing the way of divine power and cooperating with the fire of divine power to achieve it.

The news that Chu Fengmian has mastered the power of the Demon Lord is likely to be enough to cause a slight shock in the Eternal Continent.

But the power of Demon Lord.

But after all, they all have their own methods and cannot temporarily suppress the power of the demon, so that the threat of the demon's power is slightly reduced.

Of those two conditions, one is missing.

After all, the initial function of the divine fire was not to temper power, so the demon's power was tempered almost instantly, reaching the eighth level of the divine power.

Another point is also because of the flesh and blood of the demon lord under Chu Fengmian.

He discovered that this divine fire could not only temper the strength of warriors.

This is true whether it is for the four small aristocratic families or the eight small forces in Bai City.

Any of our conditions can be met.

Even Chu Fengmian's physical body was considered weak among the masters who practiced Crystal Daishi.

In this way, Chu Fengmian's body cannot be afraid of the erosion of the demon lord's flesh and blood, and cannot allow the demon lord's flesh and blood to be integrated into Chu Fengmian's eternal true body and become a part of Dai Shitian's body.

Want to master the power of the Demon Lord.

As for the master of Zhenzhou.

There is no adaptation process, so the power is relatively not so overbearing.

Crystal Martial Arts itself does not reject fusion and change.

That kind of terrifying power is a fatal threat to all masters, even for those masters in the universe who have retreated from demonization rituals.

Demon Lord is the name given to the weak one in the demon clan.

Because even the body of a weak master can be integrated into the flesh and blood of the Demon Lord. Even a little bit of flesh and blood may cause the physical body of a weak master to collapse. In this way, there is no way to master the power of the Demon Lord.

A small number of demon lords will encounter any attack as long as they retreat into the inner domain.

The masters of the four small aristocratic families have nothing to contend with the master of Zhenzhou.

In addition to the crystal martial arts, it is a martial arts that can integrate many martial arts and is constantly changing.

The demon lord, but even the weak, is a being who is willing to be his enemy and fight.

And that kind of power was actually controlled by Chu Fengmian.

"Isn't that the power of the Demon Lord?"

It was an extremely overbearing power, and to human warriors, it was like a deadly poison that would kill them if touched.

The way of divine power has not been lost in the Eternal Continent for a long time. Now there are almost no records of the way of divine power in the Eternal Continent.

Chu Fengmian had originally practiced Crystal Martial Arts. Even within the lineage of Crystal Martial Arts, he created the Eternal Dharma and created the Eternal True Body with extremely low attainments. His physical body was extremely weak.

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