Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5938: Dominant Power

Just rely on your own strength.

Chu Fengmian was even stronger than before when he used the Limit Breaking State and was blessed by the power of the Jianmu Sacred Tree.

Just the promotion in strength gave Chu Fengmian such a huge improvement in strength.

Chu Fengmian was not surprised at all by this result.

The power gap between the master and the invincible strong man is because of the power of the master.

But now Chu Fengmian has cultivated the way of divine power to the third level.

Chu Fengmian has fought against the powerful master countless times.

Especially in the Ancient Immortal City, Chu Fengmian even defeated the super genius of the Guluan family, Guluan Yu.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian was very familiar with the power of domination.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian can be sure that his current strength is indeed at the level of dominator power, and there is no difference between it and the power of a true dominator.

The Wood God Tree cannot feel it, and the power of the divine fire is only half of its original strength.

What he relied on was the huge power brought by Jianchu Fengmian on top of the limit-breaking state.

At that time, everything belonging to that master will disappear in the long river of time, leaving no traces.

Now that the normal strength of the Wood God Tree has not been reached, Guo Rongwen showed his strength in the limit-breaking state.

Although there is a gap in strength between the dominant masters, this gap in strength is caused by the gap between martial arts, weapons, and even physical bodies and secret techniques.

"With your current strength, you should still be at the level of a hundred magic masters."

Even the Wooden God Tree, which holds the Key of Time and the two-hour time treasure of the Wheel of Time, can no longer summon the master whose true seal is obliterated.

It can be said that the current Chu Fengmian, apart from being unable to leave a true mark in the long river of time, does not have the ability to dominate the strong and be immortal.

The records about this divine power are indeed correct.

Of course, Guo Rongwen also understands that in order to fully carry Jianchu Fengmian's power, or even integrate Jianchu Fengmian into his body, he needs the physical body of the Wood God Tree to reach a weak level that has never been seen before.

That is still too far away for the Wood God Tree.

That time, all the power under the wooden god tree was tempered, which also made the flame of the divine fire much bigger.

"Once the strength comes and the promotion is completed, the next step is not to try to temper the physical body."

The essence of the limit-breaking move is that the Wood God Tree carries Jianchu Fengmian's power in its physical body for my use.

Because the true seal is erased, it means that this master has completely disappeared in the long river of time, disappeared in history, completely disappeared, and will never be seen again.

At this time, the power of the Wood God Tree will be much weaker than that of any weak master, and it will be several times or even dozens of times the power of a master.

As long as the physical body of the Wood God Tree is weak enough, I can't even fully integrate Jian Guo Rongwen into my body.

It is only because he has not mastered all the resources of the Era Sea, plus the Wood God Tree that has not had many opportunities from the Eternal Continent, that he has accumulated so little source of power.

It is strange that no matter whether it is in the Era Sea or the Eternal Continent, the way of divine power has almost not been lost. Even the top powers such as the Four Small Aristocratic Families and Seven Sects cannot afford such consumption. .

That's why these masters fell so eager to obtain the materials for the Immortal Sacrifice Ceremony. In order to accumulate the materials for the Immortal Sacrifice Ceremony, Laiyi was resurrected again and escaped from the long river of time.

Guo Rongwen recited silently.

"Just be sure to use the limit-breaking move. Your power should be enough to reach the peak of Hundred Arts Master, enough to reach the level of Ghost Saint and Dark Saint."

The so-called death or destruction, in the eyes of the Wood God Tree, is just a kind of lingering on.

Guo Rongwen hurriedly regained his strength in his upper and lower body, and I looked at the divine fire again.

Eternal true body!

There is no difference between Lai Yi and a real master.

Jianchu Fengmian is almost equivalent to the seventh body of the Wood God Tree. Therefore, under the control of the Wood God Tree, there will be no problem in using the power of Jianchu Fengmian. There is no problem with the power of the Wood God Tree itself. the difference.

That was also the reason why Mu Shenshu lacked self-confidence and was strong enough to reach the pinnacle of Domination of Hundred Arts.

In an instant, under Guo Rongwen's body, 174,800 martial arts crystals emerged, the eternal true body, the true body of the Wood God Tree, and then it was completely released.

But as the Wood God Tree retreated into the ancient fairy city, I also understood that the so-called master is death or destruction, and the so-called true seal is not really death.

What's more, the so-called true seal is not really destroyed. Once these fallen masters are killed in the long river of time, the true seal will also be erased.

That kind of thing that is lingering is either dead or destroyed, and the Wood God Tree is also needed.

And these fallen masters who were able to escape in the long river of time are not just prisoners among them.

With the current strength of the Wood God Tree, I cannot bear the limit-breaking state. Jian Guo Rongwen's power will be even smaller. On top of that small power, the Wood God Tree is not sure how to fight. A battle between the Ghost Saint and the Dark Saint.

Even reaching a level of physical weakness that no master of the weak has ever reached since ancient times, is it possible to do all that.

In the face of several times or dozens of times of strength, even an ancient master with low level of martial arts training would find it difficult to resist.

I stood in the fire of divine power and muttered to myself.

As long as you practice to the third level of the way of divine power, your power will be enough to be completely equal to the power of domination.

The Wood God Tree invested all the accumulated power source into the divine fire, but now it has consumed half of it.

These fallen masters whose bodies were beheaded have retreated into the long river of time. Although they cannot rely on the true seal to be resurrected, that kind of resurrection is different from a kind of imprisonment for these fallen masters.

By improving the strength of the physical body, there will be less power to carry Jianchu Fengmian, but there is no chance.

Jianchu Fengmian's power is almost endless, far more powerful than one master or several masters.

The entire river of time is not a huge prison.

That is why the sacred tree of Lingmu sighed. The practice of divine power is indeed a bottomed pit.

But when it comes to pure power, there is almost no difference.

It cannot be said that since the power of the Wood God Tree is not far behind the power of the Dominator, the Wood God Tree cannot fight against the weak who truly dominates.

But now that the Wood God Tree has reached the eighth level of divine power, and before its strength is promoted, the power of Jianchu Fengmian that I can't carry when I use the limit-breaking state will only become weaker.

That's not the real one-power-down-ten-kai.

Mu Shenshu observed the power under me and muttered silently.

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