Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 574 The Fourth Fragment

"Every time you get a fragment of the Human Emperor Jar, the power of the Human Emperor Jar will increase exponentially!"

Chu Fengmian was overjoyed. He now had three fragments of the Human Emperor Jar in his hands.

If we can get this piece again, the number of fragments of the human emperor jar will reach four, which is close to half.

Unless someone obtains all the remaining five fragments of the Human Emperor Jar, it is possible to obtain the Human Emperor Jar from Chu Fengmian's hands.

Otherwise, this human emperor jar will only be taken away by others unless Chu Fengmian dies.

It is extremely difficult to imagine the fragments of this human emperor jar. If the remaining five pieces are obtained by one person, it is almost impossible for them to be the same thing.

"I must get this fragment of the Human Emperor Jar!"

Chu Fengmian thought in his heart, he now has unlimited wealth, no matter how much it costs, he still wants to get the pieces of the human emperor jar.

"Master Chu seems to be interested in the fragments of the Jidao Immortal Armament?"

Elder Li naturally saw the surprise flashing across Chu Fengmian's face.

However, Elder Li was not surprised by Chu Fengmian's surprise. The Jidao Immortal Weapon was something legendary.

Even a fragment has not appeared in the Nine Realms for ten thousand years. A fragment is enough to cause countless sensations.

"Of course, Chu is interested in the fragments of the Jidao Immortal Armament."

Chu Fengmian said.

"Although it is just a fragment, the power contained in it is not weak."

"Yes, the power in this fragment is said to be no longer inferior to the heaven-level spiritual weapon according to rumors."

Elder Li couldn't help but sigh.

"The Jidao Immortal Weapon is a legendary thing after all. The power of a fragment is comparable to a heaven-level spiritual weapon."

"With the wealth on Mr. Chu's body, you can also compete for it, but you may not be able to get it. The fragments of this Ji Dao Immortal Weapon will probably fetch a sky-high price."

Elder Li said with a smile.

"The news of the emergence of the fragment of the Ji Dao Immortal Armament has already spread throughout the nine regions. It is said that some forces in the Central Region and the Western Region have sent people to fight for it, so it is not easy to get it."

"Well, I just have some ideas about the fragments of the Ji Dao Immortal Weapon. After all, this kind of thing can only be encountered but not sought."

Chu Fengmian smiled casually.

The big forces in the Central Region and the Western Region?

Now Chu Fengmian's wealth is comparable to that of ordinary behemoths, although it is not as good as Beimang College.

But Chu Fengmian didn't believe that Beimang College could use the spiritual spring to buy such a fragment, and Chu Fengmian had the wealth of his entire bloodline, enough to be worth half of the spiritual spring.

In terms of wealth, Chu Fengmian will not be inferior to any force.

While Chu Fengmian was talking to Elder Li, the auction hall below was already full of people.

The auction venue was extremely huge. Chu Fengmian could see at a glance that there were tens of thousands of thrones below.

Now the Ten Thousand Thrones are already filled with people, and there are no vacancies.

Chu Fengmian could already feel that all the surrounding boxes were full.

"There are more than 10,000 warriors above the strength of peak saints. There are actually so many people in this void sea."

Chu Fengmian also sighed.

A peak saint is enough to dominate a small country and is an absolute giant.

In the auction hall in front of me, all seats were occupied.

"There are not so many people on weekdays. In previous auctions, it was usually 50% full, which is not easy."

Elder Li explained with a smile.

"However, this auction is so full because the news of the birth of the six ancient D mansions has attracted countless powerful people from the nine regions."


Chu Fengmian nodded.

His spiritual sense swept down below, and he could naturally see that among the countless warriors among them, many of them had auras on their bodies and the techniques they practiced were not from the Northern Territory.

But they come from the Central Region, the Western Region and other places.

"The auction has begun."

While Chu Fengmian was talking, a voice suddenly came from below.

I saw an old man slowly walking out from the stage above.

Treasures were carried onto the stage one after another. Many of these treasures were difficult to find in the Northern Territory, and some were even extinct in ancient times.

Now, because of this ancient D mansion, it appears again.

"This old man is not simple."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the old man and saw that he was definitely a master.

In his body, there is not much spiritual power that can be detected anymore, and it seems that he does not even have the strength to control the wind.

But Chu Fengmian knew that all this was hidden by the old man. The old man's strength had reached a state of returning to his original nature, so he looked so calm.

"This old man is a great figure in Tongtian Pavilion, named Lingzun Zhenren. It is said that his realm has reached the eighth level of the life and death realm. He is a leader among the high-level life and death realms."

When Elder Li saw this old man, his face was extremely respectful.

"It seems that Tongten Pavilion attaches great importance to this auction and actually invited him to come out."

The eighth level of life and death.

The strength of the Master Ling Zun was even stronger than that of the Immortal Demon Lord. Chu Fengmian felt that with his current strength, if he fought with the Master Ling Zun, he would only be able to fight with him.

However, this is only Chu Fengmian's current strength. If Chu Fengmian refines his body to the extreme, he will be 90% sure that he can defeat the Lingzun, even if he fights with him. Behead.

"Master Lingzun! He is actually the one presiding over it."

Among the crowd below, some people recognized this spiritual master and exclaimed in amazement.

"What is the origin of this old man? How dare an old man who doesn't even have the strength to control the wind dare to host such an auction?"

There are also some warriors who are here for the first time and are confused.

"You don't even have the strength to control the wind? This spiritual master is a leader among the high-level people in the life and death realm. A real big shot. A person like you can be crushed to death with one finger."

Ling a warrior said disdainfully.

This conversation continues.


It wasn't until Master Lingzun gave a sharp shout that the whole place became completely quiet.

"This Tongtian Auction is starting now. You should also be aware of the rules of the auction. You can pay with spiritual stones, or you can use rare items to offset it. As long as the value is equal, it is enough."

Master Lingzun said.

"Of course, Tongtian Auction also has the rules of Tongtian Auction. If you can't get enough wealth through bidding, don't blame us, Tongtian Pavilion, for being rude."

When he said this, Master Lingzun's words also contained some murderous intent.

This murderous intention makes people shudder when they hear it. Although Master Lingzun did not explain it clearly, everyone knew it.

There is only one outcome for anyone who dares to disrupt the Tongtian Auction, and that is death.

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