Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 575: Building tree branches

"The first lot."

Master Lingzun roared loudly and presented a jade box.

Although the jade box was sealed, Chu Fengmian was aware of the extremely refined spiritual power contained in it.

In addition to spiritual power, there is also an extremely rich vitality contained in it.

Some dying old people might be able to live ten more years just by smelling this smell.

This vitality is definitely stronger than anything else.

"Everyone, please take a look."

Master Lingzun slowly opened the jade box.

Among them, a three-inch branch lay quietly. This branch was extremely green. Although it was only three inches, it seemed to be alive.

The spiritual power and the rich and extreme vitality are emanating from these three inches of branches.


The moment Chu Fengmian saw the branch, he suddenly blurted out a word.

"Oh? Mr. Chu is quite knowledgeable."

Elder Li was on the side and was slightly surprised when he heard Chu Fengmian speak.

"This is exactly the branch of the first tree in the world, Jianmu."

Jianmu branches, something like this, actually appeared.

Chu Fengmian was also extremely surprised.

Jianmu is said to be the first tree in the world that existed in the ancient times. It is said that it runs through the world and is the foundation of the world.

Many of the creatures in the world are born from trees.

In the ancient times, Jianmu was said to have been shattered by an extremely huge war. Now hundreds of thousands of years have passed, but I didn't expect that Jianmu branches would still appear.

"This tree branch contains countless vitality and endless life force. Once it is refined and integrated into the body, it is enough to be refined into a body similar to the bloodline of the war dragon. No matter what injuries are suffered, it can be recovered , almost immortal."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

If he could get these Jianmu branches and sacrifice them together, it would be enough to make Chu Fengmian's recovery power even stronger.

If Chu Fengmian really couldn't be killed with one move, the strength of Zhanlong's bloodline and Jianmu would be enough to recover directly.

"Jianmu branches, if anyone can get this kind of thing and refine it into the body, he will almost gain immortality!"

"Tongtenkaku actually put this kind of thing up for auction."

"I am bound to get this Jianmu branch! If I get it, I will be safe while wandering in the void sea."

Below, countless warriors got up when they saw the tree branches, and wanted to fight for them one by one.

"I wonder if Elder Li has any plans to fight for these Jianmu branches?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Elder Li next to him, and his expression didn't seem to change much.

"Jianmu branches are good, but if you want to get them, you have to pay a lot of wealth."

Elder Li shook his head and said.

"Although such a Jianmu branch is integrated into the body, it is enough to make it full of vitality, but it will take some time to recover after suffering a fatal injury."

"In a battle between truly strong men, victory or defeat is a matter of a split second. This Jianmu branch actually doesn't have much effect. Paying a huge amount of wealth to buy him is not worth the gain."

What Elder Li was talking about was exactly the weakness of this Jianmu branch.

As if their strength has reached the high level of the life and death realm, once they fight, the winner can be determined in almost one breath, and there is no time to slowly recover from injuries.

Not only Elder Li, but also not many people in the surrounding Tianzi box thought about taking pictures.

But this is just an ordinary thing, and for Chu Fengmian, he has the blood of a war dragon, and his own recovery ability is extremely strong. If he adds the tree branches, it will be even more powerful.

It was enough to recover all the injuries in an instant, which was much more terrifying than that of the Immortal Demon Lord.

"The first item to be auctioned is a Jianmu tree branch. The starting price is 10,000 spirit stones!"

Master Lingzun saw everyone's emotions igniting and spoke at the right time.

Ten thousand spiritual stones refers to low-grade spiritual stones. The price of a king-grade spiritual stone is about ten thousand spiritual stones. As for an imperial-grade spiritual stone, it is worth a full million spiritual stones.

"Twenty thousand spiritual stones!"

"Thirty thousand spiritual stones!"

"Fifty thousand spiritual stones!"

From the crowd below, shouts rang out directly,

A respected warrior quoted one after another, and built wood branches. After all, they were the branches of the best tree in the world, and their value would never be lower than one hundred thousand spiritual stones.

The price of 10,000 spirit stones is just to get everyone involved and ignite the atmosphere.

The price skyrocketed, and soon it reached around 100,000 spirit stones.

This price is no longer affordable for some warriors.

"Two hundred thousand!"

When Chu Fengmian saw that the quotation was gradually slowing down, he suddenly spoke and shouted a price.

The Jianmu branches obtained by Chu Fengmian were indeed enough to bring considerable benefits.

What Chu Fengmian lacks most now is wealth. As long as it is beneficial to him, he will get everything in this auction.

"Mr. Chu, are you actually interested in Jianmu branches?"

Elder Li was a little surprised when he saw Chu Fengmian's bid.

He had seen Chu Fengmian's strength before. With this kind of strength close to the high level of life and death, the effect of these tree branches on Chu Fengmian should be extremely limited.

"After all, it is a branch of the greatest tree in the world. You can buy it for fun. It won't cost you much wealth anyway."

Chu Fengmian smiled casually and said.

This sentence left Elder Li speechless.

Two hundred thousand spiritual stones is the price of twenty king-grade spiritual stones.

This kind of wealth, squandered it, is just for fun.

Even Elder Li would not dare to do such extravagant things.

Feeling Elder Li's eyes looking at the nouveau riche, Chu Fengmian didn't care at all.

Jianmu branches naturally have their uses, and Chu Fengmian doesn't bother to explain. Anyway, his current image is that of a nouveau riche, so he might as well be more thorough.

"Two hundred thousand spirit stones, at this price, does anyone want to increase the price?"

After Chu Fengmian shouted out the price of 200,000 yuan, the place became much quieter.

This price is no longer affordable to many people below.

And even if they could get it, few people would pay such a high price to buy a treasure like a rib like a Jianmu branch.

"The people in Tianzi's box actually spent such a large price to buy these tree branches."

"The people in this Tianzi box are all big shots. This Jianmu branch shouldn't have much effect on them."

"Maybe he's a young man from some big force."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. We can't afford to offend the people in Tianzi's box."

A respected warrior below was talking.

In this silence, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Three hundred thousand spirit stones!"

This voice came from the box at Tianzi No. 10 next to Chu Fengmian.

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